This command is analogous to language and region settings found in desktop operating systems.
Various modules depend on this configuration in order to correctly interpret data (e.g. temperature, speed) which is transmitted between modules.
There are also a number of flags for vehicle coding which alter behaviour of some modules.
Note: this is predominately applicable to E38, E39, and E53 clusters. The E46 cluster, although visually similar, is- at least in respect to coding, a less complex unit.
There are five configurable language/region settings available.
Setting | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Language | DE | GB | US | IT | ES | JP | FR | CA | GOLF |
Distance | km | miles | |||||||
Consumption | l/100km | MPG | km/l | ||||||
Temperature | ℃ | ℉ | |||||||
Clock | 24h | 12h | |||||||
Date* | | mm/dd |
* Date is a virtual setting; selecting 12h will default to mm.dd. Similarly, selecting dd/mm will default to 24h.
While there is a global setting for each unit/format, properties are configured individually. For example, selecting 24 hour time affects the clock, navigation arrival time, and aux. timers, each of which needs to be configured for 24 hour time.
When a unit/format is selected, the GT will set the bits for all applicable properties. This relationship between settings and properties is outlined in the below table:
Property | Clock | Distance | Temp. | Consump. |
Time | ✅ | |||
Arrival Time | ✅ | |||
Aux. Timer 1 | ✅ | |||
Aux. Timer 2 | ✅ | |||
Avg. Speed | ✅ | |||
Speed Limit | ✅ | |||
Distance | ✅ | |||
Range | ✅ | |||
Temperature | ✅ | |||
Consumption 1 | ✅ | |||
Consumption 2 | ✅ |
There are also a number of flags for vehicle equipment, and configuration which are derived from the cluster coding.
- OBC resume at ignition
- OBC speed correction
- Memo type
- Aux. heating equipped
- Aux. ventilation equipped
- Aux. heating/ventilation controller type
- Motor type
- Radio Controlled Clock (RCC) time
# Cluster broadcasting settings
80 07 BF 15 08 85 E0 42 02
80 07 BF 15 01 85 60 42 8B
80 07 BF 15 08 85 E0 42 02
# GT updating settings
3B 07 80 15 01 85 60 42 0F
3B 07 80 15 01 04 00 42 EE
4 byte bit field. Fixed length.
# Byte 1
LANGUAGE = 0b0000_1111 << 24
CLUSTER_TYPE = 0b1111_0000 << 24
# Byte 2
FORMAT_TIME = 0b0000_0001 << 16
UNIT_TEMPERATURE = 0b0000_0010 << 16
OBC_RESUME_AT_KLR = 0b0000_0100 << 16
OBC_SPEED_CORRECTION = 0b0000_1000 << 16
UNIT_AVG_SPEED = 0b0001_0000 << 16
UNIT_LIMIT = 0b0010_0000 << 16
UNIT_DISTANCE = 0b0100_0000 << 16
FORMAT_ARRIVAL = 0b1000_0000 << 16
# Byte 3
UNIT_CONSUMP_1 = 0b0000_0011 << 8
UNIT_CONSUMP_2 = 0b0000_1100 << 8
UNIT_RANGE = 0b0001_0000 << 8
FORMAT_AUX_TIMER_1 = 0b0010_0000 << 8
FORMAT_AUX_TIMER_2 = 0b0100_0000 << 8
MEMO_TYPE = 0b1000_0000 << 8
# Byte 4
AUX_HEATING = 0b0000_0001 << 0
AUX_VENTILATION = 0b0000_0010 << 0
UNALLOCATED = 0b0000_0100 << 0 # Unallocated
MOTOR_TYPE = 0b0000_1000 << 0
RCC_TIME = 0b0001_0000 << 0
UNALLOCATED = 0b0010_0000 << 0 # Unallocated
EQUIPPED_AUX_CONTROL = 0b0100_0000 << 0
UNALLOCATED = 0b1000_0000 << 0 # Unallocated
LANG_DE = 0b000_0000
LANG_EN_GB = 0b000_0001
LANG_EN_US = 0b000_0010
LANG_IT = 0b000_0011
LANG_ES = 0b000_0100
LANG_JP = 0b000_0101
LANG_FR = 0b000_0110
LANG_EN_CA = 0b000_0111
LANG_GOLF = 0b000_1000
GOLF 0x08
: I'm not quite sure of meaning. It was the factory delivered language for Australian 2001 E39, and 2005 E53 and NCSDummy translation for "GOLF" is "persian gulf states"?
CLUSTER_HIGH = 0b0000_0000 # E38 standard, E39/E53 option
CLUSTER_LOW = 0b0000_0011 # E39/E53 standard
CLUSTER_E46_A = 0b0100_0000 # Variant A?
CLUSTER_E46_B = 0b0110_0000 # Variant B?
CLUSTER_E46_C = 0b1111_0000 # Variant C?
CLUSTER_E85 = 0b1010_0000 # E85 Z4, E83 X3
This may affect the behaiour of radio, and telephone, neither of which is coded for a specific type of cluster, but will make use of high cluster (IKE/IKI) character display if available.
LCM is coded for high/low cluster, and doesn't appear to be affected by this setting.
TIME_24H = 0b0000_0000 # 17:30
TIME_12H = 0b0000_0001 # 5:30pm
TEMP_CELSIUS = 0b0000_0000 # +18.0
TEMP_FAHRENHEIT = 0b0000_0010 # + 64
OBC_RESUME_FALSE = 0b0000_0000
OBC_RESUME_TRUE = 0b0000_0100
Recall the last displayed remote control function.
AVG_SPEED_KMPH = 0b0000_0000 # 100 KM/H
AVG_SPEED_MPH = 0b0001_0000 # 62 MPH
LIMIT_KMPH = 0b0000_0000 # 100 KM/H
LIMIT_MPH = 0b0010_0000 # 62 MPH
DISTANCE_KM = 0b0000_0000 # 100 KM
DISTANCE_MILES = 0b0100_0000 # 62 MLS
ARRIVAL_24H = 0b0000_0000 # 17:30
ARRIVAL_12H = 0b1000_0000 # 5:30pm
CONSUMP_1_L_100 = 0b0000_0000 # 39.5 L/100
CONSUMP_1_MPG_UK = 0b0000_0001 # 7.1 MPG
CONSUMP_1_MPG_US = 0b0000_0010 # 7.1 MPG
CONSUMP_1_KM_L = 0b0000_0011 # 2.5 KM/L
CONSUMP_2_L_100 = 0b0000_0000 # 39.5 L/100
CONSUMP_2_MPG_UK = 0b0000_0100 # 7.1 MPG
CONSUMP_2_MPG_US = 0b0000_1000 # 7.1 MPG
CONSUMP_2_KM_L = 0b0000_1100 # 2.5 KM/L
RANGE_KM = 0b0000_0000 # 100 KM
RANGE_MILES = 0b0001_0000 # 62 MLS
TIMER_1_24H = 0b0000_0000 # 17:30
TIMER_1_12H = 0b0010_0000 # 5:30pm
TIMER_2_24H = 0b0000_0000 # 17:30
TIMER_2_12H = 0b0100_0000 # 5:30pm
MEMO_IKE = 0b0000_0000 # Hourly gong
MEMO_LCM = 0b1000_0000 # Hourly gong with trip duration
If enabled, LCM is responsible for memo, which is generated via check control message.
AUX_HEAT_FALSE = 0b0000_0000
AUX_HEAT_TRUE = 0b0000_0001
Aux. heating option available via GT if enabled.
AUX_VENT_FALSE = 0b0000_0000
AUX_VENT_TRUE = 0b0000_0010
Aux. ventilation option available via GT if enabled.
MOTOR_GASOLINE = 0b0000_0000
MOTOR_DIESEL = 0b0000_1000
RCC_TIME_FALSE = 0b0000_0000
RCC_TIME_TRUE = 0b0001_0000
RCC was E38 option. RDS specification allows for clock time (CT).
The navigation computer will broadcast GPS Time (0x1f
) by default, and enabling GPS time in IKE coding does not affect this command, so presumably the RCC module will only broadcast time if this is set?
BMBT_PRE_PU96 = 0b0000_0000
BMBT_POST_PU96 = 0b0100_0000 # Also applies to MID