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Nearley-Identify codecov Build Status

Adapts existing Nearley-compatible lexers such as moo to emit indent and dedent tokens in order to support indent-aware languages like Python.

Basic Usage

const IndentifyLexer = require("@shieldsbetter/nearley-indentify");

const indentAwareLexer = new IndentifyLexer(mooLexer());

    Hello World!
        Here's some
    And dedentation

let token =;
while (token) {
  console.log({ type: token.type, value: token.value });

  token =;

function mooLexer() {
  return require("moo").compile({
    ws: /[ \t]+/,
    nonws: /[^ \t\n]+/,
    newline: { match: /\n/, lineBreaks: true }


{ type: 'nonws', value: 'Hello' }
{ type: 'ws', value: ' ' }
{ type: 'nonws', value: 'World!' }
{ type: 'eol', value: '\n' }
{ type: 'indent', value: '        ' }
{ type: 'nonws', value: 'Here\'s' }
{ type: 'ws', value: ' ' }
{ type: 'nonws', value: 'some' }
{ type: 'eol', value: '\n' }
{ type: 'nonws', value: 'indentation' }
{ type: 'eol', value: '\n' }
{ type: 'dedent', value: '    ' }
{ type: 'nonws', value: 'And' }
{ type: 'ws', value: ' ' }
{ type: 'nonws', value: 'dedentation' }
{ type: 'eol', value: '\n' }

Detailed Operation

Resulting lexers are themselves Nearley-compatible. Input is provided by a call to reset(), and tokens are read by repeatedly calling next() until it returns undefined. Generated alignment tokens can be recognized by having a type field equal to indent, dedent, or eol. All other tokens will be as they were produced by the base lexer.

To fully understand available options, it's important to understand the parsing algorithm, which is as follows:

  1. Tokens from the base lexer are categorized by options.controlTokenRecognizer as "newline"-type tokens, "indent"-type tokens, or neither.
  2. The base tokens are then conceptually partitioned into lines, each terminated by one of the "newline"-type base tokens, plus one line terminated by the end of the stream. There will thus always be (n + 1) conceptual lines, where n is the number of "newline"-type base tokens.
  3. Each line is then itself conceptually partitioned into an indent prefix, which is a (possibly-empty) list of "indent"-type base tokens that appear before any non-"indent"-type base token, and the line's content, which is a (possibly-empty) list of non-"newline"-type base tokens that fall after the indent prefix but before the "newline"-type base token or end of stream that terminates the conceptual line. The terminating "newline"-type base token (if any) is discarded.
  4. For each conceptual line in sequence,
    1. If the line's content is empty, we call options.emptyLineStrategy() and take no further action. By default, this means no tokens are emitted by the indentified lexer and the parser's internal indent level is not changed.
    2. Otherwise, with a non-empty content, options.determineIndentationLevel() will be used to assign a numeric indentation level to the indent prefix, then:
      1. If no internal indent level has been established, or the numeric indentation level is equal to the established level, the internal indent level will be set to the newly calculated level, then the indentified lexer will simply begin emitting the content of the line, followed by an eol token as built by options.buildToken().
      2. Otherwise, we emit an indent token or dedent token as built by options.buildToken() (for larger indent levels or smaller indent levels, respectively), then set the internal indent level to the new level. Then, we emit the content of the line, followed by an eol.

Required Base Lexer Interface

Base lexers should conform to the interace expected by Nearley. Nearley doesn't fully specify how token streams are terminated, but we assume moo-like behavior and specify that wrapped lexers must return undefined from next() when there are no further tokens.

Tokens from the next() method of the base lexer must objects with the Nearley-specified value field, but there are no other requirements under the default configuration. If custom options.controlTokenRecognizer() or options.buildToken() functions are specified, tokens must additionally be acceptable to them. The default control token recognizer requires only a value field and the default token builder requires only that base tokens are objects.


Additional options may be passed during construction via the second constructor argument. For example:

const indentAwareLexer = new IndentifyLexer(existingLexer, {
  determineIndentationLevel: (asString, tokens) => tokens.length

Available options are:

  • controlTokenRecognizer - a baseToken => controlTokenType function that partitions base tokens into categories.

    The input, baseToken, will be a token as returned from the wrapped lexer, and the output, controlTokenType should be a string value or undefined. The function should return "indent" for indentation tokens, "newline" for newline tokens, and undefined for all other tokens.

    The default function categorizes base token's with a value field match /[ \t]+/ as "indent"-type, matching /[\n\r]+/ as "newline"-type, and anything else as neither.

  • determineIndentationLevel - a (indentTokens, indentAsString, indentBreakingToken, previousLevel) => indentLevel function that determines the numerical indentation depth of a given non-empty line.

    The first parameter, indentTokens, will be the indent prefix of the line, i.e. an array of contiguous "indent"-type base lexer tokens that were encountered before the first non-"indent"-type token of the line.

    The second parameter, indentAsString, will be the concatenation of the value field of each of the tokens in indentTokens; i.e.: the result of => t.value).reduce((accum, val) => accum + val, '').

    The third parameter, indentBreakingToken, will be the first non-"indent"-type token of the line.

    The fourth parameter, previousLevel, will be a number indicating the parser's currently established indentation level, or undefined if no indentation depth has yet been established. This can be useful when one wishes to ignore the actual indent prefix of the line and instead "force" the line to exist at a particular level relative to the current indentation level. For example, one may wish to have comment lines always exist at the previously established level, irrespective of their indent level.

    The return value should be a number representing the depth of the indent of the line. Indent levels need not be integers nor contiguous. The only requirements are that equivalent levels of indent yield the same number, "deeper" levels of indent yield numbers greater than "shallower" levels, and "shallower" levels of indent yield numbers less than "deeper" levels.

  • emptyLineStrategy - a (newlineToken, emit) => {} strategy to be executed upon encountering a line consisting of only zero or more "indent"-type base tokens and no content.

    The first parameter, newlineToken, will be the "newline"-type base token that triggered the end of the conceptual line, or undefined if the end of line was triggered because the end of the stream was reached.

    The second parameter, emit, is a function that may be called to add tokens into the indent-aware lexer's stream. This can be useful, for example, when you'd like empty lines to get their own eol-type token.

    The default value is () => {}, which emits no tokens when encountering an empty line.

    Any returned value will be ignored.

  • lineListeners - an array of (indentTokens, indentAsString, indentBreakingToken, indentBreakingTokenType) => {} strategies to be executed after the full indent prefix of each line is parsed but before the token that broke the indent prefix is emitted.

    This can be useful, for example, to check that indent strings use consistent indent characters (indeed, the default provides this functionality).

    The first and second parameters, indentTokens and indentAsString, will reflect the line's indent prefix as described for the determineIndentationLevel option.

    The third parameter, indentBreakingToken, will be the non-indent token that broke the indent prefix, which may be a "newline"-type token if the line is blank, or undefined if the indent prefix was broken by the end of the base token stream.

    The fourth parameter, indentBreakingTokenType, will be the result of applying options.controlTokenRecognizer() to indentBreakingToken, or undefined if indentBreakingToken is itself undefined.

    Any returned value will be ignored.

    The default is [ new IndentifyLexer.ConsistentIndentEnforcer() ], which ensures that the shared prefix of characters forming the indent from line to line does not change and raises an Error if it does.

  • tokenBuilder - a transformation function from a base token to a derived alignment token, of the form (type, value, baseToken) => alignmentToken.

    The first parameter, type, will be a string representing the intended type of the derived token (one of "indent", "dedent", or "newline"). value will be the concatenated value fields of the base tokens that were swallowed to be transformed into the alignment token being requested.

    The return value should be the requested alignment token, ready to be emitted into the token stream. Nearley-Indentify performs no further processing on these returned tokens and they are unconstrained other than the need to be acceptable to the token consumer.

    The default is:

    (type, value, baseToken) => {
      const token = clone(baseToken);
      token.type = type;
      token.value = value;
      return token;

    Where clone() is clone.


  • IndentifyLexer.ConsistentIndentEnforcer - a line listener, suitable to provide to options.lineListeners, that enforces consistent indentation between lines.

    "Consistent" here means that the string indent prefix of contiguous non-empty lines at the same numerical indent level are the same string, the indent prefix of indented non-empty lines are prefixed by the indent prefix of the previous less-indented non-empty line, and the indent prefix of dedented non-empty lines forms a prefix of the indent prefix of the previous more-indented non-empty line.


Adapter for nearley lexers to make them indent-aware.







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