jobrad-gmbh / odoo
Forked from odoo/odooOdoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business.
mhlabs / evb-cli
Forked from ljacobsson/evb-cliPattern generator and debugging tool for Amazon EventBridge
spring-media / ForwardTacotron
Forked from fatchord/WaveRNN⏩ Generating speech in a single forward pass without any attention!
nitsourish / Neural-Style-Transfer-on-video-data
Forked from tatonka21/Neural-Style-Transfer-on-video-dataNeural Style Transfer-Real Time Video Augmentation
pbaylies / stylegan-encoder
Forked from Puzer/stylegan-encoderStyleGAN Encoder - converts real images to latent space
Puzer / stylegan-encoder
Forked from NVlabs/styleganStyleGAN Encoder - converts real images to latent space
JohannesBuchner / imagehash
Forked from bunchesofdonald/photohashA Python Perceptual Image Hashing Module
asvetlov / zerogw
Forked from tailhook/zerogwA fast HTTP/WebSocket to zeromq gateway
Whoosh indexing capabilities for Flask-SQLAlchemy
mrdon / flask
Forked from pallets/flaskA fork of flask to support asyncio
solute / ultrajson
Forked from ultrajson/ultrajsonUltra fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C. Includes Python reference integration
almet / django-browserid
Forked from mozilla/django-browseridDjango application for adding BrowserID support.
Google Calendar in GNOME Shell
lawnsea / SleekXMPP-gevent
Forked from fritzy/SleekXMPPGevent fork of fritzy's Python 2.6+/3.1+ XMPP Library
gitready / gitready
Forked from qrush/gitreadylearn git one commit at a time.
dabeaz / py65
Forked from mnaberez/py65Simulate 6502-based microcomputer systems in Python.