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Synthetic data

We provide a number of options to produce synthetic data for tutorial and testing purposes. These synthetic data are generated on-the-fly and consumed by feature tracking algorithms.


Using synthetic data sources with FTK command line interface

One can use synthetic data sources (--synthetic) in lieu of real data (--input) when executing ftk. The following example tracks critical points (-f cp) in a 32-timestep 3D scalar field dataset, which contains one single minimum in a $32^3$ regular grid mesh; the default initial location of the minimum is $x_0=(10, 10, 10)$, and the point moves $dir=(0.1, 0.11, 0.1)$ per tilmestep:

$ ftk -f cp --synthetic moving_extremum_3d --width 32 --height 32 --depth 32 --timesteps 32 --output out.txt

To configure parameters including $x_0$ and $dir$, use the following moving_extremum_3d.json description file in the JSON format:

  "type": "synthetic",
  "name": "moving_extremum_3d",
	"dimensions": [32, 32, 32],
	"x0": [10,10,10],
  "dir": [0.1, 0.11, 0.1],
  "n_timesteps": 32

and then execute

$ ftk -f cp --input moving_extremum_3d.json --output out.txt

A complete list of synthetic data sources including parameters are introduced in the rest of this document.

Using FTK synthetic data sources in ParaView

One can find the list of FTK synthetic data sources in the "Sources --> FTK" menu. These data sources can be combined with filters under the "Filters --> FTK" menu. For many of the following examples, we provide .pvsm (ParaView state file format) for one to reproduce the results. FTK/ParaView plug-ins need to be correctly built and loaded before loading the .pvsm files we provide.

Using FTK synthetic data sources in Python

Here's an example of using pyft.synthesizers:

import pyftk
data = pyftk.synthesizers.moving_extremum(11, 13, 20, 5, 5, 0.1, 0.2)
result = pyftk.trackers.track_critical_points_2d_scalar(data)

Using FTK synthetic data sources in C++

C++ functions are available to generate synthetic data in ndarray data structures. See more details in ftk/ndarray/synthetic.hh


Spiral woven (time-varying 2D scalar field data)

The spiral woven function is defined as $f(x,y,t)=cos(x\cos t - y\sin t) \sin(x\sin t + y\cos t),$ where where $x$ and $y$ are 2D coordinates and $t$ is time. The image of this data rotates counterclockwise over time. In the regular grid domain, $x$ and $y$ coordinates are scaled by the scalaing_factor, and the rotation center sits on the center of the image. This dataset is used to test critical point tracking in 2D regular-grid scalar field data.

  • scalaring_factor (by default 15.0) scales $x$ and $y$ coordinates in the 2D regular grid and controls the density of woven
  • dimensions (by default [32, 32])
Example with CLI

In the right figure, we demonstrate critical point tracking results with/without the presence of noise injection. For example, the following command injects Gaussian noise ($\sigma=0.02$) to the synthetic woven data:

$ ftk -f cp --synthetic woven --perturbation 0.02 --output woven-0.02.vtp
Example with ParaView
  • woven.pvsm: Critical point tracking in woven data without perturbation
  • woven-0.04.pvsm: Critical point tracking in woven data with perturbation ($\sigma=0.04$)
  • woven-contour-0.2.pvsm: Contour tracking in woven data with the isovalue of 0.2

Merger (time-varying 2D scalar field data)

The merger function is defined as $f(x,y,t)=\max(e^{-\hat{x}(t)^2-\hat{y}(t)^2}, e^{-\tilde{x}(t)^2-\hat{y}(t)^2})$, with $\hat{x}(t)=(x-\sin(t-2\pi))\cos(t)-y\sin(t)$, $\hat{x}(t)=(x-\sin(t+2\pi))\cos(t)-y\sin(t)$, and $\hat{y}(t)=x\sin(t)+y\cos(t)$, which is a combination of periodical rotation and translation motions. The dataset is used to test critical point tracking with split and merge behaviors in 2D regular-grid scalar field data.

  • dimensions (by default [32, 32])
  • n_timesteps (by default 100)
Example with CLI

To reproduce the results in the right figure, use the following command line:

$ ftk -f cp --synthetic merger_2d --output merger_2d.vtp --no-post-processing

Note that the --no-post-processing option prevents trajectories being split into sub-trajectories with consistent types.

Example with ParaView

Double gyre (time-varying 2D vector field data)

The double-gyre function is proposed by Shadden et al. and is used to study Lagrangian coherent structures in time-dependent dynamical systems. See the above link for more details. We use this dataset to test critical point tracking in 2D regular- and unstructured-grid vector field data.

  • dimensions (by default [64, 32])
  • n_timesteps (by default 50)
  • time_scale (by default 0.1) defines how discrete timestep is mapped to time: t = time_scale * timestep
Example with CLI

To reproduce the results in the right figure, use the following command line:

$ ftk -f cp --input double_gyre.json --output double_gyre.vtp

The contents of double_gyre.json are

  "type": "synthetic",
  "name": "double_gyre",
  "dimensions": [64,32],
  "n_timesteps": 50,
  "time_scale": 2.0
Example with ParaView
  • double-gyre.pvsm (SurfaceLIC plug-in may be needed to visualize the vector field)

Moving extremum 2D (time-varying 2D scalar field data)

The moving extremum 2D function is defined as $f(x, y, t)=(x-x_0)^2 + (y-y_0)^2$, where $(x_0, y_0)$ are the coordinates of the minimum and moves along the designated direction over time. This dataset is used to test critical point tracking in 2D regular-grid scalar field data.

  • x0 (by default [10, 10])
  • dir (by default [0.1, 0.1])
  • dimensions (by default [64, 32])
  • n_timesteps (by default 50)
Example with ParaView
  • moving-extremum-2d.pvsm combines four visualizations
    • MovingExtremum2DSource with 100 timesteps
    • CriticalPointTracker2D visualized as the tube in the center)
    • LevelsetTracker2D ("traced" output) visualized as spacetime isosurface with the threshold of 10
    • LevelsetTracker2D ("sliced" output) visualized as contour lines with the threshold of 10

Moving extremum 3D (time-varying 3D scalar field data)

Similar to the moving extremum 2D data, the 3D version is defined as $f(x, y, z, t)=(x-x_0)^2 + (y-y_0)^2 + (z-z_0)^2$ and contains one single minimum at $(x_0, y_0, z_0)$. This dataset is used to test critical point tracking in 3D regular-grid scalar field data.

  • x0 (by default [10, 10, 10])
  • dir (by default [0.1, 0.11, 0.1])
  • dimensions (by default [21, 21, 21])
  • n_timesteps (by default 32)
Example with ParaView
  • moving-extremum-3d-6.pvsm Critical point trajectories of six (6) different moving extremum data. It may take a while to load because 4D isovolumes are reconstructed.

Moving ramp 3D (time-varying 3D scalar field data)

The 3D moving ramp function is defined as $f(x,y,z,t)=x - (x_0 + rt)$, where $x_0$ moves at the designated speed $r$ over time. This dataset contains no critical point and used to test 3D isosurface tracking in regular-grid scalar field.

  • x0 (by default 10)

  • rate (by default 0.1) defines the the changing rate of $x_0$.

  • dimensions (by default [21, 21, 21])

  • n_timesteps (by default 32)

Example with ParaView
  • ramp.pvsm (May take a while because 4D isovolumes are reconstructed)

Moving dual ramp 3D (time-varying 3D scalar field data)

The dual ramp is defined as $f(x,y,z,t)=|x-x_0|-rt$, where $r$ is the rate that controls the moving speed. The purpose is to test 3D isosurface tracking in regular-grid scalar field.

  • x0 (by default 10)

  • rate (by default 0.1) defines the the changing rate of $x_0$.

  • offset (by default 2.0)

  • dimensions (by default [21, 21, 21])

  • n_timesteps (by default 32)

Example with ParaView
  • dual-ramp.pvsm: Tracking of two isosurfaces in the dual ramp data. Color encodes the unique ID of each surface. It may take a while because 4D isovolumes are reconstructed