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File metadata and controls

680 lines (537 loc) · 20.5 KB


Shrine is a toolkit for file uploads in Ruby applications.

If you're new, you're encouraged to read the introductory blog post which explains the motivation behind Shrine.



gem "shrine"

Shrine has been tested on MRI 2.1, MRI 2.2, JRuby and Rubinius.


Here's a basic example showing how the file upload works:

require "shrine"
require "shrine/storage/file_system"

Shrine.storages[:file_system] ="uploads")

uploader =

uploaded_file = uploader.upload("avatar.jpg"))
uploaded_file      #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
uploaded_file.url  #=> "/uploads/9260ea09d8effd.jpg" #=>
# {
#   "storage"  => "file_system",
#   "id"       => "9260ea09d8effd.jpg",
#   "metadata" => {...},
# }

First we add the storage we want to use to Shrine's registry. Storages are simple Ruby classes which perform the actual uploads. We instantiate a Shrine with the storage name, and when we call Shrine#upload the following happens:

  • a unique location is generated for the file
  • metadata is extracted from the file
  • the underlying storage is called to store the file
  • a Shrine::UploadedFile is returned with these data

The argument to Shrine#upload needs to be an IO-like object. So, File, Tempfile and StringIO are all valid arguments. But the object doesn't have to be an actual IO, it's enough that it responds to these 5 methods: #read(*args), #size, #eof?, #rewind and #close. ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile is one such object.

The returned Shrine::UploadedFile represents the file that has been uploaded, and we can do a lot with it:

uploaded_file.url      #=> "/uploads/938kjsdf932.jpg"     #=> "..."
uploaded_file.exists?  #=> true #=> #<Tempfile:/var/folders/k7/6zx6dx6x7ys3rv3srh0nyfj00000gn/T/20151004-74201-1t2jacf>
uploaded_file.metadata #=> {...}

To read about the metadata that is stored with the uploaded file, see the metadata section. Once you're done with the file, you can delete it.



In web applications, instead of managing files directly, we rather want to treat them as "attachments" to models and to tie them to the lifecycle of records. In Shrine we do this by generating and including "attachment" modules.

Firstly we need to assign the special :cache and :store storages:

require "shrine/storage/file_system"

Shrine.storages = {
  cache:"public", subdirectory: "uploads/cache"),
  store:"public", subdirectory: "uploads/store"),

Next we should create an uploader specific to the type of files we're uploading:

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  # logic for uploading images

Now if we assume that we have a "User" model, and we want our users to have an "avatar", we can generate and include an "attachment" module:

class User
  attr_accessor :avatar_data

  include ImageUploader[:avatar]

Now our model has gained special methods for attaching avatars:

user =
user.avatar ="avatar.jpg") # uploads the file to `:cache`
user.avatar      #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
user.avatar_url  #=> "/uploads/9260ea09d8effd.jpg"
user.avatar_data #=> "{\"storage\":\"cache\",\"id\":\"9260ea09d8effd.jpg\",\"metadata\":{...}}"

The attachment module has added #avatar, #avatar= and #avatar_url methods to our User. This is what's happening:

Shrine[:avatar] #=> #<Shrine::Attachment(avatar)>
Shrine[:avatar].is_a?(Module) #=> true
Shrine[:avatar].instance_methods #=> [:avatar=, :avatar, :avatar_url, :avatar_attacher]

Shrine[:document] #=> #<Shrine::Attachment(document)>
Shrine[:document].instance_methods #=> [:document=, :document, :document_url, :document_attacher]

# If you prefer to be more explicit, you can use the expanded forms

The setter (#avatar=) caches the assigned file and writes it to the "data" column (avatar_data). The getter (#avatar) reads the "data" column and returns a Shrine::UploadedFile. The url method (#avatar_url) calls avatar.url if the attachment is present, otherwise returns nil.


Your models probably won't be POROs, so Shrine ships with plugins for Sequel and ActiveRecord ORMs. Shrine uses the "<attachment>_data" column for storing attachments, so you'll need to add it in a migration:

add_column :users, :avatar_data, :text # or a "jsonb" column if you need querying
Shrine.plugin :sequel
class User < Sequel::Model
  include ImageUploader[:avatar]

In addition to getters and setters, the ORM plugins add the appropriate callbacks:

user.avatar ="avatar.jpg")
user.avatar.storage_key #=> "cache"
user.avatar.storage_key #=> "store"
user.avatar.exists? #=> false

This is how you would typically create the form for a @user:

<form action="/users" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input name="user[avatar]" type="hidden" value="<%= @user.avatar_data %>">
  <input name="user[avatar]" type="file">

The "file" field is for file upload, while the "hidden" field is to make the file persist in case of validation errors, and for direct uploads.

Direct uploads

Shrine comes with a direct_upload plugin which provides an endpoint (implemented in Roda) that can be used for AJAX uploads.

Shrine.plugin :direct_upload # Provides a Roda endpoint
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # adds `POST /attachments/images/:storage/:name`
  mount ImageUploader.direct_endpoint => "/attachments/images"
# POST /attachments/images/cache/avatar
  "id": "43kewit94.jpg",
  "storage": "cache",
  "metadata": {
    "size": 384393,
    "filename": "nature.jpg",
    "mime_type": "image/jpeg"

There are many great JavaScript libraries for AJAX file uploads, for example this is how we could hook up jQuery-File-Upload to our endpoint:

  url: '/attachments/images/cache/avatar',
  paramName: 'file',
  done: function(e, data) { $(this).prev().value(data.result) }

This is an oversimplified implementation without any UX, it's just to show you how easy it is. The direct_upload plugin also provides a route for direct S3 uploads, see the example app for how you can do multiple uploads directly to S3.


Whenever a file is uploaded, Shrine#process is called, and this is where you're expected to define your processing.

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  def process(io, context)
    if context[:phase] == :store
      # processing...

The io is the file being uploaded, and context we'll leave for later. You may be wondering why we need this conditional. Well, when an attachment is assigned and saved, an "upload" actually happens two times. First the file is "uploaded" to :cache on assignment, and then the cached file is reuploaded to :store on save.

Ok, now how do we do the actual processing? Well, Shrine actually doesn't ship with any file processing functionality, because that is a generic problem that belongs in a separate gem. If the type of files you're uploading are images, I created the image_processing gem which you can use with Shrine:

require "image_processing/mini_magick"

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  include ImageProcessing::MiniMagick

  def process(io, context)
    if context[:phase] == :store
      process_to_limit!(, 700, 700)

Notice that we needed to call This is because the original file was already stored to :cache, and now this cached file is being uploaded to :store. The cached file is an instance of Shrine::UploadedFile, but for processing we need to work with actual files, so we first need to download it.

In general, processing works in a way that if #process returns a file, Shrine continues storing that file, otherwise if nil is returned, Shrine continues storing the original file.


If you're uploading images, often you'll want to store various thumbnails alongside your original image. For that you just need to load the versions plugin, and now in #process you can return a Hash of versions:

require "image_processing/mini_magick"

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  include ImageProcessing::MiniMagick
  plugin :versions, names: [:large, :medium, :small]

  def process(io, context)
    if context[:phase] == :store
      size_700 = process_to_limit!(, 700, 700)
      size_500 = process_to_limit!(size_700,    500, 500)
      size_300 = process_to_limit!(size_500,    300, 300)

      {large: size_700, medium: size_500, small: size_300}

As you see, instead of a complex class-level DSL, Shrine provides a very simple instance-level interface where you're in complete control over processing. The processed files are Ruby Tempfiles and they should eventually get deleted by themselves, but you can also use the moving plugin to delete them immediately after upload.

Now when you access the stored attachment, a Hash of versions will be returned instead:

user.avatar #=>
# {
#   large:  #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
#   medium: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
#   small:  #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
# }
user.avatar.class #=> Hash

# With the store_dimensions plugin
user.avatar[:large].width  #=> 700
user.avatar[:medium].width #=> 500
user.avatar[:small].width  #=> 300

# The plugin expands this method to accept version names.
user.avatar_url(:large) #=> "..."


You may have noticed the context variable as the second argument to Shrine#process. This variable contains information about the context in which the file is uploaded.

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  def process(io, context)
    puts context
user =
user.avatar ="avatar.jpg")  # "cache"                              # "store"
{:name=>:avatar, :record=>#<User:0x007fe1627f1138>, :phase=>:cache}
{:name=>:avatar, :record=>#<User:0x007fe1627f1138>, :phase=>:store}

The :name is the name of the attachment, in this case "avatar". The :record is the model instance, in this case instance of User. As for :phase, in web applications a file upload isn't an event that happens at once, it's a process that happens in phases. By default there are only 2 phases, "cache" and "store", other plugins add more of them.

Context is really useful for doing conditional processing and validation, since we have access to the record and attachment name. In general the context is used deeply in Shrine for various purposes.


Validations are registered by calling Shrine::Attacher.validate, and are best done with the validation_helpers plugin:

class DocumentUploader < Shrine
  plugin :validation_helpers

  Attacher.validate do
    # Evaluated inside an instance of Shrine::Attacher.
    if record.guest?
      validate_max_size 10*1024*1024, message: "is too large (max is 10 MB)"
      validate_mime_type_inclusion ["application/pdf"]
user =
user.resume ="resume.pdf")
user.valid? #=> false
user.errors.to_hash #=> {resume: ["is too large (max is 2 MB)"]}


By default Shrine extracts and stores general file metadata:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def create
    user = User.create(params[:user])
    user.avatar.metadata #=>
    # {
    #   "filename"  => "my_avatar.jpg",
    #   "mime_type" => "image/jpeg",
    #   "size"      => 345993,
    # }

    user.avatar.original_filename #=> "my_avatar.jpg"
    user.avatar.mime_type         #=> "image/jpeg"
    user.avatar.size              #=> 345993

MIME type

By default, "mime_type" is inherited from #content_type of the uploaded file. In case of Rails, this value is set from the Content-Type header, which the browser sets solely based on the extension of the uploaded file. This means that by default Shrine's "mime_type" is not guaranteed to hold the actual MIME type of the file.

To help with that Shrine provides the determine_mime_type plugin, which by default uses the UNIX file utility to determine the actual MIME type:

Shrine.plugin :determine_mime_type
user = User.create(avatar:"image.mp4")) # image with a .mp4 extension
user.avatar.mime_type #=> "image/png"


If you're uploading images and you want to store dimensions, you can use the store_dimensions plugin which extracts dimensions using the fastimage gem.

ImageUploader.plugin :store_dimensions
user = User.create(avatar:"image.jpg"))
user.avatar.width  #=> 400
user.avatar.height #=> 500

The fastimage gem has built-in protection against image bombs.

Custom metadata

You can also extract and store custom metadata, by overriding Shrine#extract_metadata:

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  def extract_metadata(io, context)
    metadata = super
    metadata["custom"] = extract_custom(io)

Default URL

When attachment is missing, user.avatar_url by default returns nil. This because it internally calls Shrine#default_url, which returns nil unless overriden. For custom default URLs simply override the method:

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  def default_url(context)


By default files will all be put in the same folder. If you want that each attachment has its own directory, you can use the pretty_location plugin:

Shrine.plugin :pretty_location
user = User.create(avatar:"avatar.jpg")) #=> "user/34/avatar/34krtreds2df.jpg"

If you want to generate your own locations, simply override Shrine#generate_location:

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  def generate_location(io, context)
    # your custom logic

Note that in this case should be careful to make the locations unique, otherwise dirty tracking won't be detected properly (you can use Shrine#generate_uid).

When using Shrine directly you can bypass #generate_location by passing in :location

file ="avatar.jpg"), location: "a/specific/location.jpg")

Amazon S3

So far in the examples we've only used the FileSystem storage. However, Shrine also ships with S3 storage (which internally uses the aws-sdk gem).

gem "aws-sdk", "~> 2.1"

It's typically good to use FileSystem for :cache, and S3 for :store:

require "shrine"
require "shrine/storage/file_system"
require "shrine/storage/s3"

s3_options = {
  access_key_id:     "<ACCESS_KEY_ID>",      # "xyz"
  secret_access_key: "<SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",  # "abc"
  region:            "<REGION>",             # "eu-west-1"
  bucket:            "<BUCKET>",             # "my-app"

Shrine.storages = {
  cache:"public", subdirectory: "uploads"),
user =
user.avatar.url #=> "/uploads/j4k343ui12ls9.jpg"
user.avatar.url #=> ""

If you're using S3 for both :cache and :store, saving the record will execute an S3 COPY command if possible, which avoids reuploading the file. Also, the versions plugin takes advantage of S3's MULTI DELETE capabilities, so versions are deleted with a single HTTP request.

Background jobs

Unlike other uploading libraries, Shrine embraces that putting phases of file upload into background jobs is essential for scaling and good user experience, so it ships with background_helpers plugin which makes backgrounding really easy:

Shrine.plugin :background_helpers
Shrine::Attacher.promote { |data| UploadJob.perform_async(data) }
Shrine::Attacher.delete { |data| DeleteJob.perform_async(data) }
class UploadJob
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  def perform(data)
class DeleteJob
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  def perform(data)

The above puts all promoting (moving to store) and deleting of files into a background Sidekiq job. Obviously instead of Sidekiq you can just as well use any other backgrounding library.

Seamless user experience

In combination with direct upload for caching, this provides a completely seamless user experience. First the user ansynchronosuly caches the file and hopefully sees a nice progress bar. After this is finishes and user submits the form, promoting will be kicked off into a background job, and the record will be saved with the cached file If your cache is public (e.g. in the "public" folder), the end user will immediately see their uploaded file, because the URL will point to the cached version.

In the meanwhile, what #promote does is it uploads the cached file :store, and writes the stored file to the column. When the record gets saved, the URL will switch from filesystem to S3, but the user won't even notice that something happened, because they will still see the same file.


This solution is completely agnostic about what kind of attachment it is uploading/deleting, and for which model. This means that all attachments can use this same worker. Also, there is no need for any extra columns.


It is possible that the user changes their mind and reuploads a new file before the background job finished promoting. With a naive implementation, this means that after uploading a new file, there can happen a brief moment where the user sees the old file again, which can be upsetting.

Shrine handles this gracefully. After #promote uploads the cached file to :store, it checks if the cached file still matches the file in the record column. If the files are different, that means the user uploaded a new attachment, and Shrine won't do the replacement. Additionally, this job is idempotent, meaning it can be safely repeated in case of failure.

Clearing cache

Your :cache storage will grow over time, so you'll want to periodically clean it. If you're using FileSystem as your :cache, you can put this in a scheduled job:

file_system = Shrine.storages[:cache]
file_system.clear!(older_than: 1.week.ago) # adjust the time

If your :cache is S3, Amazon provides settings for automatic cache clearing, see this article.


Shrine comes with a small core which provides only the essential functionality. However, it comes with a lot of additional features which can be loaded via plugins. This way you can choose exactly how much Shrine does for you. Shrine itself ships with over 25 plugins, most of them I haven't managed to cover here.

The plugin system respects inheritance, so you can choose which plugins will be applied to which uploaders:

Shrine.plugin :logging # enables logging for all uploaders

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  plugin :store_dimensions # stores dimensions only for this uploader


Shrine was heavily inspired by Refile and Roda. From Refile it borrows the idea of "backends" (here named "storages"), attachment interface, and direct uploads. From Roda it borrows the implementation of an extensible plugin system.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.