Use the power of Type inference to ensure the correctness of the styles in your application.
This example is using an older version of elm-css, please make sure you are installing the correct versions.
npm install [email protected] [email protected] -g
elm-app install rtfeldman/elm-css 9.1.0 -y
elm-app install rtfeldman/elm-css-helpers 2.1.0 -y
Import the compiled stylesheet.
import './main.css';
module SharedStyles exposing (CssClasses(..), triviaNamespace)
import Html.CssHelpers exposing (withNamespace)
type CssClasses
= ConfigForm
| TriviaContainer
triviaNamespace =
withNamespace "trivia"
The module, that controls the compilation of CSS file.
port module Stylesheets exposing (..)
import Css.File exposing (CssCompilerProgram, CssFileStructure)
import TriviaCss
port files : CssFileStructure -> Cmd msg
fileStructure : CssFileStructure
fileStructure =
[ ( "src/main.css", Css.File.compile [ TriviaCss.css ] ) ]
main : CssCompilerProgram
main =
Css.File.compiler files fileStructure
The actual stylesheet witht CSS rules.
module TriviaCss exposing (..)
import Css exposing (..)
import Css.Elements exposing (body)
import Css.Namespace exposing (namespace)
import SharedStyles exposing (triviaNamespace, CssClasses(..))
css =
(stylesheet << namespace
[ class ConfigForm
[ maxWidth (px 300)
, margin2 (px 0) auto
, class TriviaContainer
[ textAlign center ]
npm install [email protected] [email protected] -g
elm-app install rtfeldman/elm-css 9.1.0 -y
elm-app install rtfeldman/elm-css-helpers 2.1.0 -y
elm-css src/Stylesheets.elm
elm-app build
This project is bootstrapped with Create Elm App.