Gidee address:xJavaFxTool
GitHub address:xJavaFxTool
Tencent Cloud Development Platform Address:xJavaFxTool
xJavaFxTool exchange QQ group:== 387473650 ==
xJavaFxTool is a practical gadget set developed by javaFx. It uses some time to summarize some problems encountered in the work, packaged into a small tool set for your reference and use. It contains some examples of javaFx functions, such as layout, Internationalization, third-party UI library ( controlsfx , JFoenix, etc.), external jar package loading (plug-in mechanism) and other common functions, students who want to learn javaFx can refer to the reference, learn javaFx data reference
Due to the hot SpringBoot, the project has been released SpringBoot-javafx version, xJavaFxTool-spring welcome reference, thank you.
- Jar package that can be run directly (local need to have jdk1.8 environment)xJavaFxTool-0.1.7.jar
- Windows x86 installation package (compatible with xp, windows7, 8, 10, etc.) xJavaFxTool-0.1.7-windows-x86.exe
- Windows x64 installation package (compatible with xp, windows7, 8, 10, etc.)xJavaFxTool-0.1.7-windows-x64.exe
- Linux x64 (Linux platform 64-bit running compression package, decompression can run)
- Mac OS X x64 xJavaFxTool-0.1.7-macosx-x64.dmg
- Mac OS X x64 xJavaFxTool-0.1.7-macosx-x64.pkg
- Baidu cloud link: extraction code: mokl
- Tencent micro cloud link: extraction code: java
Support plug-in development, the plug-in jar package can be automatically loaded under the root directory libs (see the open source project xJavaFxPlugIn for plug-in development examples , and the next step is to split the gadget into each plug-in and load it as needed. Currently, the plug-in function is not perfect, follow-up Split each function into modules and load them as needed to reduce the size of the jar package);
- The development environment is jdk1.8, based on maven build
- Developed with eclipase or Intellij Idea (Recommended to use Intellij Idea )
- This project uses lombok . If you have not downloaded the lombok plugin when viewing this project, please install it first, otherwise you can't find the get/set method.
- The dependent xcore package has been uploaded to the git-hosted maven platform. The git hosting maven can refer to the tutorial (if you can't download it, please pull the project to compile it yourself ). Tutorial address: Click to enter
- Package using the javafx-maven-plugin (can be packaged for windows, Linux, Mac installation packages)
- Use exe4j to convert the jar package into an exe executable file (for reference only, you can use other programs to package)
- Use InnoSetup to make windows installation packages
- FileCopy: File Copy (supports automatic scheduled copy function) (using the quartz tool)
- CronExpBuilder: Cron Expression Builder
- CharacterConverter: code conversion
- EncryptAndDecrypt: Encryption and decryption (Ascii, Hex, Base64, Base32, URL, MD5, SHA, AES, DES, file encryption DM5, file encryption SHA1, Morse password, Druid encryption) (using the commons-codec tool)
- TimeTool: Time conversion (common format conversion (including time zone), calculation time difference, time superposition calculation)
- LinuxPathToWindowsPath: path conversion (using the oshi tool)
- QRCodeBuilder: QR code generation tool (automatically generate, add logo, screenshot recognition, custom format) (using google.zxing , jkeymaster, etc.)
- IdCardGenerator: ID Generator
- RegexTester: Regular Expression Generation Tool
- ShortURL: URL shortening (currently support Baidu, Sina, shrink me and other short URL shortening)
- EscapeCharacter: escape characters (supports Html, XML, Java, JavaScript, CSV, Sql) (using the commons-lang3 tool)
- ZHConverter: string conversion (using hanlp open source tools, to achieve pinyin, simplified - traditional, simplified - Taiwanese body, simplified - Hong Kong traditional, traditional - Taiwanese body, traditional - Hong Kong traditional, Hong Kong traditional - Taiwanese body, digital amount - capital amount, etc. Direct conversion)
- ActiveMqTool: Mq debugging tool (currently only supports ActiveMq )
- HttpTool: Http debugging tool (supports custom send data, header and cookie) (using okhttp )
- jsonEditor: json format editing tool
- IconTool: Icon Generation Tool (using the thumbnailator tool)
- RedisTool: Redis connection tool (using the jedis tool)
- WebSourcesTool: web source download tool
- SwitchHostsTool: Switch the Hosts tool (using the richtextfx tool)
- FtpServer: Ftp server (quickly build local Ftp service) (based on apache.ftpserver )
- CmdTool: Cmd debugging tool
- FtpClientTool: Ftp(s)/Sftp client debugging tool (batch upload, download, delete files and folders) (implicit/explicit SSL/TLS) (using jsch , commons-io, etc.)
- PdfConvertTool: Pdf conversion tool (currently only supports pdf to image, pdf to text function) (using pdfbox tool)
- DirectoryTreeTool: File List Generator
- ImageTool: Image compression tool (bulk compression, resizing, conversion format)
- AsciiPicTool: Image transcoding tool (including image generation banner code, picture to Base64 code, picture to Excel table)
- KafkaTool: Kafka debugging tool (not perfect) (using kafka-clients )
- EmailTool: Email bulk tool (supports custom bulk template) (using the commons-email tool)
- ColorCodeConverterTool: color code conversion tool (including conversion between hexadecimal, RGB, ARGB, RGBA, HSL, HSV, etc.)
- SmsTool: SMS group sending tool (currently supports China Mobile, China Telecom, Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Monternet Cloud Communication and other platforms)
- ScriptEngineTool: script engine debugging tool (currently supports scripts such as JavaScript, Groovy, Python, Lua, etc.) (using tools such as groovy,jython,luaj, etc.)
- FileRenameTool: File Rename Tool
- JsonConvertTool: Json conversion tool (currently supports Json to Xml, Json to Java entity class, Json to C# entity class, Json to Excel, Json to Yaml, Properties to Yaml, Yaml to Properties) (using fastjson, snakeyaml, dom4j, etc.)
- WechatJumpGameTool: WeChat Jumping Assistant
- TextToSpeechTool: Voice Conversion Tool (call Baidu Voice Conversion API)
- 2048: Small game 2048
- SocketTool: Socket debugging tool (using Apache Mina to implement Tcp, Udp server and client)
- ImageAnalysisTool: Image parsing tool (1. Atlas file anti-parsing 2, image quick split tool)
- DecompilerWxApkgTool: WeChat applet decompilation tool (one-click decompilation WeChat small package)
- ZooKeeperTool: Zookeeper Tool (a convenient operation for ZooKeeper, including adding, modifying, deleting (including subfiles), renaming, copying, adding change notifications) (using the zkclient tool)
- ExcelSplitTool: Excel split tool (supports splitting xls, xlsx, csv and files) (using the commons-csv tool)
- PathWatchTool: Folder Monitoring Tool
- CharsetDetectTool: File Encoding Detection Tool (using the juniversalchardet tool)
- TransferTool: Transfer tool (integrated with various transport protocols, using custom timing tasks (simple mode, cron expression mode), divided into Receiver receiver, Filter processor, Sender transmitter)
- ScanPortTool: Port Scanning Tool
- FileMergeTool: File Merge Tool (supports merging xls, xlsx, csv, and files) (using the apache.poi tool)
- SedentaryReminderTool: Sedentary Reminder Tool
- RandomGeneratorTool: random number generation tool (using hutool tool)
- ClipboardHistoryTool: Clipboard History Tool
- FileSearchTool: File Search Tool (using the lucene search engine)
- Mp3ConvertTool: Mp3 conversion tool (currently supports NetEase cloud music.ncm, QQ music.qmc converted to mp3 format) (using jaudiotagger tool)
- SealBuilderTool: Stamp Generation Tool
- BullsAndCowsGame: A number guessing game
title | Configuration class name | Description |
Fs | ReceiverConfigFs | Read a message from a disk file |
Ftp | ReceiverConfigFtp | Receive messages using the Ftp/Ftps protocol |
Http | ReceiverConfigHttp | Receive messages using the http/https protocol (supports pull mode and provides the Restfull interface mode) |
Ftp | ReceiverConfigFtp | Receive messages using the Ftp/Ftps protocol |
SFtp | ReceiverConfigSftp | Receive messages using the SFtp protocol |
ReceiverConfigEmail | Receive messages using the Email protocol | |
Jms | ReceiverConfigJms | Receive messages using the Jms protocol |
Kafka | ReceiverConfigKafka | Receive messages using the Kafka protocol |
IbmMq | ReceiverConfigIbmMq | Receive messages using the IbmMq protocol |
RabbitMq | ReceiverConfigRabbitMq | Receive messages using the RabbitMq protocol |
RocketMq | ReceiverConfigRocketMq | Receive messages using the RocketMq protocol |
ActiveMq | ReceiverConfigActiveMq | Receive messages using the ActiveMq protocol |
Hdfs | ReceiverConfigHdfs | Receive messages using the HDFS protocol |
title | Configuration class name | Description |
Backup | FilterConfigBackup | Back up messages to the file system |
Compress | FilterConfigCompress | Compress the message |
Decompress | FilterConfigDecompress | Decompress the message |
EncryptDecrypt | FilterConfigEncryptDecrypt | Encrypt and decrypt the message |
OracleSqlldr | FilterConfigOracleSqlldr | Save the message to the Oracle database |
GroovyScript | FilterConfigGroovyScript | Will execute the Groovy script |
PythonScript | FilterConfigPythonScript | Will execute Python script |
JavaScript | FilterConfigJavaScript | Will execute a JavaScript script |
LuaScript | FilterConfigLuaScript | Will execute the Lua script |
title | Configuration class name | Description |
Fs | SenderConfigFs | Read a message from a disk file |
Ftp | SenderConfigFtp | Send messages using the Ftp/Ftps protocol |
Http | SenderConfigHttp | Send a message using the http/https protocol |
Ftp | SenderConfigFtp | Send messages using the Ftp/Ftps protocol |
SFtp | SenderConfigSftp | Send messages using the SFtp protocol |
SenderConfigEmail | Send a message using Email | |
Jms | SenderConfigJms | Send messages using the Jms protocol |
Kafka | SenderConfigKafka | Send messages using the Kafka protocol |
IbmMq | SenderConfigIbmMq | Send messages using the IbmMq protocol |
RabbitMq | SenderConfigRabbitMq | Send messages using the RabbitMq protocol |
RocketMq | SenderConfigRocketMq | Send messages using the RocketMq protocol |
ActiveMq | SenderConfigActiveMq | Send messages using the ActiveMq protocol |
Hdfs | SenderConfigHdfs | Send messages using the HDFS protocol |
In the development of the project, new tools will be added in the future. Welcome everyone to participate and give more comments, thank you.
- Monitoring function (folder depth, number of Ftp/Ftps/sftp files, mq depth)
- Convert excel to sql insert statement
- Record keyboard usage gadget
- Random file generator (with template engine)
- File search function
├─ project ImagesRF Royalty Free Screenshot
├─ external storage jar package lib reference
├─ libs plugin jar package store
├─ pom.xml maven profile
├─ documentation
├─ src
│ ├─ main
│ │ ├─ the Java
│ │ │ └ com
│ │ │ └ ─ xwintop
│ │ │ └ ─ ─ xJavaFxTool
│ │ │ ├─ common third-party tools
│ │ │ ├─ config springBoot configuration class
│ │ │ ├─ controller javafx control layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ assistTools Auxiliary Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├ ─ codeTools Code Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ debugTools Debug Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ developTools Development Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ epmsTools epms Tool Control Layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ javaFxTools javaFx tool control layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ littleTools gadget control layer
│ │ │ │ └ ─ webTools html tool control layer
│ │ │ ├─ job timed task processing job
│ │ │ ├─ main main function package
│ │ │ ├─ manager management
│ │ │ ├─ model basic bean class layer
│ │ │ ├─ services tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ assistTools auxiliary tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ codeTools Code tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ debugTools debugging tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ developTools development tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ epmsTools epms tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ javaFxTools javaFx tool service layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ littleTools gadgets service layer
│ │ │ │ └─ webTools html tool service layer
│ │ │ ├─ Utils system tools class
│ │ │ ├─ view javafx view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ assistTools auxiliary tool view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ codeTools Code tool view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ debugTools debugging tool View layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ developTools development tools view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ javaFxTools javaFx tool view layer
│ │ │ │ ├─ littleTools widget view layer
│ │ │ │ └─ webTools html tool view layer
│ │ │ └ ─ web web control view layer
│ │ └ ─ resources
│ │ ├ com
│ │ │ └ ─ xwintop
│ │ │ └─ xJavaFxTool
│ │ │ └─ fxmlView .fxml file
│ │ ├─ Config configuration file
│ │ │ └─ toolFxmlLoaderConfiguration.xml system menu loading configuration file
│ │ ├─ css style resource
│ │ ├─ data data resource
│ │ ├─ images image resource
│ │ ├─ locale internationalization
│ │ ├─ web html tools
│ │ ├─ application.yaml SpringBoot configuration file
│ │ ├─ banner.txt start banner pictures
│ │ └─ logback.xml logback log configuration file
│ └─ test test class
│ ├─ java
│ └─ resources
├─ xJavaFxTool.jar run the package directly
When a person is still young, I feel that I should start to do something that is meaningful to society, just like open source. At this point, thanks to the following contributors (in no particular order):
From time to time, add the pain points tool that summarizes the requirements in the development process. Everyone has a pain point at work and can enter the group discussion. Later, there may be corresponding tool solutions. Thank you for your support.