title | description | services | author | ms.service | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.author |
Protect web apps with Azure Application Gateway - PowerShell |
This article provides guidance on how to configure web apps as back end hosts on an existing or new application gateway. |
application-gateway |
vhorne |
application-gateway |
article |
10/16/2018 |
victorh |
Application gateway allows you to have an Azure Web App or other multi-tenant service as a back-end pool member. In this article, you learn to configure an Azure web app with Application Gateway. The first example shows you how to configure an existing application gateway to use a web app as a back-end pool member. The second example shows you how to create a new application gateway with a web app as a back-end pool member.
The following example adds a web app as a back-end pool member to an existing application gateway. Both the switch -PickHostNamefromBackendHttpSettings
on the Probe configuration and -PickHostNameFromBackendAddress
on the back-end http settings must be provided in order for web apps to work.
# FQDN of the web app
$webappFQDN = "<enter your webapp FQDN i.e mywebsite.azurewebsites.net>"
# Retrieve the resource group
$rg = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name 'your resource group name'
# Retrieve an existing application gateway
$gw = Get-AzureRmApplicationGateway -Name 'your application gateway name' -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName
# Define the status codes to match for the probe
$match=New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayProbeHealthResponseMatch -StatusCode 200-399
# Add a new probe to the application gateway
Add-AzureRmApplicationGatewayProbeConfig -name webappprobe2 -ApplicationGateway $gw -Protocol Http -Path / -Interval 30 -Timeout 120 -UnhealthyThreshold 3 -PickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings -Match $match
# Retrieve the newly added probe
$probe = Get-AzureRmApplicationGatewayProbeConfig -name webappprobe2 -ApplicationGateway $gw
# Configure an existing backend http settings
Set-AzureRmApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettings -Name appGatewayBackendHttpSettings -ApplicationGateway $gw -PickHostNameFromBackendAddress -Port 80 -Protocol http -CookieBasedAffinity Disabled -RequestTimeout 30 -Probe $probe
# Add the web app to the backend pool
Set-AzureRmApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool -Name appGatewayBackendPool -ApplicationGateway $gw -BackendFqdns $webappFQDN
# Update the application gateway
Set-AzureRmApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $gw
This scenario deploys a web app with the asp.net getting started website and an application gateway.
# Defines a variable for a dotnet get started web app repository location
# Unique web app name
# Creates a resource group
$rg = New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name ContosoRG -Location Eastus
# Create an App Service plan in Free tier.
New-AzureRmAppServicePlan -Name $webappname -Location EastUs -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Tier Free
# Creates a web app
$webapp = New-AzureRmWebApp -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Name $webappname -Location EastUs -AppServicePlan $webappname
# Configure GitHub deployment from your GitHub repo and deploy once to web app.
$PropertiesObject = @{
repoUrl = "$gitrepo";
branch = "master";
isManualIntegration = "true";
Set-AzureRmResource -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols -ResourceName $webappname/web -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -Force
# Creates a subnet for the application gateway
$subnet = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name subnet01 -AddressPrefix
# Creates a vnet for the application gateway
$vnet = New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name appgwvnet -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Location EastUs -AddressPrefix -Subnet $subnet
# Retrieve the subnet object for use later
# Create a public IP address
$publicip = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -name publicIP01 -location EastUs -AllocationMethod Dynamic
# Create a new IP configuration
$gipconfig = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration -Name gatewayIP01 -Subnet $subnet
# Create a backend pool with the hostname of the web app
$pool = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool -Name appGatewayBackendPool -BackendFqdns $webapp.HostNames
# Define the status codes to match for the probe
$match = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayProbeHealthResponseMatch -StatusCode 200-399
# Create a probe with the PickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings switch for web apps
$probeconfig = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayProbeConfig -name webappprobe -Protocol Http -Path / -Interval 30 -Timeout 120 -UnhealthyThreshold 3 -PickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings -Match $match
# Define the backend http settings
$poolSetting = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettings -Name appGatewayBackendHttpSettings -Port 80 -Protocol Http -CookieBasedAffinity Disabled -RequestTimeout 120 -PickHostNameFromBackendAddress -Probe $probeconfig
# Create a new front-end port
$fp = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayFrontendPort -Name frontendport01 -Port 80
# Create a new front end IP configuration
$fipconfig = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayFrontendIPConfig -Name fipconfig01 -PublicIPAddress $publicip
# Create a new listener using the front-end ip configuration and port created earlier
$listener = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayHttpListener -Name listener01 -Protocol Http -FrontendIPConfiguration $fipconfig -FrontendPort $fp
# Create a new rule
$rule = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRule -Name rule01 -RuleType Basic -BackendHttpSettings $poolSetting -HttpListener $listener -BackendAddressPool $pool
# Define the application gateway SKU to use
$sku = New-AzureRmApplicationGatewaySku -Name Standard_Small -Tier Standard -Capacity 2
# Create the application gateway
$appgw = New-AzureRmApplicationGateway -Name ContosoAppGateway -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Location EastUs -BackendAddressPools $pool -BackendHttpSettingsCollection $poolSetting -Probes $probeconfig -FrontendIpConfigurations $fipconfig -GatewayIpConfigurations $gipconfig -FrontendPorts $fp -HttpListeners $listener -RequestRoutingRules $rule -Sku $sku
Once the gateway is created, the next step is to configure the front end for communication. When using a public IP, application gateway requires a dynamically assigned DNS name, which is not friendly. To ensure end users can hit the application gateway, a CNAME record can be used to point to the public endpoint of the application gateway. To create the alias, retrieve the details of the application gateway and its associated IP/DNS name using the PublicIPAddress element attached to the application gateway. This can be done with Azure DNS or other DNS providers, by creating a CNAME record that points to the public IP address. The use of A-records is not recommended since the VIP may change on restart of application gateway.
Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName ContosoRG -Name publicIP01
Name : publicIP01
ResourceGroupName : ContosoRG
Location : eastus
Id : /subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/ContosoRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/publicIP01
Etag : W/"00000d5b-54ed-4907-bae8-99bd5766d0e5"
ResourceGuid : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags :
PublicIpAllocationMethod : Dynamic
IpAddress : xx.xx.xxx.xx
PublicIpAddressVersion : IPv4
IdleTimeoutInMinutes : 4
IpConfiguration : {
"Id": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/ContosoRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/ContosoAppGateway/frontendIP
DnsSettings : {
"Fqdn": "00000000-0000-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.cloudapp.net"
The web apps deployed in these examples use public IP addresses that can be accessed directly from the Internet. This helps with troubleshooting when you are learning about a new feature and trying new things. But if you intend to deploy a feature into production, you'll want to add more restrictions.
One way you can restrict access to your web apps is to use Azure App Service static IP restrictions. For example, you can restrict the web app so that it only receives traffic from the application gateway. Use the app service IP restriction feature to list the application gateway VIP as the only address with access.
Learn how to configure redirection by visiting: Configure redirection on Application Gateway with PowerShell.