- Zürich, Switzerland
- http://blog.nix.is
Pluggable perl IRC bot
A base class for creating plugin-enabled objects
PoCo-IRC plugin which provides acess to a Hailo conversation simulator
hinrik / qpsmtpd
Forked from smtpd/qpsmtpdqpsmtpd is a flexible smtpd daemon written in Perl
hinrik / specs
Forked from Raku/old-design-docsPerl 6 specification documents
An IRC bot framework in Perl based on MooseX::POE
The Dist::Zilla::Plugin::VersionFromPrev CPAN distribution
hinrik / POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Trac-RSS
Forked from thiagorondon/POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Trac-RSSPOE Component IRC Plugin for Trac RSS.
hinrik / xkcd-Bucket
Forked from zigdon/xkcd-BucketBucket is the channel bot for #xkcd
A paste webservice. Pastebot may have invented the pastebin. As of the time of this writing, Wikipedia’s Pastebin article cites Pastebot as the earliest recorded pastebin.
(perl) A POE::Component::IRC plugin that finds URIs in channel traffic.
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Karma - plugin to store karma
hinrik / app-quotecc
Forked from avar/app-quoteccCompile a quotes file (currently YAML or Fortune) to a standalone C program