author | ms.service | ms.subservice | ms.topic | | |
billmath |
active-directory |
cloud-provisioning |
include |
10/16/2019 |
billmath |
Cloud provisioning works with Single Sign-on. Currently there is not an option to enable SSO when the agent is installed, however you can use the steps below to enable SSO and use it.
- First, download the latest version of Azure AD Connect
- Open a command prompt using Administrative privileges and navigate to the msi you just downloaded.
- Run the following:
msiexec /a C:\filepath\AzureADConnect.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\filepath\extractfolder
- Change filepath and extractfolder to match your file path and the name of your extraction folder. The contents should now be in the extraction folder.
- Download, and install Azure AD PowerShell.
- Browse to the
%programfiles%\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect
folder. - Import the Seamless SSO PowerShell module by using this command:
Import-Module .\AzureADSSO.psd1
- Run PowerShell as an administrator. In PowerShell, call
. When prompted, enter your tenant's global administrator credentials. - Call
. This command provides you with the list of Active Directory forests (look at the "Domains" list) on which this feature has been enabled.
. When prompted, enter the domain administrator credentials for the intended Active Directory forest.[!NOTE] The domain administrator credentials username must be entered in the SAM account name format (contoso\johndoe or\johndoe). We use the domain portion of the username to locate the Domain Controller of the Domain Administrator using DNS.
[!NOTE] The domain administrator account used must not be a member of the Protected Users group. If so, the operation will fail.
Repeat the preceding step for each Active Directory forest where you want to set up the feature.
To turn on the feature on your tenant, call Enable-AzureADSSO -Enable $true