This is a header-only single-file std::filesystem
compatible helper library,
based on the C++17 and C++20 specs, but implemented for C++11, C++14, C++17 or C++20
(tightly following the C++17 standard with very few documented exceptions). It is currently tested on
macOS 10.12/10.14/10.15, Windows 10, Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 7, CentOS 8, FreeBSD 12
and Alpine ARM/ARM64 Linux but should work on other systems too, as long as you have
at least a C++11 compatible compiler. It should work with Android NDK, Emscripten and I even
had reports of it being used on iOS (within sandboxing constraints).
It is of course in its own namespace ghc::filesystem
to not interfere with a regular std::filesystem
should you use it in a mixed C++17
environment (which is possible).
Test coverage is well above 90%, and starting with v1.3.6 and in v1.5.0 more time was invested in benchmarking and optimizing parts of the library. I'll try to continue to optimize some parts and refactor others, striving to improve it as long as it doesn't introduce additional C++17/C++20 compatibility issues. Feedback is always welcome. Simply open an issue if you see something missing or wrong or not behaving as expected and I'll comment.
I'm often in need of filesystem functionality, mostly fs::path
, but directory
access too, and when beginning to use C++11, I used that language update
to try to reduce my third-party dependencies. I could drop most of what
I used, but still missed some stuff that I started implementing for the
fun of it. Originally I based these helpers on my own coding- and naming
conventions. When C++17 was finalized, I wanted to use that interface,
but it took a while, to push myself to convert my classes.
The implementation is closely based on chapter 30.10 from the C++17 standard
and a draft close to that version is
Working Draft N4687.
It is from after the standardization of C++17 but it contains the latest filesystem
interface changes compared to the
Working Draft N4659.
Staring with v1.4.0, when compiled using C++20, it adapts to the changes according to path sorting order
and std::u8string
handling from Working Draft N4860.
I want to thank the people working on improving C++, I really liked how the language evolved with C++11 and the following standards. Keep on the good work!
If you ask yourself, what ghc
is standing for, it is simply
gulraks helper classes
, yeah, I know, not very imaginative, but I wanted a
short namespace and I use it in some of my private classes (so it has nothing
to do with Haskell, sorry for the name clash).
is developed on macOS but CI tested on macOS, Windows,
various Linux Distributions and FreeBSD. It should work on any of these with a C++11-capable
compiler. Also there are some checks to hopefully better work on Android, but
as I currently don't test with the Android NDK, I wouldn't call it a
supported platform yet, same is valid for using it with Emscripten. It is now
part of the detected platforms, I fixed the obvious issues and ran some tests with
it, so it should be fine. All in all, I don't see it replacing std::filesystem
where full C++17 or C++20 is available, it doesn't try to be a "better"
, just an almost drop-in if you can't use it (with the exception
of the UTF-8 preference).
ℹ️ Important: This implementation is following the "UTF-8 Everywhere" philosophy in that all
instances will be interpreted the same as std::u8string
wise and as being in UTF-8. The std::u16string
will be seen as UTF-16. See Differences in API
for more information.
Unit tests are currently run with:
- macOS 10.12: Xcode 9.2 (clang-900.0.39.2), GCC 9.2, Clang 9.0, macOS 10.13: Xcode 10.1, macOS 10.14: Xcode 11.2, macOS 10.15: Xcode 11.6
- Windows: Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2019, MinGW GCC 6.3 (Win32), GCC 7.2 (Win64), Cygwin GCC 10.2 (no CI yet)
- Linux (Ubuntu): GCC (5.5, 6.5, 7.4, 8.3, 9.2), Clang (5.0, 6.0, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0)
- Linux (Alpine ARM/ARM64): GCC 9.2.0
- FreeBSD: Clang 8.0
The header comes with a set of unit-tests and uses CMake as a build tool and Catch2 as test framework. All tests are registered with in CMake, so the ctest commando can be used to run the tests.
All tests against this implementation should succeed, depending on your environment it might be that there are some warnings, e.g. if you have no rights to create Symlinks on Windows or at least the test thinks so, but these are just informative.
To build the tests from inside the project directory under macOS or Linux just:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
This generates the test binaries that run the tests and the last command executes them.
If the default compiler is a GCC 8 or newer, or Clang 7 or newer, it
additionally tries to build a version of the test binary compiled against GCCs/Clangs
implementation, named std_filesystem_test
as an additional test of conformance. Ideally all tests should compile and
succeed with all filesystem implementations, but in reality, there are
some differences in behavior, sometimes due to room for interpretation in
in the standard, and there might be issues in these implementations too.
The latest release version is v1.5.4 and source archives can be found here.
The latest pre-native-backend version is v1.4.0 and source archives can be found here.
The latest pre-C++20-support release version is v1.3.10 and source archives can be found here.
Currently only the latest minor release version receives bugfixes, so if possible, you should use the latest release.
As ghc::filesystem
is at first a header-only library, it should be enough to copy the header
or the include/ghc
directory into your project folder or point your include path to this place and
simply include the filesystem.hpp
header (or ghc/filesystem.hpp
if you use the subdirectory).
Everything is in the namespace ghc::filesystem
, so one way to use it only as
a fallback could be:
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <Availability.h> // for deployment target to support pre-catalina targets without std::fs
#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201703L)) && defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<filesystem>) && (!defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) || __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101500)
#define GHC_USE_STD_FS
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
#ifndef GHC_USE_STD_FS
#include <ghc/filesystem.hpp>
namespace fs = ghc::filesystem;
Note that this code uses a two-stage preprocessor condition because Visual Studio 2015
doesn't like the (<...>)
syntax, even if it could cut evaluation early before. This code also
used the minimum deployment target to detect if std::filesystem
really is available on macOS
Note also, this detection now works on MSVC versions prior to 15.7 on, or without setting
the /Zc:__cplusplus
compile switch that would fix __cplusplus
on MSVC. (Without the switch
the compiler always reports 199711L
works without it.
If you want to also use the fstream
wrapper with path
support as fallback,
you might use:
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <Availability.h> // for deployment target to support pre-catalina targets without std::fs
#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201703L)) && defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<filesystem>) && (!defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) || __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101500)
#define GHC_USE_STD_FS
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs {
using namespace std::filesystem;
using ifstream = std::ifstream;
using ofstream = std::ofstream;
using fstream = std::fstream;
#ifndef GHC_USE_STD_FS
#include <ghc/filesystem.hpp>
namespace fs {
using namespace ghc::filesystem;
using ifstream = ghc::filesystem::ifstream;
using ofstream = ghc::filesystem::ofstream;
using fstream = ghc::filesystem::fstream;
Now you have e.g. fs::ofstream out(somePath);
and it is either the wrapper or
the C++17 std::ofstream
ℹ️ Be aware, as a header-only library, it is not hiding the fact, that it
uses system includes, so they "pollute" your global namespace. Use the
forwarding-/implementation-header based approach (see below) to avoid this.
For Windows it needs Windows.h
and it might be a good idea to define
prior to including filesystem.hpp
headers to reduce pollution of your global namespace and compile
time. They are not defined by ghc::filesystem
to allow combination with contexts
where the full Windows.h
is needed, e.g. for UI elements.
ℹ️ Hint: There is an additional header named ghc/fs_std.hpp
that implements this
dynamic selection of a filesystem implementation, that you can include
instead of ghc/filesystem.hpp
when you want std::filesystem
available and ghc::filesystem
where not.
Alternatively, starting from v1.1.0 ghc::filesystem
can also be used by
including one of two additional wrapper headers. These allow to include
a forwarded version in most places (ghc/fs_fwd.hpp
) while hiding the
implementation details in a single cpp file that includes ghc/fs_impl.hpp
implement the needed code. Using ghc::filesystem
this way makes sure
system includes are only visible from inside the cpp file, all other places are clean.
Be aware, that it is currently not supported to hide the implementation into a Windows-DLL, as a DLL interface with C++ standard templates in interfaces is a different beast. If someone is willing to give it a try, I might integrate a PR but currently working on that myself is not a priority.
If you use the forwarding/implementation approach, you can still use the dynamic switching like this:
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <Availability.h> // for deployment target to support pre-catalina targets without std::fs
#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201703L)) && defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<filesystem>) && (!defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) || __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101500)
#define GHC_USE_STD_FS
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs {
using namespace std::filesystem;
using ifstream = std::ifstream;
using ofstream = std::ofstream;
using fstream = std::fstream;
#ifndef GHC_USE_STD_FS
#include <ghc/fs-fwd.hpp>
namespace fs {
using namespace ghc::filesystem;
using ifstream = ghc::filesystem::ifstream;
using ofstream = ghc::filesystem::ofstream;
using fstream = ghc::filesystem::fstream;
and in the implementation hiding cpp, you might use (before any include that includes ghc/fs_fwd.hpp
to take precedence:
#ifdef __APPLE__ // for deployment target to support pre-catalina targets without std::fs
#include <Availability.h>
#if ((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201703L)) && defined(__has_include)
#if __has_include(<filesystem>) && (!defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) || __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 101500)
#define GHC_USE_STD_FS
#ifndef GHC_USE_STD_FS
#include <ghc/filesystem.hpp>
ℹ️ Hint: There are additional helper headers, named ghc/fs_std_fwd.hpp
that use this technique, so you can simply include them
if you want to dynamically select the filesystem implementation. they also
enable the wchar_t
support on ghc::filesystem
on Windows, so the resulting
implementation in the fs
namespace will be compatible.
Starting from v1.1.0, it is possible to add ghc::filesystem
as a git submodule, add the directory to your CMakeLists.txt
and then simply use target_link_libraries(your-target ghc_filesystem)
to ensure correct include path that allow #include <ghc/filesystem.hpp>
to work.
The CMakeLists.txt
offers a few options to customize its behavior:
- Compile tests, default isOFF
when used as a submodule, elseON
- Compile the examples, default isOFF
when used as a submodule, elseON
- Add install target to build, default isOFF
when used as a submodule, elseON
- Compilestd_filesystem_test
, the variant of the test suite running againststd::filesystem
. This is only done if the compiler is detected as being able to do it.GHC_FILESYSTEM_TEST_COMPILE_FEATURES
can be set to a list of features to overrideCMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES
when the detection of C++17 or C++20 for additional tests is not working (e.g.cxx_std_20
to enforce building afilesystem_test_cpp20
with C++20).
There is a version macro GHC_FILESYSTEM_VERSION
defined in case future changes
might make it needed to react on the version, but I don't plan to break anything.
It's the version as decimal number (major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch)
ℹ️ Note: Only even patch versions will be used for releases and odd patch version will only be used for in between commits while working on the next version.
There is almost no documentation in this release, as any std::filesystem
documentation would work, besides the few differences explained in the next
section. So you might head over to
for a description of the components of this library.
When compiling with C++11, C++14 or C++17, the API is following the C++17
standard, where possible, with the exception that std::string_view
are only supported on C++17. When Compiling with C++20, ghc::filesysytem
defaults to the C++20 API, with the char8_t
and std::u8string
and the deprecated fs::u8path
factory method.
ℹ️ Note: If the C++17 API should be enforced even in C++20 mode,
Even then it is possible to create fws::path
from std::u8string
and fs::path::generic_u8string()
return normal
UTF-8 encoded std::string
instances, so code written for C++17 could
still work with ghc::filesystem
when compiled with C++20.
The only additions to the standard are documented here:
These are simple wrappers around std::ifstream
, std::ofstream
and std::fstream
They simply add an open()
method and a constructor with an ghc::filesystem::path
argument as the fstream
variants in C++17 have them.
This is a helper class that currently checks for UTF-8 encoding on non-Windows platforms but on Windows it fetches the command line arguments as Unicode strings from the OS with
::CommandLineToArgvW(::GetCommandLineW(), &argc)
and then converts them to UTF-8, and replaces argc
and argv
. It is a guard-like
class that reverts its changes when going out of scope.
So basic usage is:
namespace fs = ghc::filesystem;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fs::u8arguments u8guard(argc, argv);
if(!u8guard.valid()) {
std::cerr << "Bad encoding, needs UTF-8." << std::endl;
// now use argc/argv as usual, they have utf-8 enconding on windows
// ...
return 0;
That way argv
is UTF-8 encoded as long as the scope from main
is valid.
Note: On macOS, while debugging under Xcode the code currently will return
as Xcode starts the application with US-ASCII
as encoding, no matter what
encoding is actually used and even setting LC_ALL
in the product scheme doesn't
change anything. I still need to investigate this.
As this implementation is based on existing code from my private helper classes, it derived some constraints of it. Starting from v1.5.0 most of the differences between this and the standard C++17/C++20 API where removed.
This implementation has switchable behavior for the LWG defects
#2936 and
The currently selected behavior (starting from v1.4.0) is following
#2682, #2936,
#2937 but
not following #2935,
as I feel it is a bug to report no error on a create_directory()
or create_directories()
where a regular file of the same name prohibits the creation of a directory and forces
the user of those functions to double-check via fs::is_directory
if it really worked.
The more intuitive approach to directory creation of treating a file with that name as an
error is also advocated by the newer paper
WG21 P1164R0, the revision
P1161R1 was agreed upon on Kona 2019 meeting see merge
and GCC by now switched to following its proposal
(GCC #86910).
// methods in ghc::filesystem::path:
path& operator+=(basic_string_view<value_type> x);
int compare(basic_string_view<value_type> s) const;
These are not implemented under C++11 and C++14, as there is no
available and I did want to keep this
implementation self-contained and not write a full C++17-upgrade for
C++11/14. Starting with v1.1.0 these are supported when compiling
under C++17 of C++20.
Starting with v1.5.2 ghc::filesystem
will try to allow the use of
where it detects is availability.
Additionally if you have a basic_string_view
compatible c++11
implementation it can be used instead of std::basic_string_view
and importing the
implementation into the ghc::filesystem
namespace with:
namespace ghc {
namespace filesystem {
using my::basic_string_view;
before including the filesystem header.
To not depend on any external third party libraries and still stay portable and
compact, this implementation is following the "UTF-8 Everywhere" philosophy in that all
instances will be interpreted the same as std::u8string
wise and as being in UTF-8. The std::u16string
will be seen as UTF-16 and std::u32string
will be
seen as Unicode codepoints. Depending on the size of std::wstring
characters, it will handle
as being UTF-16 (e.g. Windows) or char32_t
Unicode codepoints
(currently all other platforms).
Starting with v1.5.0 ghc::filesystem
is following the C++17 standard in
using wchar_t
and std::wstring
on Windows as the types internally used
for path representation. It is still possible to get the old behavior by defining
and get filesystem::path::string_type
and filesystem::path::value_type
as wchar_t
If you need to call some Windows API, with v1.5.0 and above, simply
use the W-variant of the Windows-API call (e.g. GetFileAttributesW(p.c_str())
ℹ️ Note: When using the old behavior by defining
, use the path::wstring()
(e.g. GetFileAttributesW(p.wstring().c_str())
). This gives you the
Unicode variant independent of the UNICODE
macro and makes sharing code
between Windows, Linux and macOS easier and works with std::filesystem
std::string path::u8string() const;
std::string path::generic_u8string() const;
std::u8string path::u8string() const;
std::u8string path::generic_u8string() const;
The return type of these two methods is depending on the used C++ standard
is defined. On C++11, C++14 and
is defined, the return
type is std::string
, and on C++20 without the define it is std::u8string
I created a wiki entry about quite a lot of behavioral differences
between different std::filesystem
implementations that could result in a
mention here, but this readme only tries to address the design choice
differences between ghc::filesystem
and those. I try to update the wiki page
from time to time.
Any additional observations are welcome!
fs.path (ref)
Since v1.5.0 the complete inner mechanics of this implementations fs::path
where changed to the native format as the internal representation.
Creating any mixed slash fs::path
object under Windows (e.g. with "C:\foo/bar"
will lead clean path with "C:\foo\bar"
via native()
and "C:/foo/bar"
API. On all platforms redundant additional separators are
removed, even if this is not enforced by the standard and other implementations
mostly not do this.
Additionally this implementation follows the standards suggestion to handle
posix paths of the form "//host/path"
and USC path on windows also as having
a root-name (e.g. "//host"
). The GCC implementation didn't choose to do that
while testing on Ubuntu 18.04 and macOS with GCC 8.1.0 or Clang 7.0.0. This difference
will show as warnings under std::filesystem
. This leads to a change in the
algorithm described in the standard for operator/=(path& p)
where any path
with p.is_absolute()
will degrade to an assignment, while this implementation
has the exception where *this == *this.root_name()
and p == preferred_separator
a normal append will be done, to allow:
fs::path p1 = "//host/foo/bar/file.txt";
fs::path p2;
for (auto p : p1) p2 /= p;
ASSERT(p1 == p2);
For all non-host-leading paths the behavior will match the one described by the standard.
As symbolic links on Windows, while being supported more or less since Windows Vista (with some strict security constraints) and fully since some earlier build of Windows 10, when "Developer Mode" is activated, are at time of writing (2018) rarely used, still they are supported wiit th this implementation.
The Windows ACL permission feature translates badly to the POSIX permission
bit mask used in the interface of C++17 filesystem. The permissions returned
in the file_status
are therefore currently synthesized for the user
and copied to the group
- and other
-level. There is still some potential
for more interaction with the Windows permission system, but currently setting
or reading permissions with this implementation will most certainly not lead
to the expected behavior.
- Fix for #124,
treated mounted folder/volumes erroneously as symlinks, leadingfs::canonical
to fail on paths containing those. - Fix for #122, incrementing
will not try to enter dead symlinks. - Fix for #121, on Windows
backend the
failed when the path pointed to a read-only entry, see also (microsoft/STL#1511) for the corresponding issue instd::fs
on windows. - Fix for #119, added missing support for char16_t and char32_t and on C++20 char8_t literals.
- Pull request #118, when running tests as root, disable tests that would not work.
- Pull request #117, added checks to tests to detect the clang/libstdc++ combination.
- Fix for #116, internal
allows os detection to support systems without thedirent.d_type
member, experimental first QNX compile support as initial use case, fixed issue with filesystems returning DT_UNKNOWN (e.g. reiserfs). - Pull request #115, added
support when clang with libstdc++ is detected. - Fix for #114, for macOS
the pre-Catalina deployment target detection worked only if
was included before<ghc/fs_std.hpp>
. - Fix for #113, the use of
standard chapter numbers was misleading since C++17 and C++20
features are supported, and was replaced by the tag-like chapter names that stay (mostly) consistent over the versions.
- Pull request #112, lots of cleanup work on the readme, thanks!
- Enhancement for #111,
further optimization of directory iteration, performance for
over large trees now somewhere between libc++ and libstdc++. - Enhancement for #110,
now has preliminary support for Cygwin. Changes where made to allow the tests to compile and run successfully (tested with GCC 10.2.0), feedback and additional PRs welcome as it is currently not part of the CI configuration. - Pull request #109, various spelling errors in error messages and comments fixed.
- Pull request #108, old style casts removed.
- Fix for #107, the error handling for status calls was suppressing errors on symlink targets.
- Pull request #106, fixed detection of AppleClang for compile options.
- Pull request #105, added
to override additional build ofstd::filesystem
versions of the tests for comparison and the possibility to useGHC_FILESYSTEM_TEST_COMPILE_FEATURES
to prefill the used compile features defaulting toCMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES
when not given.
- Enhancement #104,
on POSIX backend: optimized reuse of status information and reduced
creation leads to about 20%-25% in tests withrecursive_directory_iterator
over a larger directory tree. - Pull request #103,
was not in the list of supported char types on non-Windows backends. - Pull request #102, improved
support makes use of<string_view>
when available, and allows use of custombasic_string_view
implementation when definingGHC_HAS_CUSTOM_STRING_VIEW
and importing the string view into theghc::filesystem
namespace before including filesystem header. - Pull request #101, fix for #100, append and concat type of operations on path called redundant conversions.
- Pull request #98, on older
linux variants (GCC 7/8), the comparison
tests now link with-lrt
to avoid issues. - Fix for #97, on BTRFS the
test case for
failed due to the filesystems behavior, the test case was adapted to take that into account. - Pull request #96, the export
attribute defines
are now honored when when set from outside to allow override of behavior. - Fix for #95, the syntax for disabling the deprecated warning in tests in MSVC was wrong.
- Pull request #93, now the
CMake configuration file is configured and part of the
make install
- Fix for #91, the way
the CMake build options
where implemented, prohibited setting them from a parent project when using this viaadd_subdirectory
, this fix allows to set them again. - Major refactoring for #90,
the way, the Windows version of
was originally created from the POSIX based implementation was, by adaption of the incoming and outgoing strings. This resulted in a mutable cache insidefs::path
on Windows, that was inherently not thread-safe, even forconst
methods. To not add additional patches to a suboptimal solution, this time I reworked thepath
code to now store native path-representation. This changed a lot of code, but when combined withwchar_t
helped to avoid lots of conversion for calls to Win-API.
As interfaces where changed, it had to be released in a new minor version. The set of refactorings resulted in the following changes:fs::path::native()
can now benoexcept
as the standard mandates- On Windows
is now the default forfs::path::value_type
is the default forfs::path::string_type
. - This allows the implementation to call Win-API without allocating conversions
- Thread-safety on
methods offs::path
is no longer an issue - Some code could be simplified during this refactoring
- Automatic prefixing of long path on Windows can now be disabled with
, for all other types of prefixes or namespaces the behavior follows that of MSVCstd::filesystem::path
- In case the old
based approach for Windows is still needed, it can be activated withGHC_WIN_DISABLE_WSTRING_STORAGE_TYPE
- Enhancement for #89,
now supportsoperator==
introduced instd::filesystem
with C++20. - Refactoring for #88,
had a performance issue, as it was still using a loop based approach to recreate the parent from elements. This created lots of temporaries and was too slow especially on long paths.
- Enhancements for #71, when compiled with C++20:
are supported whereSource
is the parameter typefs::path::u8string()
now return astd::u8string
- The spaceship operator
is now supported forfs::path
- With the define
will fall back to the oldfs::path::u8string()
API if preferred
- Bugfix for
fs::proximate(p, ec)
where the internal call tofs::current_path()
was not using theerror_code
variant, throwing possible exceptions instead of settingec
. - Enhancement
is now on by default. - Some cleanup work to reduce preprocessor directives for better readability and remove unneeded template specializations.
- Fix for #81, fixed issues with
parameters that are string views. - Fix for #79, the bit operations
for filesystem bitmasks that should be are now
- Refactoring for #78, the dynamic
switching helper includes are now using
to ensure thatstd::filesystem
is only selected on macOS if the deployment target is at least Catalina. - Bugfix for #77, the
and therecursive_directory_iterator
had an issue with theskip_permission_denied
option, that leads to the inability to skip SIP protected folders on macOS. - Enhancement for #76,
is now used when available, additionally to__cplusplus
, in the helping headers to allow them to work even when/Zc:__cplusplus
is not used. - Bugfix for #75, NTFS reparse points
to mapped volumes where handled incorrect, leading to
or not-found-errors onfs::status
. Namespaced paths are not filtered anymore.
- Pull request #74, on Windows symlink evaluation used the wrong reparse struct information and was not handling the case of relative paths well, thanks for the contribution.
- Refactoring for #73, enhanced performance in path handling. the changes lead to much fewer path/string creations or copies, speeding up large directory iteration or operations on many path instances.
- Bugfix for #72, the
was completed to fulfill the requirements to build on CentOS 7 withdevtoolset-9
. CentOS 7 and CentOS 8 are now part of the CI builds. - Bugfix for #70, root names are now case
insensitive on Windows. This fix also adds the new behavior switch
that allows to enable post C++17fs::path::compare
behavior, where the comparison is as if it was an element wise path comparison as described in LWG 2936 and C++20[]
. It is default off in v1.3.6 and will be default starting from v1.4.0 as it changes ordering.
- Pull request #69, use
versions ofstd::fstream
wrappers on Windows if using GCC with libc++. - Bugfix for #68, better handling of
permission issues for directory iterators when using
and initial support for compilation with emscripten. - Refactoring for #66, unneeded shared_ptr guards where removed and the file handles closed where needed to avoid unnecessary allocations.
- Bugfix for #63, fixed issues on Windows with clang++ and C++17.
- Pull request #62, various fixes for better Android support, thanks for the PR
- Pull request #61,
now supports use in projects with disabled exceptions. API signatures using exceptions for error handling are not available in this mode, thanks for the PR (this resolves #60 and #43)
- Bugfix for #58, on MinGW the
compilation could fail with an error about an undefined
constant. - Bugfix for #56,
didn't ignore trailing slash on the base parameter, thanks for PR #57. - Bugfix for #55,
when nothing needed to be created, because the directory already existed. - Bugfix for #54,
was not reset, if cached result was returned. - Pull request #53, fix for wrong
handling of leading whitespace when reading
from a stream. - Pull request #52, an ARM Linux target is now part of the CI infrastructure with the service of Drone CI.
- Pull request #51, FreeBSD is now part of the CI infrastructure with the service of Cirrus CI.
- Pull request #50, adaptive cast to
fields to avoid warnings.
- Important:
is re-licensed from BSD-3-Clause to MIT license. (see #47) - Pull request #46, suppresses unused parameter warning on Android.
- Bugfix for #44, fixes for warnings from newer Xcode versions.
- The Visual Studio 2019 compiler, GCC 9.2 and Clang 9.0 where added to the CI configuration.
- Bugfix for #41,
on Windows didn't replace an existing regular file as required by the standard, but gave an error. New tests and a fix as provided in the issue was implemented. - Bugfix for #39, for the
forwarding use via
there was a use ofDWORD
in the forwarding part leading to an error ifWindows.h
was not included before the header. The tests were changed to give an error in that case too and the useage ofDWORD
was removed. - Bugfix for #38, casting the
return value of
gave a warning with-Wcast-function-type
on MSYS2 and MinGW GCC 9 builds.
- Pull request #30, the
will automatically exclude building examples and tests when used as submodule, the configuration options now use a prefixed name to reduce risk of conflicts. - Pull request #24, install
target now creates a
that exports a target asghcFilesystem::ghc_filesystem
. - Pull request #31, fixes
error: redundant redeclaration of 'constexpr' static data member
deprecation warning in C++17 mode. - Pull request #32, fixes old-style-cast warnings.
- Pull request #34, fixes
TOCTOU situation
, thanks for the PR! - Feature #35, new CMake
option to add an install target
that is defaulted to OFF ifghc::filesystem
is used viaadd_subdirectory
. - Bugfix for #33, fixes
an issue with
that leaves a trailing separator in case of a resulting path ending with..
as last element. - Bugfix for #36, warnings on Xcode 11.2 due to unhelpful references in path element iteration.
- Pull request #23, tests and
examples can now be disabled in CMake via setting
. - Pull request #25,
missing specialization for construction from
when available was added. - Additional test case when
is available. - Bugfix for #27, the
declaration was not compiling on pre C++17 compilers and no test accessed it, to show the problem. Fixed it to an construction C++11 compiler should accept and added a test that is successful on all combinations tested. - Bugfix for #29, stricter warning settings where chosen and resulting warnings where fixed.
- Enabled stronger warning switches and resulting fixed issues on GCC and MinGW
- Bugfix for #22, the
where not forwarded fromfs::copy
in one of the cases.
- Fix for (#21), when compiling
on Alpine Linux with musl instead of glibc, the wrong
signature was expected. The complex preprocessor define mix was dropped in favor of the usual dispatch by overloading a unifying wrapper.
- Added MinGW 32/64 and Visual Studio 2015 builds to the CI configuration.
- Fixed additional compilation issues on MinGW.
- Pull request (#13), set minimum required CMake version to 3.7.2 (as in Debian 8).
- Pull request (#14), added support for a make install target.
- Bugfix for (#15), the
forward/impl way of using
missed a<vector>
include in the windows case. - Bugfix for (#16), VS2019 didn't like the old size dispatching in the utf8 decoder, so it was changed to a sfinae based approach.
- New feature (#17), optional
support for standard conforming
interface when compiling on Windows with definedGHC_WIN_WSTRING_STRING_TYPE
, this is default when using theghc/fs_std*.hpp
header, to enhance compatibility. - New feature (#18), optional
filesystem exceptions/errors on Unicode errors with defined
(instead of replacing invalid code points or UTF-8 encoding errors with the replacement characterU+FFFD
). - Pull request (#20), fix for
file handle leak in
. - Coverage now checked in CI (~95% line coverage).
- Additional Bugfix for (#12),
error in old unified
code offs::directory_iterator
; asreaddir_r
is now deprecated, I decided to drop it and the resulting code is much easier, shorter and due to more refactoring faster - Fix for crashing unit tests against MSVC C++17
- Travis-CI now additionally test with Xcode 10.2 on macOS
- Some minor refactorings
- Bugfix for (#11),
had some issues with".."
-sequences. - Bugfix for (#12),
could run into endless loops, the methods depth() and pop() had issues and the copy behavior andinput_iterator_tag
conformance was broken, added tests - Restructured some CMake code into a macro to ease the support for
builds of tests and examples for interoperability checks. - Some fixes on Windows tests to ease interoperability test runs.
- Reduced noise on
tests againststd::fs
- Added simple
example showing therecursive_directory_iterator
used to add the sizes of files in a directory tree. - Added error checking in
test helpers fs::copy()
now conforms LWG #2682, disallowing the use of `copy_option::create_symlinks' to be used on directories
- Restructuring of the project directory. The header files are now using
as extension to be marked as c++ and they where moved toinclude/ghc/
to be able to include by<ghc/filesystem.hpp>
as the former include name might have been to generic and conflict with other files. - Better CMake support:
now can be used as a submodul and added withadd_subdirectory
and will export itself asghc_filesystem
target. To use it, onlytarget_link_libraries(your-target ghc_filesystem)
is needed and the include directories will be set so#include <ghc/filesystem.hpp>
will be a valid directive. Still you can simply only add the header file to you project and include it from there. - Enhancement (#10),
support for separation of implementation and forwarded api: Two
additional simple includes are added, that can be used to forward
declarations (fs_fwd.hpp
) and to wrap the implementation into a single cpp (fs_impl.hpp
) - The
variants of thefs::path
api are now supported when compiling with C++17. - Added CI integration for Travis-CI and Appveyor.
- Fixed MinGW compilation issues.
- Added long filename support for Windows.
- Bugfix for (#9), added
missing return statement to
- Added checks to hopefully better compile against Android NDK. There where no tests run yet, so feedback is needed to actually call this supported.
was renamedfilesystem.hpp
to better reflect that it is a c++ language header.
- Bugfix for (#6), where
both are now able to remove a single file and both will not raise an error if the path doesn't exist. - Merged pull request (#7),
a typo leading to setting error code instead of comparing it in
under Windows. - Bugfix for ((#8), the
Windows version of
now releases resources when reachingend()
like the POSIX one does.
- Bugfix for (#4), missing error_code
propagation in
fixed. - Bugfix for (#5), added missing std
namespace in
- Bugfix for (#3), fixed missing inlines and added test to ensure including into multiple implementation files works as expected.
- Building tests with
-Wall -Wextra -Werror
and fixed resulting issues.
- Updated catch2 to v2.4.0.
- Refactored
test to work with all testedstd::filesystem
implementations (gcc, clang, msvc++). - Added helper class
converter, to help follow the UTF-8 path on windows. Simply instantiate it withargc
and it will fetch the Unicode version of the command line and convert it to UTF-8. The destructor reverts the change. - Added
folder with hopefully some usefull example usage. Examples are tested (and build) withghc::filesystem
and C++17std::filesystem
when available. - Starting with this version, only even patch level versions will be tagged and odd patch levels mark in-between non-stable wip states.
- Tests can now also be run against MS version of
for comparison. - Added missing
include. - Removed non-conforming C99
usage. - Fixed some integer type mismatches that could lead to warnings.
- Fixed
conversion issues in test and example on clang 7.0.0.
- Bugfix:
now sees empty path as non-existant and reports an error. Due to thisghc::filesystem::weakly_canonical
now returns relative paths for non-existant argument paths. (#1) - Bugfix:
now also counts directories removed (#2) - Bugfix:
tests didn't respect equality domain issues and dereferencapable constraints, leading to fails onstd::filesystem
tests. - Bugfix: Some
tagged methods and functions could indirectly throw exceptions due to UFT-8 decoding issues. std_filesystem_test
is now also generated if LLVM/clang 7.0.0 is found.
This was the first public release version. It implements the full range of
C++17 std::filesystem
, as far as possible without other C++17 dependencies.