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Example analysis using svtools

This tutorial will help you begin to explore the use of svtools to analyze an SV VCF. It will help you to satisfy the computing environment requirements, gather the required genomic data, and walk through basic analysis using svtools. This tutorial includes example commands that you can alter to refer to your sample names.

Table of Contents

  1. Satisfy computing environment requirements
  2. Gather genomic data and generate needed helper files
  3. Use svtools to create a callset
    1. Use vawk to remove homozygous reference variants from SpeedSeq SV VCFs
    2. Use svtools lsort to combine and sort variants from multiple samples
    3. Use svtools lmerge to merge variant calls likely representing the same variant in the sorted VCF
    4. Use svtools genotype to genotype all samples for all variants present in the merged set for variant positions discovered in other samples
    5. Use svtools copynumber to create per-sample copynumber annotations based on CNVnator histograms
      1. Prepare environment for CNVnator
      2. Make an uncompressed copy
      3. Make coordinate file
      4. Annotate variants with copynumber from CNVnator using svtools copynumber
    6. Use svtools vcfpaste to construct a VCF that pastes together the individual genotyped and copynumber annotated vcfs
    7. Use svtools prune to filter out additional variant calls likely representing the same variant
  4. Use svtools classify to refine genotypes and SV types
    1. Generate a repeat elements BED file
      1. MEI file generation for hg19
      2. MEI file generation for GRCh38
    2. Generate a file specifying the number of X chromosome copies in each person
    3. Download a file of high-quality, simple deletions and duplications
    4. Generate a VCF of training variants
    5. Run svtools classify

Satisfy computing environment requirements

Install SpeedSeq and dependencies

Installation instructions for SpeedSeq are available in the SpeedSeq github repository.

Install svtools

Installation instructions have been provided in the and of this repo.

Gather genomic data and generate needed helper files

Get a Reference FASTA

We recommend using the GRCh37 human genome for SpeedSeq, available here:


Note: The genome FASTA file should be unzipped and indexed with BWA before running SpeedSeq.

Get or Create SpeedSeq aligned BAMs, splitter BAM files, and SV VCF files

To get a small set of BAM files suitable for this tutorial, we recommend getting 3 BAMs from in the NA12878 pedigree. A simple command line to achieve this is listed below. Or you could try the Aspera client.


Downloading these BAMs will consume a significant amount of time, bandwidth and disk space (~317GB). Follow the documentation on the SpeedSeq Github page to run speedseq realign and speedseq sv on these BAMs. This will produce the required files for the rest of this tutorial.

Note: Make certain to run speedseq sv using the following options: -v -d -P -g -k option as subsequent steps will utilize CNVnator files in the temporary directories, assume that SVTyper has been run and require LUMPY's probability curves.

Use svtools to create a callset

Use svtools lsort to combine and sort variants from multiple samples

svtools lsort takes a space separated list of all of the LUMPY VCF files generated in the previous step as arguments or a file containing a single column with the paths to the LUMPY VCF files. The example below shows us combining three samples. The output of this step is one sorted and compressed VCF file containing all variants detected in the three input files. This works well, even for thousands of samples, but for very large callsets (> 10,000 samples), we recommend a tiered merging strategy as described here.

svtools lsort \
| bgzip -c > sorted.vcf.gz

Note: svtools lsort will remove variants with the SECONDARY tag in the INFO field. This will cause the sorted VCF to have fewer variant lines than the input.

Use svtools lmerge to merge variant calls likely representing the same variant in the sorted VCF

This works well, even for thousands of samples, but for very large callsets (> 10,000 samples), we recommend a tiered merging strategy as described here.

zcat sorted.vcf.gz \
| svtools lmerge -i /dev/stdin -f 20 \
| bgzip -c > merged.vcf.gz

Note: svtools lmerge will return variant lines for SECONDARY breakends in addition to merging variants. This will sometimes cause the merged VCF to have more variant lines than the input.

Use svtools genotype to genotype all samples for all variants present in the merged set

svtools genotype will calculate a genotype for each sample at the variant positions in the merged.vcf.gz file. It requires the aligned BAM for each sample (it no longer requires a splitters BAM). We highly recommend you use the -l option to output a json file of library information. This step will output a fully genotyped VCF file for each sample. You will also need to prepare a gt subdirectory to store the output of these commands to avoid name collisions with the upcoming copynumber output.

mkdir -p gt

zcat merged.vcf.gz \
| vawk --header '{  $6="."; print }' \
| svtools genotype \
  -B NA12877.bam \
  -l NA12877.bam.json \
| sed 's/PR...=[0-9\.e,-]*\(;\)\{0,1\}\(\t\)\{0,1\}/\2/g' - \
> gt/NA12877.vcf

You will need to repeat the svtools genotype command above for the other two samples (NA12878, NA12879) as well.

Use svtools copynumber to create per-sample copynumber annotations based on CNVnator histograms

Prepare environment for CNVnator

CNVnator requires the ROOT package to function. This file must be sourced before running CNVnator.

source /gsc/pkg/root/root/bin/

Make an uncompressed copy

This will be used to create the coordinate file in the next step.

zcat merged.vcf.gz > merged.vcf

Make coordinate file

CNVnator will return the copynumber for a list of coordinates. This script will create such a list and is deployed upon installation of svtools.

create_coordinates -i merged.vcf -o coordinates

Note: The last line of this file should be the word "exit". This is intentional and required by CNVnator. .

Annotate variants with copynumber from CNVnator using svtools copynumber

This step assumes you have already run CNVnator and that the output required for this step is stored in your analysis directory at /temp/cnvnator-temp/NA12877.bam.hist.root. If you have installed SpeedSeq, CNVnator is run as part of speedseq sv. More details about speedseq sv are here

You will also need to prepare a subdirectory to hold the copynumber(cn) VCF files

mkdir -p cn

Then run svtools copynumber to add in copynumber values to non-BND variants.

svtools copynumber \
--cnvnator cnvnator \
-s NA12877 \
-w 100 \
-r /temp/cnvnator-temp/NA12877.bam.hist.root \
 -c coordinates \
 -i gt/NA12877.vcf \
> cn/NA12877.vcf

Note: The argument to the --cnvnator option of svtools copynumber may need to be the full path to the cnvnator executable included as part of SpeedSeq. This example assumes that you used cnvnator and it is installed system-wide. Older versions of SpeedSeq used cnvnator-multi. You should use whichever version of cnvnator that was used to generate your root files.

Use svtools vcfpaste to construct a VCF that pastes together the individual genotyped and copynumber annotated vcfs

svtools vcfpaste takes the list of the VCFs generated that contain the additional information for every sample that we have been building up step by step. In this tutorial we call that file cn.list and it contains one column that holds the path to the VCF files generated in the previous step.

To generate the cn.list file:

ls -1 cn/*vcf > cn.list

Then run svtools vcfpaste to re-assemble a cohort-level VCF file

svtools vcfpaste \
-m merged.vcf \
-f cn.list \
-q \
| bgzip -c \

Use svtools prune to filter out additional variants deemed to be identical

zcat \
| svtools afreq \
| svtools vcftobedpe \
| svtools bedpesort \
| svtools prune -s -d 100 -e "AF" \
| svtools bedpetovcf \
| bgzip -c >

Use svtools classify to refine genotypes and SV types

The classifier can be run in several modes depending on the sample size. For this tutorial we will use the 'naive_bayes' mode. For additional information about the classifier go here.

Generate a repeat elements BED file

All svtools classify commands require a BED file of repeats for classifying Mobile Element Insertions (MEI). This can be created from the UCSC genome browser.

MEI file generation for hg19

curl -s \
| gzip -cdfq \
| awk '{ gsub("^chr", "", $6); if ($3<200) print $6,$7,$8,$12"|"$13"|"$11,$3,$10 }' OFS="\t" \
| sort -k1,1V -k2,2n -k3,3n \
| awk '$4~"LINE" || $4~"SINE" || $4~"SVA"' \
| bgzip -c > repeatMasker.recent.lt200millidiv.LINE_SINE_SVA.b37.sorted.bed.gz

MEI file generation for GRCh38

curl -s \
| gzip -cdfq \
| awk '{ if ($3<200) print $6,$7,$8,$12"|"$13"|"$11,$3,$10 }' OFS="\t" \
| sort -k1,1V -k2,2n -k3,3n \
| awk '$4~"LINE" || $4~"SINE" || $4~"SVA"' \
| bgzip -c > repeatMasker.recent.lt200millidiv.LINE_SINE_SVA.GRCh38.sorted.bed.gz```

Generate a file specifying the number of X chromosome copies in each person

All svtools classify commands require a tab-delimited file with two columns. The first column is the sample id and the second column is a number indicating the number of X chromosomes in the sample. Thus there should be a 1 for males and a 2 for females.

echo -e 'NA12877\t1\nNA12878\t2\nNA12879\t2' >

Download a file of high-quality, simple deletions and duplications

To run in 'naive_bayes' mode, you will need training data. We have created a curated BEDPE file of high-quality, simple deletions and duplications. (Alternatively you can create your own.)

curl -O

Generate a VCF of training variants

You need to find the subset of high-quality training variants that overlap your dataset, e.g., using svtools varlookup, to produce a VCF of training data.

zcat \
| svtools vcftobedpe  \
| svtools varlookup -a stdin -b training_vars.bedpe.gz -c HQ -d 50 \
| svtools bedpetovcf \
| svtools vcfsort \
| vawk --header '{if(I$HQ_AF>0) print $0}' \
| bgzip -c > training.vars.vcf.gz

Run svtools classify

The training VCF is then provided as an input to the classifier.

zcat \
|  svtools classify \
-g \
-a repeatMasker.recent.lt200millidiv.LINE_SINE_SVA.b37.sorted.bed.gz \
-m naive_bayes \
-t training.vars.vcf.gz \
| bgzip -c > output.nb.vcf.gz