A personal sandbox project to experience the new features of the Quarkus framework.
- Kickstart your first Quarkus application
- Building a Spring web application with Quarkus
- Interacting with REST APIs
- Building reactive APIs with Quarkus
Name | Description |
post-service | Simple CURD RESTful APIs using Resteasy, Hibernate |
spring | CRUD RESTful APIs using Spring DI, Spring Data JPA, Spring WebMvc |
munity | CRUD RESTful APIs using Smallrye Munity and Reactive Postgre client |
restclient | Rest Client using MP RestClient spec |
restclient-kolin | Rest Client using MP RestClient spec, but written in Kotlin. |
restclient-jaxrs | Rest Client using Jaxrs Client API. |
restclient-java11 | Rest Client using Java 11 HttpClient API. |
restclient-munity | Rest Client using Vertx Muntiy WebClient API. |
resteasy-reactive | Resteasy Reactive, Hibernate Reactive, Smallrye Munity example. |
java8-hibernate-reactive | Java 8 CompletablFuture, Hibernate Reactive Example. |
mutiny-hibernate-reactive | Resteasy, Hibernate Reactive, Smallrye Munity example. |
vertx-routes-munity | Simple CRUD RESTful APIs using Vertx Router and Reactive PgClient with Munity APIs. |
multipart | Multipart examples |
amqp | AMQP, MP reactive messaging and JAXRS SSE examples |
GraphQL | GraphQL example using MP GraphQL/Smallrye GraphQL |
GraphQL Client | GraphQL Client example using MP GraphQL/Smallrye GraphQL |
The following examples used Java 8 or RxJava 2 based Reactive Postgres Client which is depreacted and not available in the latest Qukarus.
Name | Description |
java8 | Simple CRUD RESTful APIs but using Java 8 CompletionStage and Reactive Postgre Client |
rxjava2 | CRUD RESTful APIs using RxJava 2 and Reactive Postgre client |
vertx-routes | Simple CRUD RESTful APIs using Vertx Router . |