These are the original Blender files for all 3D models in the WebGL version. The blender files are converted to Wavefront .obj, then to the Three.js binary format for run-time display in the game.
3D artists are welcome to improve these models!
Follow these steps to prepare the 3d models for usage in Freeciv-web:
Export each blender model in Blender using File -> Export -> Wavefront (.obj). Select export to this directory.
Run which will convert the Wavefront .obj files to the Three.js binary format and copy the result to freeciv-web/src/main/webapp/3d-models.
Filename must match unit name from Freeciv ruleset.
When creating new additional 3D-models they must also be added to preload.js in Freeciv-web so that they are preloaded correctly.
Be sure to limit the file size and number of verticies, since the result will be rendered in a web browser. Check the file size of the generated .obj file!
Don't export any lights or cameras.
See the citywalls.blend for an example of a 3D model with textures which works in Freeciv-web 3D. The texture file is called brick1.png and is located in the \blender directory when working in Blender and in \freeciv-web\src\main\webapp\3d-models for loading in the webapp.
The unit models come from here: