Folders and files
Name | Name | Last commit date | ||
parent directory.. | ||||
__________ __ ___. Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Rockbox Font Collection Fonts put here need to follow a few rules: 1. All fonts must be in standard unicode encoding (ISO10646-1). ISO8859-1 would also work, but should be avoided for consistency, and converted to unicode (it's a trivial change of declaration, the actual code positions stay the same). Other encodings will break text output in rockbox for any non-ASCII text and are hence not allowed. 2. All fonts need to adhere to the following naming convention for easy browsing in rockbox: NN-Family-Variant.bdf NN is the height _in pixels_ when converted to .fnt with convbdf, zero padded for proper sorting in the file browser. "Family" is the font family (might consist of more than one part, e.g. "Adobe-Helvetica") "Variant" covers the weight and variant (might also consist of more than one part e.g. "Cond-BoldItalic"). This part should be left out if it is Regular/Normal/Medium. Do not abbreviate variant names unless they're overly long (keep in mind that the rockbox target displays vary a lot in size). 3. Fonts must have a suitable license for redistribution. 4. Fonts should be carefully selected, judging quality over quantity. A font that only covers ASCII isn't worth much. Rockbox supports a lot of languages. Reference table for theme authors Old Name New Name Remarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00-Starmap_r400-8 - removed, use another 8px font 5x7 07-Fixed 5x8 08-Fixed 6+12x13 13-Fixed 6x9 09-Fixed 6x10 10-Fixed 6x12 12-Fixed-SemiCond 6x13 13-Fixed-SemiCond 6x13B 13-Fixed-SemiCond-Bold 8x13B 13-Fixed-Bold 9+18x18 18-Fixed 9+18x18B 18-Fixed-Bold alt8x8 - removed, use another 8px font atadore 08-Atadore atari-small - removed, use another 8px font clR6x8-8859-2 08-Schumacher-Clean * courB08 - removed, use another 10px font courB14 - removed, use another 18px font Hebrew-Bold - removed, use another 8px font Hebrew-Large - removed, use another 8px font Hebrew-Medium - removed, use another 8px font Hebrew-Small - removed, use another 8px font helvR10 12-Adobe-Helvetica helvR12 15-Adobe-Helvetica helvR14 16-Adobe-Helvetica jackash-16 16-Jackash mix12 14-Rockbox-Mix namil-8 08-Namil nedore-8 08-Nedore nedore-9 09-Nedore nimbus-10 10-Nimbus nimbus-11 11-Nimbus nimbus-12 12-Nimbus nimbus-13 13-Nimbus nimbus-14 14-Nimbus nimbus-19 19-Nimbus ProFont_r400-10 10-ProFont ProFont_r400-11 11-ProFont ProFont_r400-12 12-ProFont ProFont_r400-15 15-ProFont ProFont_r400-17 17-ProFont ProFont_r400-22 22-ProFont ProFont_r400-29 29-ProFont proportional 08-Rockbox-Propfont rockbox_default 08-Schumacher-Clean * rockfont-8 08-Rockfont Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-8 08-Sazanami-Mincho Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-9 09-Sazanami-Mincho Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-10 10-Sazanami-Mincho Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-11 11-Sazanami-Mincho Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-12 12-Sazanami-Mincho Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-13 13-Sazanami-Mincho Sazanami-Mincho-Regular-14 14-Sazanami-Mincho snap 10-Artwiz-Snap ter-u12n 12-Terminus ter-u14b 14-Terminus-Bold ter-u14n 14-Terminus ter-u14v - removed, use 14-Terminus-Bold ter-u16b 16-Terminus-Bold ter-u16n 16-Terminus ter-u16v - removed, use 16-Terminus-Bold ter-u20b 20-Terminus-Bold ter-u20n 20-Terminus ter-u24b 24-Terminus-Bold ter-u24n 24-Terminus ter-u28b 28-Terminus-Bold ter-u28n 28-Terminus ter-u32b 32-Terminus-Bold ter-u32n 32-Terminus timR08 - removed, use another 11px font Tiny-Prop-5 05-Tiny Tiny-Prop-6 06-Tiny unifont 16-GNU-Unifont uwe_prop - removed, use 08-Rockbox-Propfont win_crox0c - removed, use another 10px font win_crox1c - removed, use another 13px font win_crox2c - removed, use another 16px font win_crox3c - removed, use another 20px font win_crox4h - removed, use another 24px font win_crox5t - removed, use another 27px font * this is not a mistake. Those were 2 encoding variants of the same font, which are now combined.