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HeadHunter API lets you integrate HeadHunter into your product.
First of all, read the general information on work with API and the requirements for logos and application names use.
To use services that require user or application authorization, you should register the application at https://dev.hh.ru and set up the authorization process.
After registration, the application can request of hh.ru users permission to access their personal data without obtaining and storing their usernames and password.
‼️ Note support for a new catalog of specializations (professional roles) in API HH.![]()
‼️ Note the description of the new resume database management model. The employer has to pay for access to some methods .
OpenAPI documentation will be complemented.
Methods are defined in OpenAPI have relevant links.
Specification HeadHunter API: openapi.yml.
Article labels:
– for anonymous requests, authrization isn't required.
– for anonymous requests, requires application authorisation.
– for applicant requests, requires user authorisation.
– relevant for free methods for the employer, requires user authorisation.
– relevant for paid methods for the employer, requires user authorisation.
- General information
- API Service Terms of Use
- Logo use requirements
- Application name requirements
- Authorization
- Caching
- Errors and response codes
- Paid access to some API methods for employers
- New resume database management model (supported by API)
- Information on the authorised user or application
- Manager details
- Information on active API services for paid methods
- Locales
- CV locales
- Site choice
- The list of notifications that the user is subscripted
- Subscription to notifications
- Delete a subscription on notifications
- Change a subscription on notifications
- View a CV
- Work with CVs for an applicant
- Search for CV
- Saved CV search
- Artifacts (photos, portfolio)
- Search for vacancies similar to the CV
- History of responses/invitations for a resume
- Receiving vacancies
- Search for vacancies similar to the vacancy
- Favorite vacancies
- Hidden vacancies
- Blacklisted employers
- Saved vacancy searches
- Vacancies for the employer / manager
- List of vacancy upgrades
- Vacancy statistics
- Vacancy visitors
- Vacancy drafts
- Messaging for applicants
- Resume to apply for a given job
- Messaging for employers
- Processing model, terms and procedures
- General description of processing responses/invitations
- Collections and employer statuses for responses/invitations
- List of responses/invitation
- View the response/invitation
- Work with messages in the response/invitation
- Sending a message in the response/invitation
- Inviting an applicant for a vacancy
- Response/invitation actions (status change)
- Processing model, terms and procedures
- Message templates
- Assessments
- Directories in OpenAPI
- Region directory
- Specialization directory
- Metro directory
- Language directory
- Company branches
- Educational institutions
- Employer directories
- Key skills
- Other directories
Stay in touch with us via twitter @apihhru or email [email protected].
If you found a bug in HeadHunter API or widgets, please look at issues. We probably know and are fixing it already. If we don't, it's better to report the bug there. There you can also leave your wishes and suggestions.
If you found a bug in HeadHunter site, contact website support or the support community.