WorkspaceEditor is a command line utility for creating and editing WorkspaceResources
in iTwin WorkspaceDb
s, and for uploading, downloading, and editing WorkspaceDb
s in cloud WorkspaceContainer
An iTwin WorkspaceDb
may hold many WorkSpaceResources
, each with a WorkspaceResource.Name
and type. WorkspaceEditor
adds, updates, deletes, and extracts local files into/from a WorkspaceDb
There are 3 WorkspaceResourceType
s that may be accessed by @itwin-backend
applications at runtime via the WorkspaceDb
accessed via thegetString
binary data accessed via thegetBlob
extracted to a local file via thegetFile
Several WorkspaceEditor
commands require a --type
argument to specify which WorkspaceResourceType
to use.
s may be either local files or from cloud WorkspaceContainers
. When creating new WorkspaceDb
s, it is sometimes useful to just work with a local file until all resources have been imported, before uploading the WorkspaceDb to the cloud container.
s are located by iTwin.js inside a WorkspaceContainer
subdirectory within the WorkspaceContainerDir
directory. WorkspaceContainerDir
is specified as a directory name in the workspace.containerDir
member on the configuration
argument of IModelHost.startup
. The default value is %localappdata%/iTwin/Workspace
WorkspaceEditor will normally create and edit WorkspaceDb
s in the default directory, but if you wish to use a different directory, supply the --directory
option to specify a different WorkspaceContainerDir
The WorkspaceEditor commands all take a dbName
option to specify the WorkspaceDb
on which to operate. The WorkspaceDb is located inside the WorkspaceContainer
specified with the --containerId argument. WorkspaceDbName
s must be less than 255 characters, may not have leading or trailing whitespace, and may not use any reserved path specification characters (see documentation for WorkspaceDbName
for details.) The WorkspaceDb
filename is formed via: ${WorkspaceContainerDir}/${WorkspaceContainerId}/${WorkspaceDbName}.itwin-workspace
accepts the --config
option to specify the name of a JSON file that holds values for WorkspaceEditor
options. By default, WorkspaceEditor
looks in the current directory for a file named workspaceEditor.json
> WorkspaceEditor --config myConfig.json listDb db1
"containerId": "5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d",
"accessName": "smsblob1",
"storageType": "azure?sas=1",
"user": "workspace editor example",
"accessToken": "<valid token here>"
config files must have a
Any command line option may also be specified by setting a shell environment variable with the option's name after the prefix WORKSPACE_EDITOR_
For example, config files may also be specified by setting the environment variable WORKSPACE_EDITOR_CONFIG
set WORKSPACE_EDITOR_CONFIG=d:\projData\config.json
To specify camelCase options, separate the words with an underbar, e.g.:
environment variable names are case sensitive and must be ALL CAPS
The following WorkspaceEditor commands are available:
> WorkspaceEditor
Edits or lists contents of a WorkspaceDb
WorkspaceEditor add <dbName> <files> add files into a WorkspaceDb
WorkspaceEditor replace <dbName> <files> replace files in a WorkspaceDb
WorkspaceEditor remove <dbName> <rscName> remove a resource from a WorkspaceDb
WorkspaceEditor extract <dbName> <rscName> <fileName> extract a resource from a WorkspaceDb into a local file
WorkspaceEditor listDb <dbName> list the contents of a WorkspaceDb
WorkspaceEditor deleteDb <dbName> delete a WorkspaceDb from a cloud container
WorkspaceEditor createDb <dbName> create a new WorkspaceDb
WorkspaceEditor copyDb <dbName> <newDbName> make a copy of a WorkspaceDb in a cloud container with a new name
WorkspaceEditor versionDb <dbName> make a new version of a WorkspaceDb
WorkspaceEditor vacuumDb <dbName> vacuum a WorkspaceDb
WorkspaceEditor importDb <dbName> <localFileName> import a WorkspaceDb into a cloud container
WorkspaceEditor exportDb <dbName> <localFileName> export a WorkspaceDb from a cloud container to a local file
WorkspaceEditor queryDbs [like] query the list of WorkspaceDbs in a cloud container
WorkspaceEditor acquireLock acquire the write lock for a cloud container
WorkspaceEditor releaseLock release the write lock for a cloud container
WorkspaceEditor clearWriteLock clear the write lock for a cloud container. Note: this can be dangerous!
WorkspaceEditor purgeWorkspace purge deleted blocks from a WorkspaceContainer
WorkspaceEditor initializeWorkspace initialize a WorkspaceContainer (empties if already initialized)
All of the examples in this section use local.json
for config:
"directory": "r:/workspaces",
"containerId": "proj112"
The name of the WorkspaceDb
is supplied with the dbName
argument. For cloud-based WorkspaceContainers
, dbName
may either include the version number (e.g. pipe-spec:1.3.2
) or, if no version is supplied, the highest version is used.
Create a new empty WorkspaceDb
> WorkspaceEditor createDb proj
created WorkspaceDb r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace
Add one or more local files as resources into a WorkspaceDb
specifies the name of the resource. Defaults to the name of the local file.
specifies a root directory when adding multiple files. The parts of the path after the root are saved in the resource name (see example below.)
specifies the type of resource(s) to add. Required
is only applicable when adding a single file.
> WorkspaceEditor add proj --rscName=equipment-data --type=file r:\data\equip.dat
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
added "r:/data/equip.dat" as file resource [equipment-data]
> WorkspaceEditor add proj --type=string --root=r:\json *
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
added "r:\json\contracts.json" as string resource [contracts.json]
added "r:\json\firecode.json" as string resource [firecode.json]
added "r:\json\specs.json" as string resource [specs.json]
added "r:\json\vendor.json" as string resource [vendor.json]
> WorkspaceEditor add proj --type=blob --root=r:\dict **\*.dict
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05814.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05814.dict]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05815.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05815.dict]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05816.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05816.dict]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05922.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05922.dict]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05929.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05929.dict]
added "r:\dict\TernKit\TRN02324.dict" as blob resource [TernKit/TRN02324.dict]
added "r:\dict\TernKit\TRN05314.dict" as blob resource [TernKit/TRN05314.dict]
added "r:\dict\TernKit\TRN05814.dict" as blob resource [TernKit/TRN05814.dict]
added "r:\dict\TernKit\TRN09911.dict" as blob resource [TernKit/TRN09911.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT05554.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05554.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT05800.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05800.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT05814.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05814.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT05820.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05820.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT06519.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT06519.dict]
Replace an existing resource in a WorkspaceDb
with a new version.
Takes the same arguments as add
Remove an existing WorkspaceResource
from a WorkspaceDb
> WorkspaceEditor remove proj --type blob UniSpace/KRT06519.dict
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
removed blob resource [UniSpace/KRT06519.dict]
Extract a WorkspaceResource
from a WorkspaceDb
into a local file, leaving the WorkspaceResource
unchanged in the WorkspaceDb
> WorkspaceEditor extract proj -t blob UniSpace/KRT05820.dict d:\temp\kd.dict
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05820.dict] extracted to "d:\temp\kd.dict"
List the contents of a WorkspaceDb
. By default it will show all 3 resource types. To limit the output to specific types, supply the --strings
, --blobs
, or --files
> WorkspaceEditor list proj
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
name=contracts.json, size=17K
name=firecode.json, size=3K
name=specs.json, size=8K
name=vendor.json, size=46K
name=Sparks/KDE05814.dict, size=224K
name=Sparks/KDE05815.dict, size=307K
name=Sparks/KDE05816.dict, size=32K
name=Sparks/KDE05922.dict, size=56K
name=Sparks/KDE05929.dict, size=15K
name=TernKit/TRN02324.dict, size=405
name=TernKit/TRN05314.dict, size=67K
name=TernKit/TRN05814.dict, size=7K
name=TernKit/TRN09911.dict, size=3K
name=UniSpace/KRT05554.dict, size=2K
name=UniSpace/KRT05800.dict, size=5K
name=UniSpace/KRT05814.dict, size=13K
name=UniSpace/KRT05820.dict, size=7K
name=equipment-data, size=134K, ext="dat", date=Tue Jul 08 2021 13:55:19 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
> WorkspaceEditor list proj --strings
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
name=contracts.json, size=17K
name=firecode.json, size=3K
name=specs.json, size=8K
name=vendor.json, size=46K
Vacuum a WorkspaceDb
. This can make a WorkspaceDb
smaller and more efficient to access.
> WorkspaceEditor vacuumDb proj
Vacuuming r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace ... done
The following WorkspaceEditor
commands work only on cloud-based WorkspaceContainers
All of the examples in this section use cloud.json
for config:
"directory": "r:/workspaces",
"accessName": "<storage account name here>",
"accessToken": "<storage account key here>",
"storageType": "azure?sas=0",
"containerId": "5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d",
"user": "Example editor admin"
When operating on cloud WorkspaceContainer
s, WorkspaceEditor must first obtain the write lock on the container. If successful, the lock is held on the container and all changes are only made locally (i.e. not visible to users) until the write lock is released. Only a single administrator may be editing a cloud WorkspaceContainer at a time. Most WorkspaceEditor commands will fail if the write lock is not held.
The normal workflow for changing a WorkspaceDb
in a cloud WorkspaceContainer
involves running WorkspaceEditor multiple times to:
- Acquire the write lock on the container using acquireLock
- Create a new version (major, minor, or patch) of the
using versionDb - Edit the new version using one or more add, replace, or remove resource commands.
- Release the write lock using releaselock
Initialize or empty the contents of a cloud WorkspaceContainer
. This command should be used after a cloud storage container is first created, or to empty an existing previously-initialized storage container.
Since this command will destroy any existing contents of the container, should be used with care. There is an Are you sure...
prompt to avoid accidents. The --noPrompt
option can be used from scripts.
> WorkspaceEditor initializeWorkspace
Are you sure you want to initialize container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]"? [y/n]: y
container "5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d initialized
> WorkspaceEditor initializeWorkspace --noPrompt
container "5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d initialized
Attempt to acquire the write lock for the cloud WorkspaceContainer
. This command places the value of the --user
argument in the lock state of cloud container, so if another user attempts to acquire the write lock before it is released, they will see an error message indicating that the lock is currently held and by whom.
> WorkspaceEditor acquireLock
acquired lock for container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
While the write lock is held, all changes to the
are stored locally and cannot be seen by users until the lock is released.
The write lock expires after one hour and may thereafter be acquired by others. If no other editor has acquired the lock, it may be re-acquired. However, if someone else acquires the lock, all local changes are lost and must be abandoned.
Attempt to upload any local changes to the cloud WorkspaceContainer
and, upon success, release the write lock.
> WorkspaceEditor releaseLock
released lock for container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
Clear the write lock currently held by another (failed) editor. This command "steals" the lock away from its current owner. After this command, the original holder of the write lock will fail when/if it attempts to release its lock and will lose all its changes.
This command is not normally ever needed, and should only be used in extreme cases when it is know to be safe.
> WorkspaceEditor clearWriteLock
write lock cleared for container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
Import a locally-created WorkspaceDb
file into a cloud container. The first argument determines the name of the WorkspaceDb within the cloud container. If you don't supply an initial version number, in the form ":major.minor.patch", it will be "1.0.0". The second argument is the name of the local file (without the ".itwin-workspace" extension), including the local container name (since local container names often differ from cloud container names).
> WorkspaceEditor importDb project proj112\proj
Vacuuming r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace ... done
import r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace, container=5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d, dbName=project:1.0.0 : complete, 0.044 seconds
- or -
> WorkspaceEditor importDb project:2.0.2 proj112\proj
Vacuuming r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace ... done
import r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace, container=5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d, dbName=project:2.0.2 : complete, 0.044 seconds
Create a new version of an existing WorkspaceDb so it may be edited. All of the resource editing commands will only work after the versionDb
command and before the releaseLock
After creating a new version of a WorkspaceDb, you must release the write lock for the new version to be visible to users. After the write lock is released on a version of a WorkspaceDb
it becomes immutable and may never be modified again.
indicates the source database from which the new version is created. dbName
may include the source version number (e.g. pipe-spec:1.3.2
). If no version is supplied the highest version is used.
The --versionType
option determines how the current version number is incremented (default is "patch").
For example, suppose the latest version is pipe-spec:1.3.2
> WorkspaceEditor versionDb pipe-spec --versionType=major
created new version: [pipe-spec:2.0.0] from [pipe-spec:1.3.2] in container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
- or -
> WorkspaceEditor versionDb pipe-spec:1.3.2 --versionType=minor
created new version: [pipe-spec:1.4.0] from [pipe-spec:1.3.2] in container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
- or -
> WorkspaceEditor versionDb pipe-spec --versionType=patch
created new version: [pipe-spec:1.3.3] from [pipe-spec:1.3.2] in container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
- or -
> WorkspaceEditor versionDb pipe-spec
created new version: [pipe-spec:1.3.3] from [pipe-spec:1.3.2] in container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
The examples above are not intended to illustrate sequential commands. Once you make a new version of a WorkspaceDb, you may begin editing it. But you cannot make another version until you release the write lock.
Show a list of all WorkspaceDb
in a cloud WorkspaceContainer
The optional glob
argument can be used to filter the results using the SQLite GLOB operator.
> WorkspaceEditor queryDbs
WorkspaceDbs in container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d], writeLocked, has local changes
"ame-ria:1.0.0", size=24M, 0M downloaded (0%)
"base-data:1.0.0", size=144M, 0M downloaded (0%)
"base-data:1.0.1", size=144M, 12M downloaded (9%)
"proj:1.0.0", size=4M, 4M downloaded (100%)
"proj:1.0.1", size=4M, 4M downloaded (100%)
"proj:1.1.0", size=4M, 4M downloaded (100%), editable
> WorkspaceEditor queryDbs b*
WorkspaceDbs in container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d], writeLocked, has local changes
"base-data:1.0.0", size=144M, 0M downloaded (0%)
"base-data:1.0.1", size=144M, 12M downloaded (9%)
The output also shows:
- whether the write lock is held
- whether there are local changes to be uploaded
- whether there are garbage blocks that can be purged
- for each
:- its full name with version
- its total size
- number of bytes downloaded and percentage
- whether the database is editable
Export a WorkspaceDb
from a cloud WorkspaceContainer
into a local file.
> WorkspaceEditor exportDb proj:1.0.1 d:\temp\proj
export d:\temp\proj.itwin-workspace, container=5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d, dbName=proj:1.0.1 : complete, 0.013 seconds
must include a version number.
Delete a WorkspaceDb
from a cloud WorkspaceContainer
> WorkspaceEditor deleteDb proj3dt:2.0.0
deleted WorkspaceDb [proj3dt:2.0.0] from container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
This command is not normally used, since older versions of WorkspaceDb
s may be used by existing or archived projects. It should only be used when it can be known that the WorkspaceDb
is no longer needed for any purpose. Otherwise, leaving old versions in the cloud has very little downside.
must include a version number.
Delete currently unused blocks from a cloud WorkspaceContainer
. This is only necessary or useful after vacuuming databases.
It is sometimes necessary to run WorkspaceEditor in batch mode, for example during pipeline jobs. If the first argument to WorkspaceEditor begins with an "@", the rest of the argument is a file name from which WorkspaceEditor commands are executed in sequence.
The second argument can specify the config file for the script.
In @ scripts, anything after an
is treated as a comment and blank lines are ignored.
For example, to run the examples above:
Assume a file called importAll.txt
> cat importAll.txt
# Create a new local WorkspaceDb file and import resources into it
createDb proj # create a new blank WorkspaceDb
add proj --rscName=equipment-data --type=file r:\data\equip.dat # add file
add proj --type=string --root=r:\json * # add strings
add proj --type=blob --root=r:\dict **\*.dict # add blob
listDb proj # so we can tell it worked
run importAll.txt
as an @ script using local.json
as config:
> WorkspaceEditor @importAll.txt --config=r:\local.json
created WorkspaceDb r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
added "r:/data/equip.dat" as file resource [equipment-data]
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
added "r:\json\contracts.json" as string resource [contracts.json]
added "r:\json\firecode.json" as string resource [firecode.json]
added "r:\json\specs.json" as string resource [specs.json]
added "r:\json\vendor.json" as string resource [vendor.json]
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05814.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05814.dict]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05815.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05815.dict]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05816.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05816.dict]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05922.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05922.dict]
added "r:\dict\Sparks\KDE05929.dict" as blob resource [Sparks/KDE05929.dict]
added "r:\dict\TernKit\TRN02324.dict" as blob resource [TernKit/TRN02324.dict]
added "r:\dict\TernKit\TRN05314.dict" as blob resource [TernKit/TRN05314.dict]
added "r:\dict\TernKit\TRN05814.dict" as blob resource [TernKit/TRN05814.dict]
added "r:\dict\TernKit\TRN09911.dict" as blob resource [TernKit/TRN09911.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT05554.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05554.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT05800.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05800.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT05814.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05814.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT05820.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT05820.dict]
added "r:\dict\UniSpace\KRT06519.dict" as blob resource [UniSpace/KRT06519.dict]
WorkspaceDb [r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace]
name=contracts.json, size=17K
name=firecode.json, size=3K
name=specs.json, size=8K
name=vendor.json, size=46K
name=Sparks/KDE05814.dict, size=224K
name=Sparks/KDE05815.dict, size=307K
name=Sparks/KDE05816.dict, size=32K
name=Sparks/KDE05922.dict, size=56K
name=Sparks/KDE05929.dict, size=15K
name=TernKit/TRN02324.dict, size=405
name=TernKit/TRN05314.dict, size=67K
name=TernKit/TRN05814.dict, size=7K
name=TernKit/TRN09911.dict, size=3K
name=UniSpace/KRT05554.dict, size=2K
name=UniSpace/KRT05800.dict, size=5K
name=UniSpace/KRT05814.dict, size=13K
name=UniSpace/KRT05820.dict, size=7K
name=UniSpace/KRT06519.dict, size=687
name=equipment-data, size=134K, ext="dat", date=Tue Jul 08 2014 13:55:19 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Then, a separate file called createCloud.txt
> cat createCloud.txt
# initialize container and import WorkspaceDb from previous step
initializeWorkspace --noPrompt # don't prompt for yes/no
importDb project proj112\proj # import WorkspaceDb from local directory into cloud container.
queryDbs # so we can tell it worked
run createCloud.txt
as an @ script using cloud.json
for config:
> WorkspaceEditor @r:\createCloud.txt --config=r:\cloud.json
container "5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d initialized
Vacuuming r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace ... done
import r:\workspaces\proj112\proj.itwin-workspace, container=5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d, dbName=project:1.0.0 : complete, 0.047 seconds
WorkspaceDbs in container [5d385232-a2ec-4f31-b74b-8201c027848d]
"project:1.0.0", size=4M, 0M downloaded (0%)