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Shaun Williams
May 8, 2014
1bf31ac · May 8, 2014


154 lines (129 loc) · 5.06 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (129 loc) · 5.06 KB

Day 2

Today went less smoothly than our first day. There was a lot of refactoring that had to be done. The game currently initializes a still random piece at the top of the board. You can move and rotate the piece with keys.

  1. Update piece structure to know its name:

    (def pieces
      {:I {:name :I :coords [[0 0] [0 -1] [0 1] [0 2]]}
       :L {:name :L :coords [[0 0] [0 1] [1 1] [0 -1]]}
       :J {:name :J :coords [[0 0] [0 -1] [0 1] [-1 1]]}
       :S {:name :S :coords [[0 0] [-1 0] [0 -1] [1 -1]]}
       :Z {:name :Z :coords [[0 0] [-1 -1] [0 -1] [1 0]]}
       :O {:name :O :coords [[0 0] [-1 0] [-1 1] [0 1]]}
       :T {:name :T :coords [[0 0] [-1 0] [1 0] [0 1]]}})
  2. Refactored board functions to be pure and not dependent on a global state.

    (defn read-board
      "Get the current value from the given board position."
      [x y board]
      (get-in board [y x]))
    (defn write-to-board
      "Returns a new board with a value written to the given position."
      [x y value board]
      (if (coord-inside? x y)
        (assoc-in board [y x] value)
    (defn write-coord-to-board
      "Returns a new board with a value written to the given relative coordinate and position."
      [[cx cy] x y value board]
        (write-to-board (+ cx x) (+ cy y) value board))
    (defn write-coords-to-board
      "Returns a new board with a value written to the given relative coordinates and position."
      [coords x y value board]
      (if (zero? (count coords))
        (let [coord (first coords)
              rest-coords (rest coords)
              new-board (write-coord-to-board coord x y value board)]
          (recur rest-coords x y value new-board))))
    (defn write-piece-to-board
      "Returns a new board with a the given piece written to the coordinate on the board."
      [piece x y board]
      (let [value (:name piece)
            coords (:coords piece)]
        (write-coords-to-board coords x y value board)))
    (defn rotate-piece
      "Create a new piece by rotating the given piece clockwise."
      (let [new-coords (map (fn [[x y]] [(- y) x]) (:coords piece))]
        (assoc piece :coords new-coords)))
    (defn coord-empty?
      "Determines if the given coordinate on the board is empty."
      [x y board]
      (zero? (read-board x y board)))
    (defn coord-fits?
      "Determines if the given relative coordinate fits at the position on the board."
      [[cx cy] x y board]
      (let [abs-x (+ x cx)
            abs-y (+ y cy)]
        (and (coord-inside? abs-x abs-y)
             (coord-empty? abs-x abs-y board))))
    (defn piece-fits?
      "Determines if the given piece will collide with anything in the current board."
      [piece x y board]
      (every? #(coord-fits? % x y board) (:coords piece)))
  3. Added current piece to state, and draw combined state of locked pieces and current mobile piece everytime either of them changes.

    (def start-position [4 2])
    (defn get-rand-piece
      "Return a random piece."
      (pieces (rand-nth (keys pieces))))
    (def state (atom {:piece (get-rand-piece)
                      :position start-position
                      :board empty-board}))
    (defn create-drawable-board
      "Creates a new drawable board, by combining the current piece with the current board."
      (let [piece (:piece @state)
            [x y] (:position @state)
            board (:board @state)]
      (write-piece-to-board piece x y board)))
    (defn draw-state
      "Draw the current state of the board."
      (draw-board (create-drawable-board)))
    (add-watch state :draw draw-state)
  4. Added key events to try to move and rotate the current piece.

    (def key-codes {:left 37
                    :up 38
                    :right 39
                    :down 40
                    :space 32})
    (defn try-move!
      "Try moving the current piece to the given offset."
      [dx dy]
      (let [[x y] (:position @state)
            piece (:piece @state)
            board (:board @state)
            nx (+ dx x)
            ny (+ dy y)]
        (if (piece-fits? piece nx ny board)
          (swap! state assoc :position [nx ny]))))
    (defn try-rotate!
      "Try rotating the current piece."
      (let [[x y] (:position @state)
            piece (:piece @state)
            board (:board @state)
            new-piece (rotate-piece piece)]
        (if (piece-fits? new-piece x y board)
          (swap! state assoc :piece new-piece))))
    (defn add-key-events
      "Add all the key inputs."
      (.addEventListener js/window "keydown"
         (fn [e]
           (let [code (aget e "keyCode")]
               (= code (:down key-codes))  (do (try-move!  0  1) (.preventDefault e))
               (= code (:left key-codes))  (do (try-move! -1  0) (.preventDefault e))
               (= code (:right key-codes)) (do (try-move!  1  0) (.preventDefault e))
               (= code (:up key-codes))    (do (try-rotate!)     (.preventDefault e)))))))