- Surf to https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/welcome.ipynb
- Open Python notebook file : Basketball_Mask_RCNN.ipynb
- Run tutorial step-by-step
First get the frozen inference graph from link below and place this in mask-rcnn/mask-rcnn-coco directory https://basketball-ml.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/frozen_inference_graph.pb
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Or mannualy add the following python modules manually
Now you can run the Mask RCNN application using following command
python mask_rcnn.py -i images/basketball.jpg -m mask-rcnn-coco -v 1
The masked image result is placed in the output directory including the segmented image files.
python mask_rcnn_video.py -i videos/basketball.mp4 -m mask-rcnn-coco
[INFO] loading Mask R-CNN from disk...
[INFO] 235 total frames in video
[INFO] single frame took 1.1975 seconds
[INFO] estimated total time to finish: 281.4151
The masked video result is placed in the output directory named output.mp4