storm is a command line tool to manage your ssh connections.
pip install stormssh
or if you like 90s:
easy_install stormssh
or add storm directory to the your path.
adding hosts
storm add [-h] [--port PORT] [--id_file ID_FILE] name host user
id_file and port are optional arguments.
$ storm add my_vps root
my_vps added to your ssh config. you can connect it by typing "ssh my_vps".
modifying hosts
storm edit [-h] [--port PORT] [--id_file ID_FILE] name host user
id_file and port are optional arguments.
$ storm edit my_vps emre --port=88
"my_vps" updated successfully.
deleting a single host
storm delete name
$ storm delete my_vps
success hostname "my_vps" deleted successfully.
listing hosts
$ storm list
Listing hosts:
vps -> [email protected]:22
netscaler -> [email protected]:8081
deleting all hosts
$ storm delete_all
all entries deleted.
Samed Beyribey - PKGBUILD for Archlinux and testing excessive ssh configs.