MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems
A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
Ultra fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C with Python bindings
Columnar storage extension for Postgres built as a foreign data wrapper. Check out for a modernized columnar storage implementation built as a table access method.
Bumblebee daemon and client rewritten in C
Lua sdk for Esp32/Esp32c2/Esp32c3/Esp32c6/Esp8266/STM32L4
Scientific-grade astronomy routines for Python
Some fun things you can do with kernel modules (all "bad ideas")
Command-line utility for PCsensor and Scythe foot switches
Launchpad mini projects. Includes mspgcc installation instructions for Ubuntu
Hardware UART example for MSP430G2553 on TI Launchpad using mps430-gcc on Linux
asvetlov / zerogw
Forked from tailhook/zerogwA fast HTTP/WebSocket to zeromq gateway
solute / ultrajson
Forked from ultrajson/ultrajsonUltra fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C. Includes Python reference integration
Python C-Extension wrapping the OptiPng PNG optimizer engine.