PocketHost is designed to run full stack on your local development machine.
git clone [email protected]:benallfree/pockethost.git
cd pockethost
pnpm dev:lander # Marketing site only, talks to pockethost.io
pnpm dev:dashboard # Dashboard site only, talks to pockethost.io
pnpm dev # Everything, talks to pockethost.lvh.me
PocketHost has two frontends. Both static site generated (SSG):
- The marketing/blog site (11ty)
- The dashboard (sveltekit)
If you're only doing frontend development, it is much easier to point these at the production PocketHost backend instead of trying to run a local backend.
You can run the complete PocketHost stack locally. A simple pnpm dev
will fire up:
- Marketing/bloghttps://app.pockethost.lvh.me
- Dashboard (app)https://mothership.pockethost.lvh.me
- Mothership backendhttps://*.sfo-1.pockethost.lvh.me
- Instance worker
brew install caddy