Step 1
Install Node.js (
Step 2
Install Go from (use the OSX installer), and then:
$ which go
- If this points to /usr/local/go/bin/go, go to Step 3.
- If not, restart your terminal and try again.
- If not, add
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
to your ~/.bash_profile and then$ source ~/.bash_profile
if go is already installed, check go version:
$ go version
if the go version displayed is below 1.7.0
, follow the instructions at to:
Step 3
$ mkdir -p $HOME/go
Then, edit your ~/.bash_profile and add export GOPATH=$HOME/go
and then $ source ~/.bash_profile
Note: Refer to for detailed installation instructions.
Step 4
Finally, clone this repo:
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd steam
$ make
Note: If you do not follow above path to clone steam source, you will get build errors. golang is very specific about where the source code is cloned.
Step 5
After your build is successful you will see steam binary is available. Now initialize the (sqlite) database required for steam. To initialize the sqlite database:
make db
Now you are ready to start the server.
Step 6 Start the server as below
./steam serve master --superuser-name USER_NAME --superuser-password PASSWORD