Git All the Payloads! A collection of web attack payloads.
NucleiFuzzer is a robust automation tool that efficiently detects web application vulnerabilities, including XSS, SQLi, SSRF, and Open Redirects, leveraging advanced scanning and URL enumeration te…
An automation tool that enumerates subdomains then filters out xss, sqli, open redirect, lfi, ssrf and rce parameters and then scans for vulnerabilities.
NucleiScanner is a Powerful Automation tool for detecting Unknown Vulnerabilities in the Web Applications
Nucleimonst3r is a powerful vulnerability scanner that can help Bug Bounty Hunters find low hanging fruit vulnerabilities for known CVEs and exploits but also gather all the technology running behi…
This tool will check for Sensitive Data Leakage with some useful patterns/RegEx. The patterns are mostly targeted on waybackdata and filter everything accordingly.
tool used to change your IP every second your want
XSSRocket it is a tool designed for offensive security and XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.
Click-Sec Is clickjacking vuln testing tool