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Lab 1: Load Data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse using Azure Data Factory Pipelines

In this lab you will configure the Azure environment to allow relational data to be transferred from a SQL Server 2017 database to an Azure SQL Data Warehouse database using Azure Data Factory. The dataset you will use contains data about motor vehicle collisions that happened in New Your City from 2012 to 2019. You will use Power BI to visualise collision data loaded from Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

Lab Architecture

Lab Architecture

Step Description
1 Restore SQL Server backup from Azure Storage and Configure Azure Data Factory Self-Hosted Integration Runtime
2 Build an Azure Data Factory Pipeline to copy data from a SQL Server table
3 Use Azure Storage as a staging area for Polybase
4 Load data to an Azure SQL Data Warehouse table using Polybase
5 Visualize data from Azure SQL Data Warehouse using Power BI

IMPORTANT: Some of the Azure services provisioned by Lab0 require globally unique name and a “-suffix” has been added to their names to ensure this uniqueness. Please take note of the suffix generated as you will need it for the following resources:

Name Type
mdwcosmosdb-suffix Cosmos DB account
MDWDataFactory-suffix Data Factory (V2)
mdwdatalakesuffix Storage Account
MDWEventHubs-suffix Event Hubs Namespace
MDWKeyVault-suffix Key vault
mdwsqlvirtualserver-suffix SQL server
MDWStreamAnalytics-suffix Stream Analytics job

Connect to MDWDesktop

In this section you are going to establish a Remote Desktop Connection to MDWDesktop virtual machine.

Execute these steps on your host computer
  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to the MDW-Lab resource group and click the MDWDesktop virtual machine.
  2. On the MDWDesktop blade, from the Overview menu, click the Connect button.

  1. On the Connect to virtual machine blade, click Download RDP File. This will download a .rdp file that you can use to establish a Remote Desktop Connection with the virtual machine.

Install required software onto MDWDesktop

In this section you are going to install Power BI Desktop and Azure Data Studio on MDWDesktop.

Execute these steps inside the MDWDesktop remote desktop connection
  1. Once the RDP file is downloaded, click on it to establish an RDP connection with MDWDesktop
  2. User the following credentials to authenticate:
    - User Name: MDWAdmin
    - Password: P@ssw0rd123!
  3. Once logged in, accept the default privacy settings.
  4. Using the browser, download and install the latest version of following software. During the setup, accept all default settings:

    - Azure Data Studio (User Installer)

    Power BI Desktop (64-bit)

Restore NYCDataSets database onto MDWSQLServer

In this section you are going to connect to MDWSQLServer to restore the NYCDataSets database from backup stored in the MDWResources storage Account.

Execute these steps inside the MDWDesktop remote desktop connection
  1. Open Azure Data Studio and establish a new connection to MDWSQLServer using Windows Authentication

  1. Press Ctrl+G to expand the Servers panel
  2. Right-click the MDWSQLServer server name on the SERVERS panel and select New Query

  1. On the Query Editor window, create a new credential named [] using a Shared Access Signature (SAS). Use this SQL command:
create credential [] 
   with identity = 'SHARED ACCESS SIGNATURE',  
   secret = 'sv=2018-03-28&ss=b&srt=sco&sp=rwl&se=2050-12-30T17:25:52Z&st=2019-04-05T09:25:52Z&spr=https&sig=4qrD8NmhaSmRFu2gKja67ayohfIDEQH3LdVMa2Utykc%3D'
  1. Restore the NYCDataSets database from the backup file stored in the Azure Storage Account. The backup file name is NYCDataSets.Full.bak. The restore command should move the data file to the ‘F:\Data’ folder and the log file to the ‘F:\Log’ folder. Use this SQL command:
restore database NYCDataSets from url = ''
   with move 'NYCDataSets' to 'F:\Data\NYCDataSets.mdf'
      , move 'NYCDataSets_log' to 'F:\Log\NYCDataSets_log.ldf'

Create Azure SQL Data Warehouse database objects

In this section you will connect to Azure SQL Data Warehouse to create the database objects used to host and process data.

Execute these steps inside the MDWDesktop remote desktop connection
  1. Open Azure Data Studio. On the Servers panel, click New Connection.

  1. On the Connection Details panel, enter the following connection details:
    - Server:
    - Authentication Type: SQL Login
    - User Name: mdwadmin
    - Password: P@ssw0rd123!
    - Database: MDWASQLDW
  2. Click Connect.
  3. Right-click the server name and click New Query.

  1. On the new query window, create a new database schema named [NYC]. Use this SQL Command:
create schema [NYC]
  1. Create a new round robin distributed table named NYC.NYPD_MotorVehicleCollisions, see column definitions on the SQL Command:
create table [NYC].[NYPD_MotorVehicleCollisions](
	[UniqueKey] [int] NULL,
	[CollisionDate] [date] NULL,
	[CollisionDayOfWeek] [varchar](9) NULL,
	[CollisionTime] [time](7) NULL,
	[CollisionTimeAMPM] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
	[CollisionTimeBin] [varchar](11) NULL,
	[Borough] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[ZipCode] [varchar](20) NULL,
	[Latitude] [float] NULL,
	[Longitude] [float] NULL,
	[Location] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[OnStreetName] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[CrossStreetName] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[OffStreetName] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[NumberPersonsInjured] [int] NULL,
	[NumberPersonsKilled] [int] NULL,
	[IsFatalCollision] [int] NOT NULL,
	[NumberPedestriansInjured] [int] NULL,
	[NumberPedestriansKilled] [int] NULL,
	[NumberCyclistInjured] [int] NULL,
	[NumberCyclistKilled] [int] NULL,
	[NumberMotoristInjured] [int] NULL,
	[NumberMotoristKilled] [int] NULL,
	[ContributingFactorVehicle1] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[ContributingFactorVehicle2] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[ContributingFactorVehicle3] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[ContributingFactorVehicle4] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[ContributingFactorVehicle5] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[VehicleTypeCode1] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[VehicleTypeCode2] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[VehicleTypeCode3] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[VehicleTypeCode4] [varchar](200) NULL,
	[VehicleTypeCode5] [varchar](200) NULL
with (distribution = round_robin)

Configure the Azure Data Factory Self Hosted Integration Runtime

In this section you are going to install and configure required software onto MDWDataGateway.

Execute these steps on your host computer
  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to the MDW-Lab resource group and locate the Azure Data Factory MDWDataFactory-suffix.
  2. On the MDWDataFactory-suffix blade, click the Author & Monitor button. The Azure Data Factory portal will open on a new browser tab.

  1. On the Azure Data Factory portal, click the Author (pencil icon) button on the left-hand side menu. On the Connections tab, click Integration Runtimes.
  2. Click the + New button to create a new Integration Runtime.

  1. On the Integration Runtime Setup blade, select Perform data movement and dispatch activities to external computers and click Next.

  1. When prompted to choose what network environment the integration runtime will connect to, select Self-Hosted and click Next.