You no longer need the AppCompat library when you target API 21 or higher because most of the system APIs it wraps into SomethingCompat.whatever()
calls are now available directly. LiteX is a self-contained fork of several popular AndroidX libraries, without the AppCompat dependency.
All these libraries are intended to be drop-in replacement for the corresponding AndroidX ones, with the following exceptions:
- viewpager2 lacks the
class because it heavily relies on the specifics of AppCompat fragments, lifecycle, FragmentActivities and all other nonsense.
Add JitPack to your root build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add the libraries you need to the dependencies
section in your app project build.gradle
api 'com.github.grishka.litex:annotation:1.0'
compile 'com.github.grishka.litex:recyclerview:1.0'
compile 'com.github.grishka.litex:drawerlayout:1.0'
I won't recommend using both LiteX and AndroidX in the same project. It would probably work at the end, but you'll most likely have some conflict resolution to do.