[ ][🤽♀️] Use types not interfaces
Use Import Attributes microsoft/TypeScript#53656
Try Signals https://youtu.be/SO8lBVWF2Y8?si=kfAjPq3vnxwVKAeH
Use template literals functions https://youtu.be/sX4svSMYdt0?si=5ksC3JefXmADzqqB
Use 100svh or/and 100dvh or/and 100lvh https://youtu.be/ru3U8MHbFFI?si=LCQBha4cyawUndBW
When importing type USE always
import type { ... } from '...'
automatically Search & replaceimport\s+(\{.*\/interfaces\/)
->import type $1
works -
Script for auto-generating fresh unused tags with emojis [👩🦱][👩🦲][👳♂️]
Go through all .push(...) and decide to change to [...x,y] where better
Do not use useEffect sooo often https://youtu.be/bGzanfKVFeU?si=CSebLURTV3RKqOsn
TODO: Maybe use unstyled components library like https://headlessui.com/ TODO: Add aria-* attributes to all elements TODO: Add things from Ainautes TODO: Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/next-seo TODO: Add JSON+LD TODO: Multiple images providers like Dalle-2, Stable diffusiom, https://skybox.blockadelabs.com/, custom images/photos or non-ml generated images (like abstract art, 3D or fractals) TODO: Color paletter as standalone product TODO: Instagram feed (And then shots, YT, tiktok, fb, telegram,...) TODO: Make logos via ControlNet @see https://www.facebook.com/reel/285666600531866 TODO: Dynamic pages from CMSs like Wordpress, Drupal, Ghost, Strapi, Contentful, etc Systems like Notion, Google Docs (@see file:///C:/Users/me/Downloads/e262ded5-27c3-4e4b-92e0-608fcb4ca2c3_Export-47229757-e9f2-4e4a-8fd3-770ded42a53b/The%20AI%20web%20058447887ac94ecb8e645bb108278d61.html) TODO: [🦺] Maybe we need robots.txt @see https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/functions/edge-functions/og-image-generation