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Use the Command Line to Manage ILIAS

The ILIAS command line app can be called via php setup\setup.php. It contains three commands to manage ILIAS installations:

install and update both require a configuration file to do their job. The app also supports a help command that lists arguments and options of the available commands.

Install ILIAS

To install ILIAS from the command line, call php setup/setup.php install config.json" from within the ILIAS folder you checked out from GitHub (or downloaded from elsewhere). config.jsoncan be the path to some [configuration file](#about-the-config-file) which does not need to reside in the ILIAS folder. Also,setup/setup.phpcould be the path to thesetup.php` when the command is called from somewhere else.

You most probably want to execute the setup with the user that also executes your webserver to avoid problems with filesystem permissions. The installation creates directories and files that the webserver will need to read and sometimes even modify.

The setup will ask you to confirm some assumptions during the setup process, where you will have to type yes (or no, of course). These checks can be overwritten with the --yes option, which confirm any assumption for you automatically.

There might be cases where the setup aborts for some reasons. These reasons might require further actions on your side which the setup can not perform. Make sure you read messages from the setup carefully and act accordingly. If you do not change the config file, it is safe to execute the installation process a second time for the same installation a during the initial setup process.

Do not discard the config.json you use for the installation, you will need it later on to update that installation. If you want to overwrite specific fields in the configuration file you can use the --config="a.b.c=value" option, even several times. The nested field a.b.c from the config file will then be overwritten with value.

Update ILIAS

To update ILIAS from the command line, call php setup/setup.php update config.json from within your ILIAS folder. Make sure you use the same config to update your installation as you have used for the installation. The remarks for the installation in this README also apply for the update.

Sometimes it might happen that the database update steps detect some edge case or warn about a possible loss of data. In this case the update is aborted with a message and can be resumed after the messages was read carefully and acted upon. You may use the --ignore-db-update-messages at your own risk if you want to silence the messages.

Build ILIAS Artifacts

Artifacts are source code files that are created based on the ILIAS source tree. You can refresh them by calling php setup/setup.php build-artifacts from your installation. Make sure you run the command with the webserver user or adjust filesystem permissions later on, because the webserver will need to access the generated files. Please do not invoke this function unless it is explicitly stated in update or patch instructions or you know what you are doing.

Reload ILIAS Control Structure

The control structure captures information about components and GUIs of ILIAS in the database. Sometimes it might be necessary to refresh that information. Please do not invoke this function unless it is explicitly stated in update or patch instructions or you know what you are doing.

About the Config File

The config file is a json file with the following structure. Mandatory fields are printed bold, all other fields might be ommitted. A minimal example is here.

  • common settings relevant for the complete installation
    • client_id is the identifier to be used for the installation
    • master_password is used to identify at the web version of the setup
    • server_timezone where the installation resides, given as region/city, e.g. Europe/Berlin. Defaults to UTC.
    • register_nic sends the identification number of the installation to a server of the ILIAS society together with some information about the installation.
  • backgroundtasks is a service to run tasks for users in separate processes
    • type might be async or sync and defaults to sync
    • max_number_of_concurrent_tasks that all users can run together
  • database is required to connect to the database
    • type of the database, one of innodb, mysql, postgres, galera, defaults to innodb
    • host the database server runs on, defaults to localhost
    • port the database server uses, defaults to 3306
    • database name to be used, defaults to ilias
    • user to be used to connect to the database
    • password to be used to connect to the database
    • create_database if a database with the given name does not exist? Defaults to true
  • filesystem configuration
    • data_dir outside the web directory where ILIAS puts some data
  • globalcache is a service for caching various information
    • service to be used for caching. Either none, static, xcache, memcached or apc
    • components that should use caching. Can be all or any list of components that support caching.
  • http configuration
    • path to your installation on the internet
    • https_autodetection allows ILIAS to be run behind a proxy that terminates ssl connections
      • header_name that the proxy sets to indicate ssl connections
      • header_value that the proxy sets for said header
    • proxy for outgoing http connections
      • host the proxy runs on
      • port the proxy listens on
  • language configuration
    • default_language language to be used for users, defaults to en
    • install_languages defines all languages that should be available in a list
    • install_local_languages defines all languages with a local language file
  • logging configuration if logging should be used
    • enable the logging
    • path_to_logfile to be used for logging
    • errorlog_dir to put error logs in
  • mathjax contains settings for Services/MathJax
    • path_to_latex_cgi executable
  • pdfgeneration contains settings for Services/PDFGeneration
    • path_to_phantom_js executable
  • preview contains settings for Services/Preview
    • path_to_ghostscript executable
  • mediaobject contains settings for Services/MediaObjects
    • path_to_ffmpeg executable
  • style configuration to change the ILIAS look
    • manage_system_styles via a GUI in the installation
    • path_to_lessc to compile less to css
  • systemfolder settings for Module/SystemFolder
    • client information
      • name of the ILIASinstallation
      • description of the installation
      • institution that provides the installation
    • contact to a person behind the installation
      • firstname of said person
      • lastname of said person
      • title of said person
      • position of said person
      • institution of said person
      • street of said person
      • zipcode of said person
      • city of said person
      • country of said person
      • phone of said person
      • email of said person
  • utilities contains settings for Services/Utilities
    • path_to_convert from ImageMagick, to resize images
    • path_to_zip" to zip files
    • path_to_unzip" to unzip files
  • virusscanner configuration
    • virusscanner to be used. Either none, sophos, antivir or clamav
    • path_to_scan command of the scanner
    • path_to_clean command of the scanner