Clone iroha.git
on your directory.
git clone
cd iroha
Build depends on the environment variable IROHA_HOME
so you need to set it:
export IROHA_HOME=$(pwd)
Build on docker container for develop environment hyperledger/iroha-dev
so you need to build it:
cd docker/dev
docker build -t hyperledger/iroha-dev .
Run build script and wait for completion.
Docker image with tag hyperledger/iroha-docker:latest
will be built.
docker run -d --name=iroha -p 50051:50051 hyperledger/iroha-docker:latest
To successfully build docker image, you should be able to build it locally: follow this guilde in case of troubles.
Dev environments aimed to deploy different configurations for development purpose.
Start different containers: * node - container for deploy irohad binary and build project * postgre - container for WSW * redis - container for indexes
For run use:
Currently starts only one container - node, but in future it should deploy also container with ordering service.
For run use: