id | title |
cookbooks-bookkeepermetadata |
BookKeeper Ledger Metadata |
Pulsar stores data on BookKeeper ledgers, you can understand the contents of a ledger by inspecting the metadata attached to the ledger. Such metadata are stored on ZooKeeper and they are readable using BookKeeper APIs.
Description of current metadata:
Scope | Metadata name | Metadata value |
All ledgers | application | 'pulsar' |
All ledgers | component | 'managed-ledger', 'schema', 'compacted-topic' |
Managed ledgers | pulsar/managed-ledger | name of the ledger |
Cursor | pulsar/cursor | name of the cursor |
Compacted topic | pulsar/compactedTopic | name of the original topic |
Compacted topic | pulsar/compactedTo | id of the last compacted message |