This is a simple example microservices application for use with Instana tutorials. It is not a reference example of how to write a microservices application, the error handling is patchy and the security is pretty much nonexistent.
The application is built using these technologies:
- NodeJS (Express)
- Java (Spark Java)
- Python (Flask)
- Golang
- MongoDB
- Redis
- MySQL (Maxmind data)
- RabbitMQ
- AngularJS (1.x)
You will need an Instana account to see the results in the Instana dashboard. If you do not already have an account, sign up for a free trail.
To build from source use Docker Compose. Optionally edit the .env file to specify an alternative image registry and version tag; see the official documentation for more information.
$ docker-compose build
If you modified the .env file and changed the image registry, you may need to push the images to that registry
$ docker-compose push
You can run it locally for testing
$ docker-compose up
If you are running it locally on a Linux host you can also run the Instana agent locally, unfortunately the agent is currently not supported on Mac.
The Docker container images are all available on Docker Hub. The deployment and service definition files using these images are in the K8s directory, use these to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster. If you pushed your own images to your registry the deployment files will need to be updated to pull from your registry; using kompose may be of assistance here.
If you want to deploy Stan's Robot Shop to Google Compute you will need to edit the K8s/web-service.yaml file and change the type from NodePort to LoadBalancer. This can also be done in the Google Compute console.
NOTE I have found some issues with kompose reading the .env correctly, just export the variables in the shell environment to work around this.
You can also run Kubernetes locally using minikube.
$ kubectl create namespace robot-shop
$ kubectl -n robot-shop create -f K8s
To deploy the Instana agent to Kubernetes, edit the instana/instana-agent.yaml file and insert your base64 encoded agent key. Your agent key is available from the Instana dashboard.
$ echo -n "your agent key" | base64
Deploy the agent
$ kubectl create -f instana/instana-agent.yaml
The agent configuration only runs the agent on nodes with the appropriate label. For minikube.
$ kubectl label node minikube agent=instana
There is also a handy script instana/ which labels all the nodes.
If you are running the store locally via docker-compose up then, the store front is available on localhost port 8080 http://localhost:8080
If you are running the store on Kubernetes via minikube then, the store front is available on the IP address of minikube port 8080. To find the IP address of your minikube instance.
$ minikube ip
If you are using a cloud Kubernetes / Openshift / Mesosphere then it will be available on the load balancer of that system. There will be specific blog posts on the Instana site covering these scenarios.
A separate load generation utility is provided in the load-gen directory. This is not automatically run when the application is started. The load generator is built with Python and Locust. The script builds the Docker image, optionally taking push as the first argument to also push the image to the registry. The registry and tag settings are loaded from the .env file in the parent directory. The script runs the image, edit this and set the HOST environment variable to point the load at where you are running the application. You could run this inside an orchestration system (K8s) as well if you want to, how to do this is left as an exercise for the reader.
To enable End User Monitoring (EUM) see the official documentation for how to create a configuration. There is no need to inject the javascript fragment into the page, this will be handled automatically. Just make a note of the unique key and set the environment variable INSTANA_EUM_KEY for the web image, see docker-compose.yaml for an example.