v0.0.4 - 2021-07-04
- service and repository require context
- git chglog
- auth: get user data from redis or jwt
- auth: save user login token to redis
- cache: add support for redis
- util: map to struct
- auth: use main db to get user data when cache is not available
- repository: move contract to each repo
- service: move contract to each svc
v0.0.3 - 2021-07-03
- move database connection to platform dir
- config: move database config to global config
- config: move database connection to platform dir
- ioc: include http delivery
- util: jwt token creation
- util: defered file closing statement
- change db migrator to Soda CLI
- attach binary tools within project
- delivery-http: create run func for delivery struct
- implement context from delivery, to services then repositories
v0.0.2 - 2021-05-30
- auth: save access token to DB
- config: create app config for app related configurations
- docs: display swagger as endpoint documentation
- ioc: configure services
- ioc: configure repository
- repo: add utility to get database from ioc
- service: add utility to get repo from ioc
- util package name
- ioc: configure token and user repo
- organize all app files in internal/app dir
- volumes setting for docker compose template
- fix little warn
- add recover middleware
- move validator to config package
- change base package name
- config: single object for all config
- readme: add architecture concept
- auth: get user data from JWT
- cors: add CORS with default configurations
- jwt: add custom JWT claims
- logger: add logger with JSON friendly outputs
- token: add token to db after jwt generated
- utils: add file utilities
- utils: add random utilities
- change validator package from config to utils
- move validator from config to utils
- auth: add auth service interface
- auth: add JWT service interface
- config: add jwt config
- database: add entry point for database config
- delivery-http: separate routes to each controller
- delivery-http: move http router to http related modules
- delivery-http: change handlers name
- repository: add entry point for repository
- repository: change repositories name
- service: add entry point to access all services
- service: change services name
- structure: directory naming aim to clean arch
- structure: move all input type to DTO
- structure: ready to implement auth middleware
- user: add user service interface
- user: add user repository interface
- util: change package name from utils to util