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ComponentName class




if you add more components to the project you will need to add a line to this file (or other entry point):


Import strings here and call I18n.addStrings() with the supported locale identifier and the strings object exported from the language file


export a flat object of key/value paris for component labels. name the file based on the language/locale and import in strings.js

ComponentName ⇐ HTMLElement

ComponentName class

Kind: global class
Extends: HTMLElement

new exports.ComponentName()

This is an example of the components you will create. It must extend some kind of html element You must also register it after the class definition as a custom element


export const wcComponentName = customElements.define('component-name', ComponentName);

new ComponentName(self)

constructor - called when the element is created or upgraded

Returns: type - inherited properties from HTMLElement

Param Type Description
self type inherited properties from HTMLElement

componentName.thing ⇒ String

get value - Properties bound to attributes

Kind: instance property of ComponentName
Returns: String - thing description from element attribute


set value - Properties bound to attributes this will be automatically injected if present in the observedAttributes or stateAttributes

Kind: instance property of ComponentName

Param Type Description
val String description to be set on the element attribute

componentName.connectedCallback() ⇒ void

connectedCallback - Called when the element is inserted into a document, including into a shadow tree This is where you need to handle dom modifications that may have happened BEFORE modifications become observeable Note: not all content may be rendered at this point, you must be ready to handle the content as it becomes available

Kind: instance method of ComponentName
Returns: void - description

componentName.disconnectedCallback() ⇒ void

disconnectedCallback - Called when the element is removed from a document

  • Use this callback to perform any cleanup (remove dom elements that are not contained, restore state, etc)

Kind: instance method of ComponentName
Returns: void - description

componentName.attributeChangedCallback(attributeName, oldValue, newValue) ⇒ void

attributeChangedCallback - Called when an attribute is changed, appended, removed, or replaced on the element

Kind: instance method of ComponentName
Returns: void - description

Param Type Description
attributeName String description
oldValue String description
newValue String description

componentName.adoptedCallback(oldDocument, newDocument) ⇒ void

adoptedCallback - Called when the element is adopted into a new document

Kind: instance method of ComponentName
Returns: void - description

Param Type Description
oldDocument HTMLDocument description
newDocument HTMLDocument description

ComponentName.observedAttributes ⇒ Array

Kind: static property of ComponentName
Returns: Array - array of strings

ComponentName.stateAttributes ⇒ Array

Not applicable if not using the StatefulElement mixin;

Kind: static property of ComponentName
Returns: Array - description


Kind: global class

new exports.ComponentName()

This is an example of the components you will create. It must extend some kind of html element You must also register it after the class definition as a custom element


export const wcComponentName = customElements.define('component-name', ComponentName);

new ComponentName(self)

constructor - called when the element is created or upgraded

Returns: type - inherited properties from HTMLElement

Param Type Description
self type inherited properties from HTMLElement

componentName.thing ⇒ String

get value - Properties bound to attributes

Kind: instance property of ComponentName
Returns: String - thing description from element attribute


set value - Properties bound to attributes this will be automatically injected if present in the observedAttributes or stateAttributes

Kind: instance property of ComponentName

Param Type Description
val String description to be set on the element attribute

componentName.connectedCallback() ⇒ void

connectedCallback - Called when the element is inserted into a document, including into a shadow tree This is where you need to handle dom modifications that may have happened BEFORE modifications become observeable Note: not all content may be rendered at this point, you must be ready to handle the content as it becomes available

Kind: instance method of ComponentName
Returns: void - description

componentName.disconnectedCallback() ⇒ void

disconnectedCallback - Called when the element is removed from a document

  • Use this callback to perform any cleanup (remove dom elements that are not contained, restore state, etc)

Kind: instance method of ComponentName
Returns: void - description

componentName.attributeChangedCallback(attributeName, oldValue, newValue) ⇒ void

attributeChangedCallback - Called when an attribute is changed, appended, removed, or replaced on the element

Kind: instance method of ComponentName
Returns: void - description

Param Type Description
attributeName String description
oldValue String description
newValue String description

componentName.adoptedCallback(oldDocument, newDocument) ⇒ void

adoptedCallback - Called when the element is adopted into a new document

Kind: instance method of ComponentName
Returns: void - description

Param Type Description
oldDocument HTMLDocument description
newDocument HTMLDocument description

ComponentName.observedAttributes ⇒ Array

Kind: static property of ComponentName
Returns: Array - array of strings

ComponentName.stateAttributes ⇒ Array

Not applicable if not using the StatefulElement mixin;

Kind: static property of ComponentName
Returns: Array - description


if you add more components to the project you will need to add a line to this file (or other entry point):

Kind: global variable

export * from '../components/component-name/component-name.js';


export * from 'external/dependency/location.js';


export {SpecificDependency} from 'external/location.js';


export * from '@helio/wc-ui';


Kind: global variable

Param Type Description
exports Object Any named exports from here should have a 1:1 mapping to a file either in src ir lib (rollup output) directory. This is useful if you have a project that is deployed as an IIFE but you still have components you want to export independently. By default, any named exports defined here will be added to the rollup.imports object on projects that depend on this one.
rollup Object Rollup configuration object
rollup.externals Array.<String> npm package names or named imports to be considered external when rolled up. This is useful for A) when you have a component that depends on a vendor library that will be included on the page but not in your bundle or B) when you are exporting an ES module to be consumed.
rollup.entry Object The entry point for rollup to begin bundling. Typically, this will be a file in core named the same as your package. This file is your "Main" where your exports live.
rollup.format "es" | "iife" The only two valid values are "es" and "iife". either you are creating a reusable component module (es) or a deployed application (iife).
rollup.imports Object This is for named imports that may come from other projects or you can define yourself. an Example would be the whatwg/fetch polyfill where we want a specific file from the npm package but not the default script specified in the watwg/fetch package.json


"exports": {
    "deployedApp": "node_modules/@helio/component/lib/app.js",
    "subComponentA": "node_modules/@helio/component/lib/componentA.js",
    "subComponentB": "node_modules/@helio/component/lib/componentB.js"


"rollup": {
  "externals": [],
  "entry": "src/core/package.js",
  "format": "es",
  "imports": {}


"externals": [


"entry": "src/core/package.js"


"format": "es"


"imports": {
  "namedDependency": "node_modules/file/not/specified/by/packagejson"


Import strings here and call I18n.addStrings() with the supported locale identifier and the strings object exported from the language file

Kind: global variable

import {I18n} from '@helio/wc-i18n';

import en_US_Strings from './languages/en_US';

I18n.addStrings('en_US', en_US_Strings);


export a flat object of key/value paris for component labels. name the file based on the language/locale and import in strings.js

Kind: global variable

export default {
  'demo': 'Hello, from NewProjectTest!',
  'demo2': 'Here is a list of my favorite colors'


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