To deploy this template using the scripts from the root of this repo:
.\Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1 -ResourceGroupLocation 'eastus' -ArtifactsStagingDirectory '101-container-registry'
azure-group-deploy.sh -a '101-container-registry' -l eastus -u
This template deploys an Azure Container Registry with its storage account. Azure Container Registry is a PaaS offer for creating your own Docker image registry.
Tags: Azure Container Registry, Docker
This is an overview of the solution
The following resources are deployed as part of the solution
- Storage Account: Storage account used by Container Registry for storing its data
- Azure Container Registry: Docker image registry
You can click the "deploy to Azure" button at the beginning of this document or follow the instructions for command line deployment using the scripts in the root of this repo.
Follow this documentation for authenticate your docker client to your container registry.
For pushing docker images on your registry, follow this documentation