eSPGAN Public
Forked from Simon4Yan/eSPGANWe extend the SPGAN (our prior work in CVPR2018) to an end-to-end version, named eSPGAN. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.10551.pdf
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 1, 2020 -
PDA-Net Public
Forked from yujheli/PDA-NetThis is the repository for the implementation of PDA-Net for our ICCV 2019 paper
Python UpdatedApr 28, 2020 -
reid_baseline_with_syncbn Public
Forked from DTennant/reid_baseline_with_syncbnReimplementation of Bag of Tricks and A Strong Baseline for Deep Person Re-identification
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 3, 2020 -
Awesome-Person-Re-Identification-1 Public
Forked from FDU-VTS/Awesome-Person-Re-IdentificationAwesome Person Re-Identification
UpdatedMar 5, 2020 -
MAR Public
Forked from KovenYu/MARPytorch code for our CVPR'19 (oral) work: Unsupervised person re-identification by soft multilabel learning
Python UpdatedFeb 27, 2020 -
awesome-knowledge-distillation Public
Forked from dkozlov/awesome-knowledge-distillationAwesome Knowledge Distillation
UpdatedJan 26, 2020 -
DensePoint Public
Forked from Yochengliu/DensePointDensePoint: Learning Densely Contextual Representation for Efficient Point Cloud Processing (ICCV 2019)
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 16, 2019 -
scanobjectnn Public
Forked from hkust-vgd/scanobjectnnCode for Revisiting Point Cloud Classification: A New Benchmark Dataset and Classification Model on Real-World Data, ICCV 2019
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 10, 2019 -
hgnn Public
Forked from facebookresearch/hgnnHyperbolic Graph Neural Networks
Python Other UpdatedOct 26, 2019 -
awesome_video_person_reid Public
Forked from AsuradaYuci/awesome_video_person_reidpapers collection and understanding for video person re-identification
UpdatedOct 24, 2019 -
vision Public
Forked from pytorch/visionDatasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision
Jupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 27, 2019 -
deep-person-reid Public
Forked from KaiyangZhou/deep-person-reidDeep learning person re-identification in PyTorch.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 13, 2019 -
person-re-ranking Public
Forked from zhunzhong07/person-re-rankingPerson Re-ranking (CVPR 2017)
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 25, 2019 -
Awesome-person-re-identification Public
Forked from bismex/Awesome-person-re-identificationAwesome person re-identification
UpdatedJul 26, 2019 -
hyperbolic-image-embeddings Public
Forked from leymir/hyperbolic-image-embeddingsSupplementary code for the paper "Hyperbolic Image Embeddings".
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2019 -
deep-high-resolution-net.pytorch Public
Forked from leoxiaobin/deep-high-resolution-net.pytorchThe project is an official implementation of our CVPR2019 paper "Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation"
Cuda MIT License UpdatedApr 11, 2019 -
MMD_Loss.Pytorch Public
Forked from ZongxianLee/MMD_Loss.PytorchA pytorch implementation of Maximum Mean Discrepancies(MMD) loss
Python UpdatedMar 25, 2019 -
PointCloud-Skeletonization Public
Forked from Maswor/PointCloud-SkeletonizationAlgorithm to extract the visual skeleton of the scanned objects. Mirror from the research group's private repo.
C++ UpdatedMar 5, 2019 -
KCNet_Pytorch Public
Forked from ftdlyc/KCNet_PytorchPartial implemention of KCNet
Python UpdatedJan 20, 2019 -
mmdetection Public
Forked from open-mmlab/mmdetectionOpen MMLab Detection Toolbox
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 14, 2018 -
Meta-Learning-Papers Public
Forked from floodsung/Meta-Learning-PapersMeta Learning / Learning to Learn / One Shot Learning / Few Shot Learning
UpdatedNov 26, 2018 -
triplet-reid Public
Forked from VisualComputingInstitute/triplet-reidCode for reproducing the results of our "In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification" paper.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2018 -
MGCAM Public
Forked from developfeng/MGCAMMask data and code for 'Mask-guided Contrastive Attention Model for Person Re-Identification' (CVPR-2018)
Python UpdatedSep 20, 2018 -
Facial-Expression-Recognition.Pytorch Public
Forked from WuJie1010/Facial-Expression-Recognition.PytorchA CNN based pytorch implementation on facial expression recognition (FER2013 and CK+), achieving 73.112% (state-of-the-art) in FER2013 and 94.64% in CK+ dataset
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 15, 2018 -
COCO-Style-Dataset-Generator-GUI Public
Forked from hanskrupakar/COCO-Style-Dataset-Generator-GUIA simple GUI-based COCO-style JSON Polygon masks' annotation tool to facilitate quick and efficient crowd-sourced generation of annotation masks and bounding boxes. Optionally, one could choose to …
Python UpdatedSep 1, 2018 -