New dependencies need to be approved by the Jour Fixe of the ILIAS society.
- Comment all lines in libs/.gitignore
- Add a new library using composer, e.g. "composer require filp/whoops"
- Documents the usage and your wrapper class in composer.josn, e.g.:
"filp/whoops" : {
"source" : "",
"used_version" : "v2.1.0",
"wrapped_by" : null,
"added_by" : "Denis Klöpfer <[email protected]>",
"last_update" : "2016-03-22",
"last_update_by" : "Jörg Lützenkirchen <[email protected]>"
- Run "composer install --no-dev"
- Add all files to ILIAS git-repository and commit
- Run "composer install" to reinstall dev-dependencies and build autoload.php
- ignore all dependencies installed now (which are dev-requirements only)
- add and commit changes in libs/.gitgnore and autoload.php etc.
- Add a new library using composer, e.g. "composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit"
- Ignore all directories which are added by installation (uncomment existing)
- commit changes in autoload.php etc.
- Search the name of dependency you like to update.
- Update by using "composer update --no-dev <DEPENDENCIE_NAME>"
- Commit all changes in composer.lock and the vendor folder