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jaeger-fun -- getting a little monitoring going

Tiny demo project of a service doing OpenTelemetry tracing via Jaeger, with that fancy Service Performance Monitoring hacked in using two custom Prometheus metrics.


How neat!

Monitor(ing) without calls_total and latency_bucket

This is just an idea, but maybe worth playing around with for systems with lots of existing metrics that already have most of the required info?

  • metrics only use range queries (source)
  • would need to "find" or map existing metrics
    • different metric name
    • different label names
    • missing labels (span_kind, status_code)
      • generate based on defaults ("SPAN_KIND_SERVER") and http_status_code
    • looks like we need an "on the fly" Prometheus proxy that rewrites queries as needed
  • there is, which may be exactly what is needed?
  • query example: curl 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query_range' --get --data-urlencode 'query=sum(rate(calls_total{service_name =~ "example-service", status_code = "STATUS_CODE_ERROR"}[5m])) by (service_name) / sum(rate(calls_total{service_name =~ "example-service"}[5m])) by (service_name)' --data-urlencode 'start=1677186016' --data-urlencode 'end=1677186500' --data-urlencode 'step=10s'
    • would need rewriting of data.result.metric which contains labels (i.e. service_name because of the aggregation?)
    • could decode using json.Decoder#Token
      • but need to output json ourselves
      • need to figure out how to find out that we are at metric
      • or just parse in-memory :)
