automated benchmarking of recombination detection methods
nextflow run fredjaya/rec-bench --help
The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
nextflow run fredjaya/rec-bench --mode [sim/rdm/emp]
Mandatory arguments:
--mode sim Generate simulation datasets
--mode bm Detect recombination in simulated datasets and benchmark methods
--mode emp Detect recombination in empirical sequence alignments
--mode viz Parse simulation and analysis outputs for analysis
--mode div Divide sequence simulations by size for `--mode bm`
--seq [.fasta] Path to input .fasta file
Optional arguments:
--seqn [int] Required for '--mode bm'. Sequence number for benchmark analysis
--out [str] Name of output folder
--xml [.xml] SANTA-SIM .xml configuration. Defaults to santa.xml
--label ['str'] PBS queue label for '--mode bm' e.g. 'pbs_small' 'pbs_med'
--trace [t/f] Enables/disables tracing. Disable for testing and non `--mode bm`
for --mode bm
nextflow run --mode bm \
--seqn 100 \ # Analyses all n = 100
--label pbs_small \ # Submits jobs to the small queue (PBS)
--out /shared/homes/13444841/out_190917 \ # Specifies dir for sim outputs
-profile conda \
--trace false