1. App Add to Home Screen Option.
2. App available Offline both static assets & dynamic data.
3. Background Sync, Questions,Comments, Likes done when offline is push to server when device comes online.
4. Push Notifications when a new Question of Your Intrest is added by you/Someone else.
5. Interactive Toast/Snack display during connectivity Issues.
# 1. Front End:
a. Angular 4
b. Angular Material 2
c. Rxjs
d. PouchDB
e. Service Worker
# 2. Server:
a. Node Js
b. Express JS
c. Mongoose
d. web-push
# 3. Database:
a. MongoDB
b. Firebase FCM
# 4. Build Tool: Angular-ClI
# 5. Version Control repository: Github
# 5. Cloud databse: mLab
# 6. Deployment: Heroku
# Prerequisites:
1. node
2. npm
3. angular-cli (npm install -g @angular/cli)
# Steps:
1. npm install
2. npm run local
3. open http://localhost:4200
# Deployment
1. npm run prod