This Spring example shows how the upload operation works using GraphQL and the Apollo Upload type.
- Create a file:
echo 'Hello World!' > hello-world.txt
- Run the example:
../gradlew bootRun
- Make a GraphQL request:
curl --location 'http://localhost:9000/graphql' \
--form 'operations="{\"query\": \"mutation upload($file:Upload){ upload(file: $file){filename type content}}\"}"' \
--form 'map="{\"blob\": [\"variables.file\"]}"' \
--form 'blob=@"./hello-world.txt"'
If the file is successfully uploaded, this is the response received and the log shown:
"data": {
"upload": {
"filename": "hello-world.txt",
"type": "text/plain",
"content": "Hello World!\n"
INFO 1584868 --- [nio-9000-exec-7] upload.UploadMutation: File uploaded: {type=text/plain, filename=hello-world.txt, content=Hello World!}