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Single-Page Graphical Format

JFrog has created the following visual cheatsheet for basic Conan commands and concepts which users can print out and use as a handy reference. It is available as both a PDF and PNG.

:download:`PDF Format <images/cheatsheet/conan-cheatsheet.pdf>`

:download:`PNG Format <images/cheatsheet/conan-cheatsheet.png>`


Community-Created Format

Community contributors have also created the following extended cheatsheet providing a more narrative and workflow-centric cheatsheet. It is effectively, a single-page summary of other docs pages which community users found most relevant to daily Conan operations.

Conan is available as a Python package, and the recommended way to install is via pip:

$ pip install conan
$ pip install conan --upgrade

There are other methods of installation available, including standalone installers, which don't require a Python installation.

See Install docs.

Configurations contain hooks, profiles, remote repositories and settings, making them available for builds once installed. They are installed from a folder, zip, URL or git repo, and the installed items are recorded in ~/.conan/conan.conf.

Install configurations:

$ conan config install <item>  # Copy the relevant contents from <item> to the user's ~/.conan directory.

$ conan config install ./my_config.conf

Alternatively, copying files and editing conan.conf can be done manually.

Set up configurations:

$ conan config init     # Initialize Conan configuration files. If some are already present, missing files only are
                        # created

Set configuration values:

$ conan config set <section>.<config>=<value>

$ conan config set log.level=10
$ conan config set log.print_run_commands=False  # Make conan less verbose

Inspect configurations:

$ conan config home     # See the Conan home directory

$ conan config get [<section>.<config>]  # Show some or all configuration items

$ conan config get                       # Show the full conan.conf file
$ conan config get log.level             # Show the "level" item in the "log" section

See conan config reference.

Profiles allow users to set aspects of the build configuration. This includes settings, options, environment variables and tool requirements. They can be installed into ~/.conan/profiles. They can also be stored in project directories, which can be useful for specific compilation cases, for example cross-compiling.

Profiles are stored in text files with no file extension. An example profile:


include(default)              # Can include other configurations, for example the default configuration

OpenSSL:compiler.version=4.8  # Dependency-specific value


[env]                         # Environment variables
CC=$CROSS_GCC-gcc             # Strings can be defined and substituted

[tool_requires]               # Requirements for package builds only
cmake/3.16.3                  # Specifying tool requirements here rather than in the recipe makes them less binding

List profiles:

$ conan profile list

Show a profile:

$ conan profile show <profile>

$ conan profile show default

Use profile while executing command (e.g., conan install or conan create):

$ conan <command> . -pr=<profile1> -pr=<profile2>  # Use installed profile name, or file path
                                                   # Composable, last -pr wins for conflicts

See conan profile reference.

Conan Center is configured by default.

List configured remotes:

$ conan remote list

Add remote:

$ conan remote add <remote ID> <URL of remote repo>

See conan remote reference.

  1. Write a conanfile.txt. This captures the project configuration:
[requires]                     # The Conan packages which are used in the application
boost/1.72.0                   # Versions override versions upstream in the dependency graph

[tool_requires]                # The Conan packages which are used to build the application

[generators]                   # Generators create build system files that capture the dependency information,
cmake                          # as well as configuration information from Conan settings and options

[options]                      # Options here override options upstream in the dependency graph
boost:shared=True              # Options can be specified on a per-package basis for dependencies

[imports]                      # Copies files from the cache to the current working directory
bin, *.dll -> ./bin            # Copies all .dll files from the packages' bin/ folder to the local bin/ folder
  1. Get dependencies and generate build system files via conan install
$ conan install . [-o <package>:<option>=<value>]  # Specify options, e.g. shared=True
                  [-s <package>:<setting>=<value>] # Specify settings, e.g. build_type=Debug
                                                   # <package> is optional: if not specified, the option/setting
                                                   # applies to all dependencies
                  [-r=<remote ID>]                 # Download dependencies from only the specified remote
                  [-g=<generator>]                 # Specify generators at the command line
  1. #include interface files to the Conan packages in the source code
  2. Modify the build system to use the files output from the Generator
  3. Build the application using the build system

Download a package, if it isn't already in the local cache:

$ conan install <package>/<version>@[<user>/<channel>#<revision>]
                [-r=<remote ID>]                                    # Download dependencies from only the specified remote

$ conan install .  # Install a package requirement from a conanfile.txt, saved in your current directory, with all
                   # options and settings coming from your default profile

$ conan install . -o pkg_name:use_debug_mode=on -s compiler=clang   # As above, but override one option and one
                                                                    # setting

See conan install reference.

The local package cache is located at ~/.conan/data by default (but this is configurable).

Clear packages from cache:

$ conan remove "<package>" --force  # <package> can include wildcards

$ conan remove 'boost/*'                     # Remove all versions of Boost
$ conan remove 'mypackage/1.2@user/channel'  # Remove all revisions of mypackage/1.2@user/channel

See conan remove reference.

Packages can either be copied to the local project folder and run from there, or run directly from the local cache.

In the conanfile.txt, this can be done in the [imports] or [generators] section. See below for the relevant generators. In the package recipe, this can be done using the imports() or deploy() methods.

Prepare packages for use via the command line:

$ conan install . -g=deploy         # Copy dependencies to current folder
$ conan install . -g=virtualrunenv  # Create shell scripts to activate and deactivate environments where you can run
                                    # dependencies from the local cache

Recipes and binaries can be searched in the local cache or remotes.

List names of packages in local cache:

$ conan search              # List names of packages in local cache

Show package recipes or builds of a package:

$ conan search <package>/<revision>@<user>/<channel>  # Output depends on how much of a package reference is given.
                                                      # Wildcards are supported
               [--table=file.html]                    # Save output in an HTML file
               [-r=<remote>]                          # Look in a remote repository (default is the local cache)

$ conan search mylib/1.0@user/channel                 # Show all packages of mylib/1.0@user/channel in the local cache
$ conan search "zlib/*" -r=all                        # Show all versions of zlib in all remotes

Show revisions of a package:

$ conan search <package>/<revision>@<user>/<channel> --revisions

See conan search reference.

Print the package recipe in full:

$ conan get <package>/<revision>@<user>/<channel>

$ conan get boost/1.74.0

Print attributes of the package recipe:

$ conan inspect <package>/<revision>@<user>/<channel>

$ conan inspect boost/1.74.0

See conan get and conan inspect reference.

Show a dependency graph for the package or application:

$ conan info . [--graph=file.html]  # Save output in an HTML file

See conan info reference.

Each package recipe relates to a single package. However, a package can be built in different ways.

A reference is used to identify packages:


The recipe reference is used to identify a certain version of a recipe:

<package>/<version>@<user>/<channel>  # <package> and <version> are defined in the recipe; <user> and <channel> are
                                      # defined by the user when exporting the package


The package ID is a SHA-1 hash calculated from the build options and settings and from dependencies (according to certain modes).

See Revisions for further details of the recipe revision and package revision (RREV and PREV).

Create a template package:

$ conan new <package>/<version>@[<user>/<channel>]  # <user>/<channel> is not specified in Conan Center, but otherwise they should be
            [-t]                                    # Create a recipe for a basic test to verify the package was created successfully
            [-s]                                    # Create a recipe/source template for a package with local source code

Build a package from a recipe and store it in the local cache:

$ conan create . <user>/<channel> [-o <package>:<option>=<value>]   # Specify options, for example shared=True.
                                  [-s <package>:<setting>=<value>]  # Specify settings, for example build_type=Debug.
                                                                    # If <package> is not specified, the option and
                                                                    # setting applies to all dependencies.
                                  [-pr=<profile name>]              # If -pr is not specified, the default profile is used
                                  [--build=missing]                 # Build all dependencies if they can't be downloaded

See conan new and conan create reference.

A package recipe is a Python class, defined in a file called

class MypackageConan(ConanFile):
    ...                                                # Various package metadata
    settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"  # Defines available settings
    options = {"shared": [True, False]}                # Defines available options and defaults. "shared" is a common
                                                       # option which specifies whether a library is static or shared

    default_options = {"shared": False}
    requires = "requiredlib/0.1@user/stable"           # Defines package requirements
    tool_requires = "tool_a/0.2@user/testing"          # Defines requirements that are only used when the package is
                                                       # built. These should be build and test tools only
    generators = "cmake"                               # Generator for the package: specifies which build system
                                                       # type will be generated

    def source(self):                                                # Obtains the source code for the project"git clone")  # executes any command in the native shell
        tools.get("" +             # tools.get() downloads, unzips, and then removes the .zip file
                  "archive/refs/heads/")                   # The tools module contains a lot of helper methods for common
        ...                                                          # tasks, and using them is often preferable to using
                                                                     # See the link below for more information

    def build_requirements(self):                                    # Responsible for specifying non-trivial build requirements logic
        if self.options.myoption1:                                   # Specify a conditional tool requirement

    def build(self):                                                 # Responsible for invoking the build system
        cmake = CMake(self)                                          # Helper classes are available for several build systems
        ..."bin/unittests")                                    # Run unit tests compiled earlier in the build() method

    def package(self):                                               # Responsible for capturing build artifacts
        self.copy("*.h", dst="include", src="hello")                 # self.copy() copies files from the cache to the project folder

    def package_info(self):                                          # Responsible for defining variables that are
                                                                     # passed to package consumers, for example
                                                                     # library or include directories
        self.cpp_info.libs = ["hello"]                               # The cpp_info dictionary contains these variables

    def requirements(self):                                          # Responsible for specifying non-trivial requirements logic
        if self.options.myoption2:                                   # Specify a conditional requirement

    def package_id(self):                                            # Responsible for overriding the way the package
                                                                     # ID is calculated from the default, for this package only
        default_package_id_mode = full_version_mode
        if self.settings.compiler.version == "4.9":                  # Make compiler versions 4.8 and 4.7 compatible
                                                                     # with version4.9: i.e., they all result in the same package ID

            for version in ("4.8", "4.7"):
                compatible_pkg =
                compatible_pkg.settings.compiler.version = version
                self.compatible_packages.append(compatible_pkg)      # The compatible_packages property is used to
                                                                     # define this behaviour

    def imports(self):                                               # Copies dependency files from the local cache
        ...                                                          # to the project directory

    def deploy(self):                                                # Installs the project, which can include
        ...                                                          # copying build artifacts

See tools reference.

Python requires allow the re-use of python code across multiple recipes. Complex dependency graphs can be produced, and the same concepts apply with python requires as with normal package requirements.

Export a

$ conan export . <user>/<channel>

Use the exported

class ConsumerConan(ConanFile):
    python_requires = "<package>/<version>@<user>/<channel>"  # To use functions and variables from the exported
    python_requires_extend = "<package>.<base class name>"    # To inherit from a full class in the exported

        self.python_requires["<package>"].module.func()           # To call the method func() from the exported

See conan export reference.

Hooks are recipe methods which are defined globally. They should not affect the built binary. There are pre and post hooks for many methods in the recipe. Hooks reside in ~/.conan/hooks, and are include in ~/.conan/conan.conf under the [hooks] section.

Install a hook:

$ conan config install  # In the directory containing the python script with the hook

Settings are configuration items which generally apply to all builds of all packages in the dependency tree. compiler, os, arch, and build_type (Release/Debug) are some of the most common.

Available settings are defined in a global settings file: ~/.conan/settings.yml. The settings for a given package are defined in the package recipe.

Settings can then be set via profiles or via arguments to conan install or conan create.

Options are configuration items which are generally package-specific.

The available options for a package are defined in the package recipe.

Options can then be set via profiles, an application's Conanfile.txt, or via arguments to conan install or conan create.

Packages are specified whenever a package is created, and whenever a recipe is consumed via a recipe reference.

Specify ranges:

[>min_ver <max_ver] - specify a version range
[*]                 - specify any version
[~maj.min]          - specify any patch in v[maj].[min]

The version taken is otherwise the maximum available.

Revisions allow changes to a package without increasing the version number or overwriting the existing version number. They are disabled by default.

There are two types of revisions:

  • "Recipe Revisions" (RREV) - Revision of the recipe and sources
  • "Package Revisions" (PREV) - Revision of a binary package

The recipe revision (RREV) is a SHA-1 hash calculated over the conan_manifest.txt, which contains the individual hashes of the and all the files exported with exports and exports_sources. If the scm feature is used, Conan can also formulate the recipe revision directly from the version control system. Conan only holds one recipe revision in the local cache. Many recipe revisions can be stored in remote repositories. This helps differentiate between packages that have been changed and built without changing the version number. Recipe revisions can be specified wherever a recipe is consumed. If a recipe revision is not specified, the latest revision is used.

The package revision (PREV) is a SHA-1 hash calculated over the binary contents of the package directory after the build and package steps are completed. Package revisions provide the most precise identification for a built package. They are very rarely used directly by users in commands or configurations, because it's fairly impactical to do so. Instead, they are generally managed by the use of "Lockfiles".

Enable revisions:

$ conan config set general.revisions_enabled=True

Main application dependencies are set in the [requires] section of Conanfile.txt.

Package dependencies - normal requirements, tool requirements, conditional requirements - are set in the package recipe.

Conan performs dependency resolution via the calculation of package IDs. A package ID is calculated for a desired dependency, and then Conan searches for that package ID.

The package ID calculation, and therefore the dependency resolution, is affected by the default_package_id_mode and the default_python_requires_id_mode. They determine what exactly affects the calculation: which parts of version numbers; package revisions; immediate or transitive dependencies. This relates to both normal requirements and Python requires. By default, only the main version number of direct dependencies are taken into account when calculating the package ID.

These modes can be set in the [general] section of configurations, and in the package recipe.

Versions defined in the conanfile.txt take precedence over versions specified by dependencies. This can be used to resolve conflicts by dictating the use of only one version throughout the whole dependency graph.

Lockfiles allow a snapshot of a dependency graph used for a build to be taken, and the build to be reproduced exactly at a later time.

Create a lockfile:

$ conan lock create <package>/ --user=<user> --channel=<channel>

Use lockfile during conan create or conan install:

$ conan <command> --lockfile conan.lock

See conan lock reference.

Packages are not uploaded to a remote repository automatically. This needs to be done manually.

$ conan upload "<package>" -r <remote ID>  # Wildcards can be specified to upload multiple packages
               [--all]                     # Upload all binaries and their recipes (recipes only uploaded by default)
               [--confirm]                 # Auto-confirm

See conan upload reference.

Versioning, revisioning and dependency resolution should be consistent across a company. Configurations should be synchronised across all developers, in particular package id calculation modes.

In a CI/CD system, use lockfiles throughout, so that builds are reproducible.