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Source code for the submission on group-fairness-in-RL


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Group Fairness in Reinforcement Learning

Accompanying codebase for the submission to TMLR 2022


Create a conda environment using the corresponding _requirements.txt to install all the dependent libraries.

$ conda create --name <env> --file <path/to/requirements.txt>

Use the tabular_requirements.txt to create conda environment for tabular experiments (Section 3), and use deepRL_requirements.txt to create conda environment for Deep-RL experiments (Section 4).

Code Organization

Here is the high level structure of the components for this project:

  • envs contains the implementations of different RL environments: RiverSwim, MuJoCo and Credit Lending environments

  • tabular_algos contains the implementation for different algorithms for the non-stationary finite horizon case (Section 3). The weighted_algos denote the extended implementations for the tabular algorithms for the setting when the group sampling distribution ($\Delta_{Z}$) is non-uniform.

  • deepRL_algos contains the implementation for algorithms described for the DeepRL setting (Section 4).

  • scripts contains the procedure for benchmarking different algorithms for the tabular setting (RiverSwim, CreditLending).

  • experiments has the main driver code that utilizes the above components to run an experiment.

  • plots contain a sample utility notebook for plotting the results for the HalfCheetah based experiments.

Usage examples

The first step is to add the current path to the python path,

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/codebase

DeepRL experiments

Run the corresponding scripts in experiments/drl/ to launch an experiment. For instance, to run Lagrangian-PPO baseline for the Half-Cheetah based tasks:

  • Launch the experiment using the command,

    python -W ignore experiments/drl/  --exp-name <exp_name>  --log-path <log/path> --total-timesteps 2000000  --wandb-project-name <name> --wandb-entity <username> --track   --capture-video  --epsilon 1000   --env-case cheetah-family   --nu-max 1000.0   --nu-lr 0.01   --seed 13
  • Similarly, it is possible to launch the FOC-PPO experiment for the Navigation task using:

    python -W ignore experiments/drl/  --exp-name <exp_name>  --log-path <log/path>  --total-timesteps 4000000  --num-steps 512  --num-envs 16  --num-minibatches 4  --anneal-lr False  --wandb-project-name <name> --wandb-entity <username>  --track   --capture-video  --epsilon 0.5   --seed 3   --env-case u-maze   --nu-max 1000.0   --nu-lr 0.01   --lam 1.0 
  • For the economy tasks and PPO baseline, use the following:

    python -W ignore experiments/drl/  --exp-name <exp_name>  --log-path <log/path>  --total-timesteps 2000000  --num-steps 512  --num-envs 16  --num-minibatches 4  --anneal-lr False  --wandb-project-name <name> --wandb-entity <username> --track  --env-case econs-low   --seed 2

Tabular experiments

Use the following command format for launching the RiverSwim experiments:

python -W ignore scripts/ --out_dir <logs>   --exp_name <name>  --seed 123   --K 20000  --beta 1e-04


Source code for the submission on group-fairness-in-RL







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