This guide describes how to use XPU Manager Command Line Interface to manage Intel GPU devices.
- Show the device info.
- Manage multiple devices by the group-level.
- Get lots of raw and aggregated device statistics.
- Get the health status of the device components.
- Get and change the device settings.
- Update the device firmware.
- Set some automatic action when some condition is met.
Show the XPU Manager CLI help info.
Intel(R) XPU Manager Command Line Interface -- v1.0
Intel(R) XPU Manager Command Line Interface provides the Intel data center GPU model and monitoring capabilities. It can also be used to change the Intel data center GPU settings and update the firmware.
Intel(R) XPU Manager is based on Intel(R) oneAPI Level Zero. Before using Intel(R) XPU Manager, the GPU driver and Intel(R) oneAPI Level Zero should be installed rightly.
Supported devices:
- Intel Data Center GPU
Usage: xpumcli [Options]
xpumcli -v
xpumcli -h
xpumcli discovery
-h, --help Print this help message and exit.
-v, --version Display version information and exit.
discovery Discover the GPU devices installed on this machine and provide the device info.
group Group the managed GPU devices.
agentset Get or change some XPU Manager settings.
stats List the GPU aggregated statistics since last execution of this command or XPU Manager daemon is started.
health Get the GPU device component health status.
diag Run some test suites to diagnose GPU.
updatefw Update GPU firmware.
config Get and change the GPU settings.
dump Dump device statistics data.
log Collect GPU debug logs.
topology get the system topology
policy Get and set the GPU policies.
amcsensor List the AMC real-time sensor reading.
vgpu Create and remove virtual GPUs in SR-IOV configuration.
Show XPU Manager version and Level Zero version.
xpumcli -v
Build ID: f847c0fa
Build ID: f847c0fa
Level Zero Version: 1.6.2
Help info of the "discovery" subcommand
xpumcli discovery -h
Discover the GPU devices installed on this machine and provide the device info.
Usage: xpumcli discovery [Options]
xpumcli discovery
xpumcli discovery -d [deviceId]
xpumcli discovery -d [deviceId] -j
xpumcli discovery --listamcversions
-h,--help Print this help message and exit.
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-d,--device Device ID to query. It will show more detailed info.
--pf,--physicalfunction Display the physical functions only.
--vf,--virtualfunction Display the virtual functions only.
--dump Property ID to dump device properties in CSV format. Separated by the comma. "-1" means all properties.
1. Device ID
2. Device Name
3. Vendor Name
5. Serial Number
6. Core Clock Rate
7. Stepping
8. Driver Version
9. GFX Firmware Version
10. GFX Data Firmware Version
11. PCI BDF Address
12. PCI Slot
13. PCIe Generation
14. PCIe Max Link Width
15. OAM Socket ID
16. Memory Physical Size
17. Number of Memory Channels
18. Memory Bus Width
19. Number of EUs
20. Number of Media Engines
21. Number of Media Enhancement Engines
--listamcversions Show all AMC firmware versions.
-u,--username Username used to get AMC version with Redfish Host interface
-p,--password Password used to get AMC version with Redfish Host interface
Discover the devices in this machine
xpumcli discovery
| Device ID | Device Information |
| 0 | Device Name: Intel(R) Graphics [0x020a] |
| | Vendor Name: Intel(R) Corporation |
| | UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-020a00008086 |
| | PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.0 |
| | Function Type: physical |
Discover the devices in this machine and get the JSON format output
xpumcli discovery -j
"device_list": [
"device_id": 0,
"device_name": "Intel(R) Graphics [0x020a]",
"device_type": "GPU",
"pci_bdf_address": "0000:4d:00.0",
"pci_device_id": "0x20a",
"uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-020a00008086",
"device_function_type": "physical",
"vendor_name": "Intel(R) Corporation"
Show the detailed info of one device. The device info includes the model, frequency, driver/firmware info, PCI info, memory info and tile/execution unit info.
xpumcli discovery -d 0
| Device ID | Device Information |
| 0 | Device Type: GPU |
| | Device Name: Intel(R) Graphics [0x56c0] |
| | Vendor Name: Intel(R) Corporation |
| | UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-020a00008086 |
| | Serial Number: unknown |
| | Core Clock Rate: 2050 MHz |
| | Stepping: C0 |
| | |
| | Driver Version: |
| | Kernel Version: 5.10.54+prerelease35 |
| | GFX Firmware Name: GFX |
| | GFX Firmware Version: DG02_1.3172 |
| | GFX Data Firmware Name: GFX_DATA |
| | GFX Data Firmware Version: 0x141 |
| | |
| | PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.0 |
| | PCI Slot: Riser 1, slot 1 |
| | PCIe Generation: 4 |
| | PCIe Max Link Width: 16 |
| | |
| | Memory Physical Size: 14248.00 MiB |
| | Max Mem Alloc Size: 4095.99 MiB |
| | ECC State: enabled |
| | Number of Memory Channels: 2 |
| | Memory Bus Width: 128 |
| | Max Hardware Contexts: 65536 |
| | Max Command Queue Priority: 0 |
| | |
| | Number of EUs: 512 |
| | Number of Tiles: 1 |
| | Number of Slices: 1 |
| | Number of Sub Slices per Slice: 32 |
| | Number of Threads per EU: 8 |
| | Physical EU SIMD Width: 8 |
| | Number of Media Engines: 2 |
| | Number of Media Enhancement Engines: 2 |
| | |
| | Number of Xe Link ports: 16 |
| | Max Tx/Rx Speed per Xe Link port: 51879.88 MiB/s |
| | Number of Lanes per Xe Link port: 4 |
List the versions of all AMC which can be found on this server.
xpumcli discovery --listamcversions
1 AMC are found
AMC 1 firmware version:
Help info of the group operation
xpumcli group -h
Group the managed GPU devices.
Usage: xpumcli group [Options]
xpumcli group -c -n [groupName]
xpumcli group -a -g [groupId] -d [deviceIds]
xpumcli group -r -d [deviceIds] -g [groupId]
xpumcli group -D -g [groupId]
xpumcli group -l
xpumcli group -l -g [groupId]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-c,--create Create a group.
-D,--delete Delete a group.
-l,--list List the groups info.
-a,--add Add devices to a group.
-r,--remove Remove devices from group.
-g,--group Group ID.
-n,--name Group name.
-d,--device Device IDs.
Create a group
xpumcli group -c -n "testgroup"
| Group ID | Group Properties |
| 1 | Group Name: testgroup |
| | Device IDs: [] |
Add devices to a group
xpumcli group -a -g 1 -d 0 1
| Group ID | Group Properties |
| 1 | Group Name: testgroup |
| | Device IDs: [0,1] |
List a group info
xpumcli group -l
| Group ID | Group Properties |
| 1 | Group Name: testgroup |
| | Device IDs: [0] |
Remove devices from a group
xpumcli group -r -d 0 -g 1
Successfully remove device [0] from group 1
| Group ID | Group Properties |
| 1 | Group Name: testgroup |
| | Device IDs: [] |
Remove a group
xpumcli group -D -g 1
Successfully remove the group
Help message of the "agentset" subcommand.
xpumcli agentset
Get or change some XPU Manager settings.
usage: xpumcli agentset [Options]
xpumcli agentset -l
xpumcli agentset -l -j
xpumcli agentset -t 200
optional arguments:
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-l,--list Display all agent settings
-t,--time Set the time interval (in milliseconds) by which XPU Manager daemon retrieve raw gpu statistics. Valid values include 100,200,500,1000.
List the XPU Manager settings
xpumcli agentset -l
| Name | Value |
| Sampling Interval (ms) | 1000 |
Change the XPU Manager sampling period
xpumcli agentset -t 200
| Name | Value |
| Sampling Interval (ms) | 200 |
Help info for getting the GPU device aggregated statistics
xpumcli stats -h
List the GPU aggregated statistics since last execution of this command or XPU Manager daemon is started.
Usage: xpumcli stats [Options]
xpumcli stats
xpumcli stats -d [deviceId]
xpumcli stats -g [groupId]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-d,--device The device ID to query
-g,--group The group ID to query
--xelink Show the all the Xe Link throughput (GB/s) matrix
--utils Show the Xe Link throughput utilization
List the GPU device aggregated statistics that are collected by XPU Manager. 'Media Engine Freq' is inferred with 'GPU Frequency'.
xpumcli stats -d 0
| Device ID | 0 |
| Start Time | 2023-09-04T13:20:13.364 |
| End Time | 2023-09-04T13:22:13.982 |
| Elapsed Time (Second) | 120 |
| Energy Consumed (J) | Tile 0: 5245.05 |
| GPU Utilization (%) | Tile 0: 0 |
| Compute Engines Util (%) | Tile 0: 0 |
| Render Engines Util (%) | Tile 0: 0 |
| Media Engines Util (%) | Tile 0: 0 |
| Copy Engines Util (%) | Tile 0: 0 |
| EU Array Active (%) | Tile 0: |
| EU Array Stall (%) | Tile 0: |
| EU Array Idle (%) | Tile 0: |
| Reset | Tile 0: 0, total: 0 |
| Programming Errors | Tile 0: 0, total: 0 |
| Driver Errors | Tile 0: 0, total: 0 |
| Cache Errors Correctable | Tile 0: 0, total: 0 |
| Cache Errors Uncorrectable | Tile 0: 0, total: 0 |
| Mem Errors Correctable | Tile 0: 0, total: 0 |
| Mem Errors Uncorrectable | Tile 0: 0, total: 0 |
| GPU Power (W) | Tile 0: avg: 44, min: 44, max: 44, current: 44 |
| GPU Frequency (MHz) | Tile 0: avg: 2050, min: 2050, max: 2050, current: 2050 |
| Media Engine Freq (MHz) | Tile 0: avg: 1025, min: 1025, max: 1025, current: 1025 |
| GPU Core Temperature | Tile 0: avg: 45, min: 45, max: 45, current: 45 |
| (Celsius Degree) | |
| GPU Memory Temperature | Tile 0: avg: , min: , max: , current: |
| (Celsius Degree) | |
| GPU Memory Read (kB/s) | Tile 0: avg: 636, min: 0, max: 1384, current: 1214 |
| GPU Memory Write (kB/s) | Tile 0: avg: 88, min: 47, max: 240, current: 216 |
| GPU Memory Bandwidth (%) | Tile 0: avg: 0, min: 0, max: 0, current: 0 |
| GPU Memory Used (MiB) | Tile 0: avg: 26, min: 26, max: 26, current: 26 |
| GPU Memory Util (%) | Tile 0: avg: 0, min: 0, max: 0, current: 0 |
| PCIe Read (kB/s) | avg: , min: , max: , current: |
| PCIe Write (kB/s) | avg: , min: , max: , current: |
| Compute Engine Util (%) | Engine 0: 0, Engine 1: 0, Engine 2: 0, Engine 3: 0 |
| Render Engine Util (%) | Engine 0: 0 |
| Decoder Engine Util (%) | Engine 0: 0, Engine 1: 0 |
| Encoder Engine Util (%) | Engine 0: 0, Engine 1: 0 |
| Copy Engine Util (%) | Engine 0: 0 |
| Media EM Engine Util (%) | Engine 0: 0, Engine 1: 0 |
| 3D Engine Util (%) | |
| Xe Link Throughput (kB/s) | |
Sometimes, GPU memory throughput is temporarily unavailable due to the slow response from the device.
Help info of get GPU device component health status
xpumcli health
Get the GPU device component health status
Usage: xpumcli health [Options]
xpumcli health -l
xpumcli health -l -j
xpumcli health -d [deviceId]
xpumcli health -d [pciBdfAddress]
xpumcli health -d [deviceId] -j
xpumcli health -d [pciBdfAddress] -j
xpumcli health -d [deviceId] -c [componentTypeId]
xpumcli health -d [pciBdfAddress] -c [componentTypeId] -j
xpumcli health -g [groupId]
xpumcli health -g [groupId] -j
xpumcli health -d [deviceId] -c [componentTypeId] --threshold [threshold]
xpumcli health -d [deviceId] -c [componentTypeId] --threshold [threshold] -j
xpumcli health -g [groupId] -c [componentTypeId] --threshold [threshold]
optional arguments:
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-l,--list Display health info for all devices
-d,--device The device ID
-g,--group The group ID
-c,--component Component types
1. GPU Core Temperature
2. GPU Memory Temperature
3. GPU Power
4. GPU Memory
5. Xe Link Port
6. GPU Frequency
--threshold Set custom threshold for device component
Get the GPU device component health status. There are some build-in thresholds for the GPU telemetries. You may also set your custom threshold to help monitor the GPU component health status.
xpumcli health -l
| Device ID | 0 |
| 1. GPU Core Temperature | Status: Ok |
| | Description: All temperature sensors are healthy. |
| | Throttle Threshold: 105 Celsius Degree |
| | Shutdown Threshold: 130 Celsius Degree |
| | Custom Threshold: -1 |
| 2. GPU Memory Temperature | Status: Ok |
| | Description: All temperature sensors are healthy. |
| | Throttle Threshold: 85 Celsius Degree |
| | Shutdown Threshold: 100 Celsius Degree |
| | Custom Threshold: -1 |
| 3. GPU Power | Status: Ok |
| | Description: All power domains are healthy. |
| | Throttle Threshold: 150 watts |
| | Custom Threshold: -1 |
| 4. GPU Memory | Status: Ok |
| | Description: All memory channels are healthy. |
| 5. Xe Link Port | Status: Ok |
| | Description: All ports are healthy. |
Change the component custom temperature threshold
xpumcli health -d 0 -c 1 --threshold 90
| Device ID | 0 |
| 1. GPU Core Temperature | Status: Ok |
| | Description: All temperature sensors are healthy. |
| | Throttle Threshold: 105 Celsius Degree |
| | Shutdown Threshold: 130 Celsius Degree |
| | Custom Threshold: 90 Celsius Degree |
- Intel(R) Data Center Flex Series GPU
- GPU and GPU engine utilizations
- GPU energy and power
- GPU core temperature
- GPU frequency
- GPU memory usage
- GPU memory throughput
- GPU EU utilization
- GPU PCIe throughput
- GPU throttle reason
- Intel(R) Data Center Max Series GPU
- GPU and GPU engine utilizations
- GPU energy and power
- GPU core and GPU memory temperature
- GPU frequency
- GPU memory usage
- GPU memory throughput
- GPU PCIe throughput
- Xe Link throughput
- GPU throttle reason
- GPU reset count and GPU memory error number
Help info of the device statistics dump. Please note that the metrics 'GPU Energy Consumed', 'Reset Counter', 'Programming Errors', 'Driver Errors', 'Cache Errors Correctable' and 'Cache Errors Uncorrectable' are not implemented in dump sub-command so far. Please do not dump these metrics. 'Media Engine Frequency' is inferred with 'GPU Frequency'.
xpumcli dump
Dump device statistics data.
Usage: xpumcli dump [Options]
xpumcli dump -d [deviceIds] -t [deviceTileIds] -m [metricsIds] -i [timeInterval] -n [dumpTimes]
xpumcli dump --rawdata --start -d [deviceId] -t [deviceTileId] -m [metricsIds]
xpumcli dump --rawdata --list
xpumcli dump --rawdata --stop [taskId]
optional arguments:
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-d,--device The device id(s) to query
-t,--tile The device tile ID(s) to query. If the device has only one tile, this parameter should not be specified.
-m,--metrics Metrics type to collect raw data, options. Separated by the comma.
0. GPU Utilization (%), GPU active time of the elapsed time, per tile
1. GPU Power (W), per GPU and per tile
2. GPU Frequency (MHz), per tile
3. GPU Core Temperature (Celsius Degree), per tile
4. GPU Memory Temperature (Celsius Degree), per tile
5. GPU Memory Utilization (%), per tile
6. GPU Memory Read (kB/s), per tile
7. GPU Memory Write (kB/s), per tile
8. GPU Energy Consumed (J), per tile
9. GPU EU Array Active (%), the normalized sum of all cycles on all EUs that were spent actively executing instructions. Per tile.
10. GPU EU Array Stall (%), the normalized sum of all cycles on all EUs during which the EUs were stalled. Per tile. At least one thread is loaded, but the EU is stalled. Per tile.
11. GPU EU Array Idle (%), the normalized sum of all cycles on all cores when no threads were scheduled on a core. Per tile.
12. Reset Counter, per tile.
13. Programming Errors, per tile.
14. Driver Errors, per tile.
15. Cache Errors Correctable, per tile.
16. Cache Errors Uncorrectable, per tile.
17. GPU Memory Bandwidth Utilization. (%)
18. GPU Memory Used (MiB)
19. PCIe Read (kB/s), per GPU
20. PCIe Write (kB/s), per GPU
21. Xe Link Throughput (kB/s), a list of tile-to-tile Xe Link throughput.
22. Compute engine utilizations (%), per tile.
23. Render engine utilizations (%), per tile.
24. Media decoder engine utilizations (%), per tile.
25. Media encoder engine utilizations (%), per tile.
26. Copy engine utilizations (%), per tile.
27. Media enhancement engine utilizations (%), per tile.
28. 3D engine utilizations (%), per tile.
29. GPU Memory Errors Correctable, per tile. Other non-compute correctable errors are also included.
30. GPU Memory Errors Uncorrectable, per tile. Other non-compute uncorrectable errors are also included.
31. Compute engine group utilization (%), per tile
32. Render engine group utilization (%), per tile
33. Media engine group utilization (%), per tile
34. Copy engine group utilization (%), per tile
35. Throttle reason, per tile
36. Media Engine Frequency (MHz), per tile
-i The interval (in seconds) to dump the device statistics to screen. Default value: 1 second.
-n Number of the device statistics dump to screen. The dump will never be ended if this parameter is not specified.
--rawdata Dump the required raw statistics to a file in background.
--start Start a new background task to dump the raw statistics to a file. The task ID and the generated file path are returned.
--stop Stop one active dump task.
--list List all the active dump tasks.
Dump the device statistics to screen in CSV format.
xpumcli dump -d 0 -t 0 -m 0,1,2,21,22 -i 1 -n 5
Timestamp,DeviceId,TileId,GPU Utilization (%),GPU Power (W),GPU Frequency (MHz),XL 0/0->1/1 (kB/s),XL 1/1->0/0 (kB/s),Compute Engine 0 (%), Compute Engine 1 (%)
13:31:43.100, 00, 0, 000, , 0300, 400, 700, 100, 0
13:31:44.100, 00, 0, 000, , 0300, 400, 700, 100, 0
13:31:45.100, 00, 0, 046, , 1100, 400, 700, 100, 0
13:31:46.100, 00, 0, 000, , 0300, 400, 700, 100, 0
13:31:47.100, 00, 0, 000, , 0300, 400, 700, 100, 0
Start to dump the device raw statistics to the CSV file.
xpumcli dump --rawdata --start -d 0 -t 0 -m 0,1,2
Task 0 is started.
Dump file path: /usr/lib/xpum/dump/dump-output-e4439267203fb5277d347e6cd6e440b5.csv
List all the active dump tasks.
xpumcli dump --rawdata --list
Task 0 is running.
Task 1 is running.
Stop the dump task.
xpumcli dump --rawdata --stop 0
Task 0 is stopped.
Dump file path: /usr/lib/xpum/dump/dump-output-e4439267203fb5277d347e6cd6e440b5.csv
Sometimes, GPU memory throughput is temporarily unavailable due to the slow response from the device.
Help info of get the system topology
xpumcli topology
Get the system topology info.
Usage: xpumcli topology [Options]
xpumcli topology -d [deviceId]
xpumcli topology -d [deviceId] -j
xpumcli topology -f [filename]
xpumcli topology -m
optional arguments:
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-d,--device The device ID or PCI BDF address to query
-f,--file Generate the system topology with the GPU info to a XML file.
-m,--matrix Print the CPU/GPU topology matrix.
S: Self
XL[laneCount]: Two tiles on the different cards are directly connected by Xe Link. Xe Link lane count is also provided.
XL*: Two tiles on the different cards are connected by Xe Link + MDF. They are not directly connected by Xe Link.
SYS: Connected with PCIe between NUMA nodes
NODE: Connected with PCIe within a NUMA node
MDF: Connected with Multi-Die Fabric Interface
Get the hardware topology info which is related to the GPU
xpumcli topology -d 0
| Device ID | Topology Information |
| 0 | Local CPU List: 0-23,48-71 |
| | Local CPUs: 000000ff,ffff0000,00ffffff |
| | PCIe Switch Count: 1 |
| | PCIe Switch: /sys/devices/pci0000:4a/0000:4a:02.0/0000:4b:00.0/0000:4c:00.0 |
| | /0000:4d:00.0/0000:4e:18.0/0000:54:00.0/0000:55:01 |
Generate the system hardware topology to a XML file.
xpumcli topology -f topo.xml
The system topology is generated to the file topo.xml.
Generate the CPU/GPU topology matrix.
xpumcli topology -m
GPU 0/0|GPU 0/1|GPU 1/0|GPU 1/1|CPU Affinity
GPU 0/0 |S |MDF |XL* |XL16 |0-23,48-71
GPU 0/1 |MDF |S |XL16 |XL* |0-23,48-71
GPU 1/0 |XL* |XL16 |S |MDF |24-47,72-95
GPU 1/1 |XL16 |XL* |MDF |S |24-47,72-95
Help info of updating GPU firmware
xpumcli updatefw
Update GPU firmware.
Usage: xpumcli updatefw [Options]
xpumcli updatefw -d [deviceId] -t GFX -f [imageFilePath]
xpumcli updatefw -t AMC -f [imageFilePath]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-d,--device The device ID or PCI BDF address. If it is not specified, all devices will be updated.
-t,--type The firmware name. Valid options: GFX, GFX_DATA, AMC. AMC firmware update just works on Intel M50CYP server (BMC firmware version is 2.82 or newer) and Supermicro SYS-620C-TN12R server (BMC firmware version is 11.01 or newer).
-f,--file The firmware image file path on this server.
-u,--username Username used to update AMC firmware through Redfish Host interface
-p,--password Password used to update AMC firmware through Redfish Host interface
-y,--assumeyes Assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes
--force Force GFX firmware update. This parameter only works for GFX firmware.
Update GPU GFX firmware
xpumcli updatefw -d 0 -t GFX -f ATS_M75_128_B0_PVT_ES_033_dg2_gfx_fwupdate_SOC2.bin -y
This GPU card has multiple cores. This operation will update all firmware. Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Device 0 FW version: DG02_2.2271
Device 1 FW version: DG02_2.2271
Image FW version: DG02_2.2277
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Start to update firmware
Firmware Name: GFX
Image path: /home/test/ATS_M75_128_B0_PVT_ES_033_dg2_gfx_fwupdate_SOC2.bin
[============================================================] 100 %
Update firmware successfully.
Update GPU AMC firmware
xpumcli updatefw -t AMC -f ats_m_amc_v_6_8_0_0.bin -y
CAUTION: it will update the AMC firmware of all cards and please make sure that you install the GPUs of the same model.
Please confirm to proceed (y/n)
Start to update firmware
Firmware Name: AMC
Image path: /home/test/ats_m_amc_v_6_8_0_0.bin
[============================================================] 100 %
Update firmware successfully.
Help info of getting/changing the GPU settings
xpumcli config
Get and change the GPU settings.
Usage: xpumcli config [Options]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] -t [tileId] --frequencyrange [minFrequency,maxFrequency]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] --powerlimit [powerValue]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] --memoryecc [0|1] 0:disable; 1:enable
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] -t [tileId] --standby [standbyMode]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] -t [tileId] --scheduler [schedulerMode]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] -t [tileId] --performancefactor [engineType,factorValue]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] -t [tileId] --xelinkport [portId,value]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] -t [tileId] --xelinkportbeaconing [portId,value]
xpumcli config -d [deviceId] --reset
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-d,--device The device ID
-t,--tile The tile ID
--frequencyrange GPU tile-level core frequency range.
--powerlimit GPU-level power limit.
--standby Tile-level standby mode. Valid options: "default"; "never".
--scheduler Tile-level scheduler mode. Value options: "timeout",timeoutValue (us);
"timeslice",interval (us),yieldtimeout (us); "exclusive". The valid range of all time values (us) is from 5000 to 100,000,000.
--performancefactor Set the tile-level performance factor. Valid options: "compute/media";factorValue. The factor value should be
between 0 to 100. 100 means that the workload is completely compute bounded and requires very little support from the memory support. 0 means that the workload is completely memory bounded and the performance of the memory controller needs to be increased.
--xelinkport Change the Xe Link port status. The value 0 means down and 1 means up.
--xelinkportbeaconing Change the Xe Link port beaconing status. The value 0 means off and 1 means on.
--memoryecc Enable/disable memory ECC setting. 0:disable; 1:enable
--reset Reset device by SBR (Secondary Bus Reset). For Max series GPU, add "pci=realloc=off" into the Linux kernel boot parameter when SR-IOV is enabled in
BIOS. If SR-IOV is disabled, add "pci=realloc=on" into the Linux kernel boot parameter.
--ppr Apply PPR to the device.
--force Force PPR to run.
show the GPU settings
xpumcli config -d 0
| Device Type | Device ID/Tile ID | Configuration |
| GPU | 0 | Power Limit (w): 300.0 |
| | | Valid Range: 1 to 500 |
| | | |
| | | Memory ECC: |
| | | Current: enabled |
| | | Pending: enabled |
| GPU | 0/0 | GPU Min Frequency(MHz): 300.0 |
| | | GPU Max Frequency(MHz): 1300.0 |
| | | Valid Options: 300, 350, 400, 450, 500,550, 600, 650, 700 |
| | | 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150, 1200 |
| | | 1250, 1300 |
| | | |
| | | Standby Mode: default |
| | | Valid Options: default, never |
| | | |
| | | Scheduler Mode: timeslice |
| | | Interval(us): 5000 |
| | | Yield Timeout (us): 640000 |
| | | |
| | | Engine Type: compute |
| | | Performance Factor: 70 |
| | | Engine Type: media |
| | | Performance Factor: 50 |
| | | |
| | | Xe Link ports: |
| | | Up: 0,1,2,3 |
| | | Down: 4,5,6,7 |
| | | Beaconing On: 0,1,2,3 |
| | | Beaconing Off: 4,5,6,7 |
| GPU | 0/1 | GPU Min Frequency(MHz): 300.0 |
| | | GPU Max Frequency(MHz): 1300.0 |
| | | Valid Options: 300, 350, 400, 450, 500,550, 600, 650, 700 |
| | | 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150, 1200 |
| | | 1250, 1300 |
| | | |
| | | Standby Mode: default |
| | | Valid Options: default, never |
| | | |
| | | Scheduler Mode: timeslice |
| | | Interval(us): 5000 |
| | | Yield Timeout (us): 640000 |
| | | |
| | | Engine Type: compute |
| | | Performance Factor: 70 |
| | | Engine Type: media |
| | | Performance Factor: 50 |
| | | |
| | | Xe Link ports: |
| | | Up: 0,1,2,3 |
| | | Down: 4,5,6,7 |
| | | Beaconing On: 0,1,2,3 |
| | | Beaconing Off: 4,5,6,7 |
Change the GPU tile core frequency range.
xpumcli config -d 0 -t 0 --frequencyrange 1200,1300
Succeed to change the core frequency range on GPU 0 tile 0.
Change the GPU power limit.
xpumcli config -d 0 --powerlimit 299
Succeed to set the power limit on GPU 0.
Change the GPU memory ECC mode.
xpumcli config -d 0 --memoryecc 0
Return: Succeed to change the ECC mode to be disabled on GPU 0. Please reset GPU or reboot OS to take effect.
Change the GPU tile standby mode.
xpumcli config -d 0 -t 0 --standby never
Succeed to change the standby mode on GPU 0.
Change the GPU tile scheduler mode.
xpumcli config -d 0 -t 0 --scheduler timeout,640000
Succeed to change the scheduler mode on GPU 0 tile 0.
Set the performance factor
xpumcli config -d 0 -t 0 --performancefactor compute,70
Succeed to change the compute performance factor to 70 on GPU 0 tile 0.
Change the Xe Link port status
xpumcli config -d 0 -t 0 --xelinkport 0,1
Succeed to change Xe Link port 0 to up.
Change the Xe Link port beaconing status
xpumcli config -d 0 -t 0 --xelinkportbeaconing 0,1
Succeed to change Xe Link port 0 beaconing to on.
The supported policies are list in the table below. For example, if the "GPU Core Temperature" policy is set and one GPU tile temperature is more than the specified threshold, the GPU throttling action will be taken automatically.
Types | Conditions | Actions |
1. GPU Core Temperature | 1. More than | 1. Throttle GPU Core |
Help info for GPU policy
xpumcli policy
Get and set the GPU policies.
Usage: xpumcli policy [Options]
xpumcli policy -l
xpumcli policy --listalltypes
xpumcli policy -d [deviceId] -l
xpumcli policy -d [deviceId] -l -j
xpumcli policy -g [groupId] -l
xpumcli policy -g [groupId] -l -j
xpumcli policy -c -d [deviceId] --type 1 --condition 1 --threshold [threshold] --action 1 --throttlefrequencymin [frequencyMinValue] --throttlefrequencymax [frequencyMaxValue]
xpumcli policy -c -g [groupId] --type 1 --condition 1 --threshold [threshold] --action 1 --throttlefrequencymin [frequencyMinValue] --throttlefrequencymax [frequencyMaxValue]
xpumcli policy -r -d [deviceId] --type [policyTypeValue]
xpumcli policy -r -g [groupId] --type [policyTypeValue]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit.
-j,--json Print result in JSON format.
-d,--device The device ID.
-g,--group The group ID.
-l,--list List all policies.
--listalltypes List all policy types, including the supported condition and action.
-c,--create Create one policy
-r,--remove Remove one policy. Only the policy is removed and the changed GPU settings will not be resumed.
--type Policy types.
1. GPU Core Temperature
--condition Conditions.
1. More than
--threshold Threshold
--action Policy action.
1. Throttle GPU Core Frequency
--throttlefrequencymin Throttle GPU frequency to min value
--throttlefrequencymax Throttle GPU frequency to max value
Create a policy to throttle GPU when the GPU tile temperature is a little high.
xpumcli policy -c -d 0 --type 1 --condition 1 --threshold 95 --action 1 --throttlefrequencymin 300 --throttlefrequencymax 400
Succeed to set the "1. GPU Core Temperature" policy.
List all supported policies
xpumcli policy --listalltypes
| Types |Conditions | Actions |
| 1. GPU Core Temperature | 1. More than | 1. Throttle GPU Core Frequency |
List all policies set on the GPU.
xpumcli policy -l -d 0
| Device ID | Types | Conditions | Actions |
| 0 | 1. GPU Core Temperature | 1. More than 95 | 1. Throttle GPU Core Frequency |
| | | | min: 300, max: 400 |
Remove a policy.
xpumcli policy -r -d 0 --type 1
Succeed to remove the "1. GPU Core Temperature" policy.
When running tests on GPU, GPU will be used exclusively. There will be obviously performance impact on the GPU. Some CPU performance may also be impacted.
Help info for GPU diagnostics
xpumcli diag
Run some test suites to diagnose GPU.
Usage: xpumcli diag [Options]
xpumcli diag -d [deviceId] -l [level]
xpumcli diag -d [pciBdfAddress] -l [level]
xpumcli diag -d [deviceId] -l [level] -j
xpumcli diag -d [pciBdfAddress] -l [level] -j
xpumcli diag -d [deviceId] --singletest [testIds]
xpumcli diag -d [pciBdfAddress] --singletest [testIds]
xpumcli diag -d [deviceId] --singletest [testIds] -j
xpumcli diag -d [pciBdfAddress] --singletest [testIds] -j
xpumcli diag -g [groupId] -l
xpumcli diag -g [groupId] -l -j
xpumcli diag -d [deviceIds] --stress --stresstime [time]
xpumcli diag --precheck
xpumcli diag --precheck -j
xpumcli diag --precheck --gpu
xpumcli diag --precheck --gpu -j
xpumcli diag --precheck --listtypes
xpumcli diag --precheck --listtypes -j
xpumcli diag --stress --stresstime [time]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit.
-j,--json Print result in JSON format.
-d,--device The device ID.
-g,--group The group ID.
-l,--level The diagnostic levels to run. The valid options include
1. quick test
2. medium test - this diagnostic level will have the significant performance impact on the specified GPUs
3. long test - this diagnostic level will have the significant performance impact on the specified GPUs
-s,--stress Stress the GPU(s) for the specified time
--stresstime Stress time (in minutes)
--precheck Do the precheck on the GPU and GPU driver.
--listtypes List all supported GPU error types
--gpu Show the GPU status only
--since Start time for log scanning. It only works with the journalctl option. The generic format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
Alternatively the strings "yesterday", "today" are also understood.
Relative times also may be specified, prefixed with "-" referring to times before the current time.
Scanning would start from the latest boot if it was not specified.
--singletest Selectively run some particular tests. Separated by the comma.
1. Computation
2. Memory Error
3. Memory Bandwidth
4. Media Codec
5. PCIe Bandwidth
6. Power
7. Computation functional test
8. Media Codec functional test
9. Xe Link Throughput
Run test to diagnose GPU
xpumcli diag -d 0 -l 1
Device Type: GPU
| Device ID | 0 |
| Level | 1 |
| Result | Pass |
| Items | 4 |
| Software Env Variables | Result: Pass |
| | Message: Pass to check environment variables. |
| Software Library | Result: Pass |
| | Message: Pass to check libraries |
| Software Permission | Result: Pass |
| | Message: Pass to check permission |
| Software Exclusive | Result: Pass |
| | Message: Warning: 2 process(es) are using the device. |
| | PID: 633972, Command: ./ze_gemm |
| | PID: 633973, Command: ./ze_gemm |
Pre-check the GPU and GPU driver status
xpumcli diag --precheck
| Component | Details |
| Driver | Status: Pass |
| CPU | CPU ID: 0 |
| | Status: Pass |
| CPU | CPU ID: 1 |
| | Status: Pass |
| GPU | BDF: 0000:3a:00.0 |
| | Status: Pass |
Stress the GPUs
xpumcli diag --stress
Stress on all GPU
Device: 0 Finished:0 Time: 0 seconds
Device: 1 Finished:0 Time: 0 seconds
Device: 0 Finished:0 Time: 5 seconds
Device: 1 Finished:0 Time: 5 seconds
Run the particular tests on the specified GPU
xpumcli diag -d 0 --singletest 1,4
| Device ID | 0 |
| Performance Computation | Result: Pass |
| | Message: Pass to check computation performance. Its single-precision |
| | GFLOPS is 11120.225. |
| Media Codec | Result: Pass |
| | Message: Pass to check Media transcode performance. |
| | 1080p H.265 : 474 FPS |
| | 1080p H.264 : 430 FPS |
| | 4K H.265 : 139 FPS |
| | 4K H.264 : 119 FPS |
This command only works for Intel(R) Data Center GPU Flex 140/170 on Intel M50CYP servers.
Help info for get AMC senor readings
xpumcli amcsensor -h
List the AMC real-time sensor readings.
Usage: xpumcli amcsensor [Options]
xpumcli amcsensor
xpumcli amcsensor -j
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
Get the AMC sensor readings.
xpumcli amcsensor
| AMC ID | Sensors |
| AMC 0 | |
| | temp_sensor_0 (degrees C): 36 |
| | temp_sensor_1 (degrees C): 35 |
| | VCCGT_GPU2_volt (Volts): 0.015 |
| | VCCGT_GPU2_pow (Watts): 0 |
| | VCCGT_GPU2_cur (Amps): 0 |
| | VCCGT_GPU1_volt (Volts): 0.015 |
| | VCCGT_GPU1_pow (Watts): 0 |
| | VCCGT_GPU1_cur (Amps): 0 |
| | soc_die_temp_1 (degrees C): 42 |
| | soc_die_temp_2 (degrees C): 42 |
| | total_brd_pwr (Watts): 38 |
Help info of collecting GPU log files.
xpumcli log -h
Collect GPU debug logs.
Usage: xpumcli log [Options]
xpumcli log -f [tarGzipFileName]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-f,--file The file (a tar.gz) to archive all the debug logs
Collect the GPU log files. If the filename is specified with the relative filepath, the log file is generated under the XPU Manager daemon working folder (under "/" by default). You may use the absolute filepath for easy to find.
xpumcli log -f 1217.tar.gz
Only Ubuntu and CentOS 7 are validated.
Advanced -> PCI Configuration -> Memory Mapped I/O above 4GB : Enabled
Advanced -> PCI Configuration -> MMIO High Base : 56T
Advanced -> PCI Configuration -> Memory Mapped I/O Size : 1024G
Advanced -> System Acoustic and Performance Configuration -> Set Fan Profile : Performance
Advanced -> Integrated IO Configuration -> PCIe Misc. Configuration -> PCIe ASPM Support (Global) : Disabled
Advanced -> Power & Performance -> Workload Configuration : I/O Sensitive
Advanced -> Power & Performance -> CPU P State Control -> Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology : Enabled
Advanced -> PCI Configuration -> SR-IOV Support : Enabled
Advanced -> Processor Configuration -> Intel(R) Virtualization Technology: Enabled
Advanced -> Integrated IO Configuration -> Intel(R) VT for Directed I/O : Enabled
MMCFG Base = Auto
MMCFG Size = Auto
MMIO High Base = 32T
MMIO High Granularity Size = 1024G
VMX = Enabled
SR-IOV Support = Enabled
Intel VT for Directed I/O (VT-d) = Enabled
Power/Performance Profile = Virtualization
MMCFG Base=Auto
MMIO High Base=32T
MMIO High Granularity Size=1024G
SR-IOV Support=Enabled
Intel VT for Directed I/O=Enabled
ENERGY_PERF_BIAS_CFG mode=Performance
Workload Configuration=Balanced
Workload Profile Configuration=Graphic Processing
Integrated Devices -> Memory Mapped I/O above 4GB = Enabled
Integrated Devices -> Memory Mapped Base = 56TB
Integrated Devices -> SR-IOV Global Enable = Enabled
Processor Settings -> Virtualization Technology = Enabled
System Profile Settings -> System Profile = Performance
Advanced -> Chipset Configuration -> NorthBridge -> IIO Configuration -> Intel VT for Directed I/O (VT-d) -> Enable
Advanced -> Chipset Configuration -> NorthBridge -> IIO Configuration -> PCI-E ASPM Support (Global) -> No
Advanced -> Chipset Configuration -> NorthBridge -> IIO Configuration -> IIO eDPC Support -> Disable
Advanced -> PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration -> Above 4G Decoding -> Enabled
Advanced -> PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration -> SR-IOV Support -> Enable
Advanced -> PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration -> ARI Support -> Enable
Advanced -> PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration -> MMCFG Base -> Auto
Advanced -> PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration -> MMIO High Base -> 32T
Advanced -> PCIE/PCI/PnP Configuration -> MMIO High Granularity Size -> 1024G or 2048G
Virtualization Options -> Intel(R) Virtualization Technology: Enabled
Virtualization Options -> Intel(R) VT-d: Enabled
Virtualization Options -> SR-IOV: Enabled
After BIOS settings are rightly configured and the GPU driver is installed, some kernel command line options need be added into the "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX" setting of the file, /etc/default/grub. They are "intel_iommu=on i915.max_vfs=31". "intel_iommmu" is for IOMMU and "i915.max_vfs" is for SR-IOV. After you update the grub file, please run the command like "update-grub" to set to kernel image and reboot OS to take effect. You may check the content of /proc/cmdline to confirm that they are rightly set. The command "sudo xpumcli vgpu --addkernelparam" can automatically add these kernel parameters.
xpumcli vgpu
Create and remove virtual GPUs in SR-IOV configuration.
Usage: xpumcli vgpu [Options]
xpumcli vgpu --precheck
xpumcli vgpu --addkernelparam
xpumcli vgpu -d [deviceId] -c -n [vGpuNumber] --lmem [vGpuMemorySize]
xpumcli vgpu -d [pciBdfAddress] -c -n [vGpuNumber] --lmem [vGpuMemorySize]
xpumcli vgpu -d [deviceId] -r
xpumcli vgpu -d [pciBdfAddress] -r
xpumcli vgpu -d [deviceId] -l
xpumcli vgpu -d [pciBdfAddress] -l
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
--precheck Check if BIOS settings and kernel command line options are ready to create virtual GPUs
--addkernelparam Add the kernel command line parameters for the virtual GPUs
-d,--device Device ID or PCI BDF address
-c,--create Create the virtual GPUs
-n The number of virtual GPUs to create.
--lmem The memory size of each virtual GPUs, in MiB. For example, --lmem 500. This parameter is optional.
-l,--list List all virtual GPUs on the specified physical GPU
-r,--remove Remove all virtual GPUs on the specified physical GPU
-y,--assumeyes Assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes
xpumcli vgpu --precheck
| VMX Flag | Result: Pass |
| | Message: |
| SR-IOV | Status: Fail |
| | Message: SR-IOV is disabled. Please set the related BIOS settings and |
| | kernel command line options. |
| IOMMU | Status: Pass |
| | Message: |
sudo xpumcli vgpu --addkernelparam -y
Do you want to add the required kernel command line parameters? (y/n) y
Succeed in adding the required kernel command line parameters, "intel_iommu=on i915.max_vfs=31". "intel_iommmu" is for IOMMU and "i915.max_vfs" is for SR-IOV. Please reboot OS to take effect.
After all GPU SR-IOV pre-checks are passed, you may create the virtual GPUs
sudo xpumcli vgpu -d 0 -c -n 4 --lmem 500
| Device Information |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.0 |
| Function Type: physical |
| Memory Physical Size: 14260.97 MiB |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.1 |
| Function Type: virtual |
| Memory Physical Size: 500.00 MiB |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.2 |
| Function Type: virtual |
| Memory Physical Size: 500.00 MiB |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.3 |
| Function Type: virtual |
| Memory Physical Size: 500.00 MiB |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.4 |
| Function Type: virtual |
| Memory Physical Size: 500.00 MiB |
sudo xpumcli vgpu -d 0 -l
| Device Information |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.0 |
| Function Type: physical |
| Memory Physical Size: 14260.97 MiB |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.1 |
| Function Type: virtual |
| Memory Physical Size: 500.00 MiB |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.2 |
| Function Type: virtual |
| Memory Physical Size: 500.00 MiB |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.3 |
| Function Type: virtual |
| Memory Physical Size: 500.00 MiB |
| PCI BDF Address: 0000:4d:00.4 |
| Function Type: virtual |
| Memory Physical Size: 500.00 MiB |
sudo xpumcli vgpu -d 0 -r
CAUTION: we are removing all virtual GPUs on device 0, please make sure all vGPU-assigned virtual machines are shut down.
Please confirm to proceed (y/n) y
All virtual GPUs on the device 0 are removed.
The advanced configurations of the virtual GPU are in the file, /usr/lib/xpum/config/vgpu.conf. You may change your virtual GPU settings according to the created virtual GPU number. For example, the NAME "56c0N16" means the settings for creating 16 vGPU on Flex 170 GPU (Device ID: 0x56c0). Here is the detailed info of the virtual GPU settings.
- VF_CONTEXTS: Number of contexts per virtual GPU, used for KMD-GuC communication
- VF_DOORBELLS: Number of doorbells per virtual GPU, used for KMD-GuC communication
- VF_GGTT: GGTT(Global Graphics Translation Table) size per virtual GPU, used for memory mapping, in bytes
- VF_EXEC_QUANT_MS: Denotes the amount of time that a particular virtual GPU will be allocated in the per vGPU time-slicing round-robin, in milliseconds
- VF_PREEMPT_TIMEOUT_US: Denotes the amount of time that the GuC Scheduler will wait for context preemptions on active engines to complete, engine reset will be triggered anyway at the expiry of timeout, in microseconds
- PF_EXEC_QUANT_MS: Denotes the amount of time that the physical GPU will be allocated in the per virtual GPU time-slicing round-robin, in milliseconds
- PF_PREEMPT_TIMEOUT: Denotes the amount of time that the GuC Scheduler will wait for context preemptions on active engines to complete, engine reset will be triggered anyway at the expiry of timeout, in microseconds
- SCHED_IF_IDLE: 0: flexible scheduling, the virtual GPU will be allocated its time slice only if it has pending workload, and the time slice shifts to next virtual GPU when all workload submitted by current virtual GPU are completed. 1: strict scheduling, the virtual GPU will always be allocated its time slice even if it's idle.
- DRIVERS_AUTOPROBE: Determines whether the newly enabled virtual GPUs are immediately bound to a driver, 0 or 1
- XPU manager (in Host OS Linux) cannot discover and monitor a virtual GPU if it is assigned to an active VM guest or sriov_drivers_autoprobe is set to 0. If only 1 virtual GPU was created, end users may understand virtual GPU utilizations by looking at metrics of PF.
- XPU manager (in Guest OS Windows) can only monitor GPU utilization, other metrics are not available
Help info of GPU process info
xpumcli ps -h
List status of processes.
Usage: xpumcli ps [Options]
xpumcli ps
xpumcli ps -d [deviceId]
xpumcli ps -d [deviceId] -j
PID: Process ID
Command: Process command name
DeviceID: Device ID
SHR: The size of shared device memory mapped into this process (may not necessarily be resident on the device at the time of reading) (kB)
MEM: Device memory size in bytes allocated by this process (may not necessarily be resident on the device at the time of reading) (kB)
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-j,--json Print result in JSON format
-d,--device The device ID or PCI BDF address
Show the process info which are using GPU
xpumcli ps
PID Command DeviceID SHR MEM
12961 xpumd 0 0 1966
12961 xpumd 1 0 1966