- Python>=3.8
- NumPy==1.23
- CUDA 11.7
- PyTorch 1.13.0
- PyTorch Scatter 2.0.7
- PyTorch Sparse 0.6.9
- PyTorch Geometric 2.0.4
- SciPy
- tqdm
- tensorboard_logger
- Matplotlib
Download checkpoints from checkpoints-downloading-link and place them in
. -
Download test datasets from test-datasets-downloading-link and place them in
Our datasets are mostly generated using the code of Attention, Learn to Solve Routing Problems!. To evaluate our method on your own datasets, use --path PATH_OF_YOUR_DATASET
# For TSP500:
python main.py --problem_size 500 --revision_iters 20 25 5 --revision_lens 100 50 20 --width 10 --eval_batch_size 64 --val_size 128 --decode_strategy greedy
# For TSP1000:
python main.py --problem_size 1000 --revision_iters 20 25 5 --revision_lens 100 50 20 --width 10 --eval_batch_size 32 --val_size 128 --decode_strategy greedy
# For TSP10k:
python main.py --problem_size 10000 --revision_iters 50 25 5 --revision_lens 100 50 20 --width 1 --eval_batch_size 16 --val_size 16 --decode_strategy greedy
# For TSP100k:
python main.py --problem_size 100000 --revision_iters 50 25 5 --revision_lens 100 50 20 --width 1 --eval_batch_size 1 --val_size 1 --decode_strategy greedy
# To conduct cross-distribution evaluation, e.g.:
python main.py --problem_size 100 --revision_lens 100 50 20 10 --revision_iters 20 10 10 5 --width 140 --eval_batch_size 100 --val_size 10000 --decode_strategy sampling --path data/tsp/tsp_uniform100_10000.pkl --no_aug --no_prune
# To reproduce the results of 49 TSPLib instances:
python eval_tsplib.py --eval_batch_size 1 --val_size 49 --path data/tsp/tsplib49.pkl --width 128 --decode_strategy greedy --no_prune
To reduce the inference duration, try:
# set
--width 1
# add
# less revisions, e.g.,
--revision_iters 5 5 5
Please refer to ./eval_atsp/
# For CVRP1K using LKH-3 as sub-solver:
python eval_cvrp.py --cpus 12 --problem_size 1000
# For CVRP1K using neural sub-TSP solver
python main.py --problem_type cvrp --problem_size 1000 --revision_lens 20 --revision_iters 5
# For CVRP2K using LKH-3 as sub-solver:
python eval_cvrp.py --cpus 12 --problem_size 2000
# For CVRP2K using neural sub-TSP solver
python main.py --problem_type cvrp --problem_size 2000 --revision_lens 50 20 --revision_iters 5 5
# For CVRP5K using LKH-3 as sub-solver
python eval_cvrp.py --cpus 12 --problem_size 5000 --ckpt_path pretrained/Partitioner/cvrp/cvrp-2000.pt
# For CVRP5K using neural sub-TSP solver
python main.py --problem_type cvrp --problem_size 5000 --ckpt_path pretrained/Partitioner/cvrp/cvrp-2000.pt --revision_lens 20 --revision_iters 5
# For CVRP7K using LKH-3 as sub-solver
python eval_cvrp.py --cpus 12 --problem_size 7000 --ckpt_path pretrained/Partitioner/cvrp/cvrp-2000.pt
# For CVRP7K using neural sub-TSP solver
python main.py --problem_type cvrp --problem_size 7000 --ckpt_path pretrained/Partitioner/cvrp/cvrp-2000.pt --revision_lens 20 --revision_iters 5
# For CVRPLIB using LKH-3 as sub-solver
python eval_cvrplib.py
# For CVRPLIB using neural sub-TSP solver
python eval_cvrplib_neural.py
# e.g., for PCTSP500
python main.py --problem_type pctsp --problem_size 500 --n_subset 10 --eval_batch_size 50 --val_size 100 --revision_iters 10 10 5 --revision_lens 100 50 20
# set n_subset = 1 for greedy mode
--n_subset 1
Please refer to ./local_construction/
and ./heatmap/