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How to configure Azure Cache for Redis | Microsoft Docs
Understand the default Redis configuration for Azure Cache for Redis and learn how to configure your Azure Cache for Redis instances

How to configure Azure Cache for Redis

This topic describes the configurations available for your Azure Cache for Redis instances. This topic also covers the default Redis server configuration for Azure Cache for Redis instances.


For more information on configuring and using premium cache features, see How to configure persistence, How to configure clustering, and How to configure Virtual Network support.

Configure Azure Cache for Redis settings

[!INCLUDE redis-cache-create]

Azure Cache for Redis settings are viewed and configured on the Azure Cache for Redis blade using the Resource Menu.

Azure Cache for Redis Settings

You can view and configure the following settings using the Resource Menu.


Overview provides you with basic information about your cache, such as name, ports, pricing tier, and selected cache metrics.

Activity log

Click Activity log to view actions performed on your cache. You can also use filtering to expand this view to include other resources. For more information on working with audit logs, see Audit operations with Resource Manager. For more information on monitoring Azure Cache for Redis events, see Operations and alerts.

Access control (IAM)

The Access control (IAM) section provides support for role-based access control (RBAC) in the Azure portal. This configuration helps organizations meet their access management requirements simply and precisely. For more information, see Role-based access control in the Azure portal.


The Tags section helps you organize your resources. For more information, see Using tags to organize your Azure resources.

Diagnose and solve problems

Click Diagnose and solve problems to be provided with common issues and strategies for resolving them.


The Settings section allows you to access and configure the following settings for your cache.

Access keys

Click Access keys to view or regenerate the access keys for your cache. These keys are used by the clients connecting to your cache.

Azure Cache for Redis Access Keys

Advanced settings

The following settings are configured on the Advanced settings blade.

Access Ports

By default, non-SSL access is disabled for new caches. To enable the non-SSL port, click No for Allow access only via SSL on the Advanced settings blade and then click Save.


SSL access to Azure Cache for Redis supports TLS 1.0 by default. The minimum supported TLS version can be raised up to TLS 1.2 if desired by using the Minimum TLS version dropdown on the Advanced settings blade and then click Save.

Azure Cache for Redis Access Ports

Memory policies

The Maxmemory policy, maxmemory-reserved, and maxfragmentationmemory-reserved settings on the Advanced settings blade configure the memory policies for the cache.

Azure Cache for Redis Maxmemory Policy

Maxmemory policy configures the eviction policy for the cache and allows you to choose from the following eviction policies:

  • volatile-lru - This is the default eviction policy.
  • allkeys-lru
  • volatile-random
  • allkeys-random
  • volatile-ttl
  • noeviction

For more information about maxmemory policies, see Eviction policies.

The maxmemory-reserved setting configures the amount of memory, in MB, that is reserved for non-cache operations, such as replication during failover. Setting this value allows you to have a more consistent Redis server experience when your load varies. This value should be set higher for workloads that are write heavy. When memory is reserved for such operations, it is unavailable for storage of cached data.

The maxfragmentationmemory-reserved setting configures the amount of memory in MB that is reserved to accommodate for memory fragmentation. Setting this value allows you to have a more consistent Redis server experience when the cache is full or close to full and the fragmentation ratio is high. When memory is reserved for such operations, it is unavailable for storage of cached data.

One thing to consider when choosing a new memory reservation value (maxmemory-reserved or maxfragmentationmemory-reserved) is how this change might affect a cache that is already running with large amounts of data in it. For instance, if you have a 53 GB cache with 49 GB of data, then change the reservation value to 8 GB, this change will drop the max available memory for the system down to 45 GB. If either your current used_memory or your used_memory_rss values are higher than the new limit of 45 GB, then the system will have to evict data until both used_memory and used_memory_rss are below 45 GB. Eviction can increase server load and memory fragmentation. For more information on cache metrics such as used_memory and used_memory_rss, see Available metrics and reporting intervals.


The maxmemory-reserved and maxfragmentationmemory-reserved settings are only available for Standard and Premium caches.

Keyspace notifications (advanced settings)

Redis keyspace notifications are configured on the Advanced settings blade. Keyspace notifications allow clients to receive notifications when certain events occur.

Azure Cache for Redis Advanced Settings


Keyspace notifications and the notify-keyspace-events setting are only available for Standard and Premium caches.

For more information, see Redis Keyspace Notifications. For sample code, see the KeySpaceNotifications.cs file in the Hello world sample.

Azure Cache for Redis Advisor

The Azure Cache for Redis Advisor blade displays recommendations for your cache. During normal operations, no recommendations are displayed.


If any conditions occur during the operations of your cache such as high memory usage, network bandwidth, or server load, an alert is displayed on the Azure Cache for Redis blade.


Further information can be found on the Recommendations blade.


You can monitor these metrics on the Monitoring charts and Usage charts sections of the Azure Cache for Redis blade.

Each pricing tier has different limits for client connections, memory, and bandwidth. If your cache approaches maximum capacity for these metrics over a sustained period of time, a recommendation is created. For more information about the metrics and limits reviewed by the Recommendations tool, see the following table:

Azure Cache for Redis metric More information
Network bandwidth usage Cache performance - available bandwidth
Connected clients Default Redis server configuration - maxclients
Server load Usage charts - Redis Server Load
Memory usage Cache performance - size

To upgrade your cache, click Upgrade now to change the pricing tier and scale your cache. For more information on choosing a pricing tier, see What Azure Cache for Redis offering and size should I use?


Click Scale to view or change the pricing tier for your cache. For more information on scaling, see How to Scale Azure Cache for Redis.

Azure Cache for Redis pricing tier

Redis Cluster Size

Click (PREVIEW) Redis Cluster Size to change the cluster size for a running premium cache with clustering enabled.


Note that while the Azure Cache for Redis Premium tier has been released to General Availability, the Redis Cluster Size feature is currently in preview.

Redis cluster size

To change the cluster size, use the slider or type a number between 1 and 10 in the Shard count text box and click OK to save.


Redis clustering is only available for Premium caches. For more information, see How to configure clustering for a Premium Azure Cache for Redis.

Redis data persistence

Click Redis data persistence to enable, disable, or configure data persistence for your premium cache. Azure Cache for Redis offers Redis persistence using either RDB persistence or AOF persistence.

For more information, see How to configure persistence for a Premium Azure Cache for Redis.


Redis data persistence is only available for Premium caches.

Schedule updates

The Schedule updates blade allows you to designate a maintenance window for Redis server updates for your cache.


The maintenance window applies only to Redis server updates, and not to any Azure updates or updates to the operating system of the VMs that host the cache.

Schedule updates

To specify a maintenance window, check the desired days and specify the maintenance window start hour for each day, and click OK. The maintenance window time is in UTC.


The Schedule updates functionality is only available for Premium tier caches. For more information and instructions, see Azure Cache for Redis administration - Schedule updates.


The Geo-replication blade provides a mechanism for linking two Premium tier Azure Cache for Redis instances. One cache is designated as the primary linked cache, and the other as the secondary linked cache. The secondary linked cache becomes read-only, and data written to the primary cache is replicated to the secondary linked cache. This functionality can be used to replicate a cache across Azure regions.


Geo-replication is only available for Premium tier caches. For more information and instructions, see How to configure Geo-replication for Azure Cache for Redis.

Virtual Network

The Virtual Network section allows you to configure the virtual network settings for your cache. For information on creating a premium cache with VNET support and updating its settings, see How to configure Virtual Network Support for a Premium Azure Cache for Redis.


Virtual network settings are only available for premium caches that were configured with VNET support during cache creation.


Firewall rules configuration is available for all Azure Cache for Redis tiers.

Click Firewall to view and configure firewall rules for cache.


You can specify firewall rules with a start and end IP address range. When firewall rules are configured, only client connections from the specified IP address ranges can connect to the cache. When a firewall rule is saved, there is a short delay before the rule is effective. This delay is typically less than one minute.


Connections from Azure Cache for Redis monitoring systems are always permitted, even if firewall rules are configured.


Click Properties to view information about your cache, including the cache endpoint and ports.

Azure Cache for Redis Properties


The Locks section allows you to lock a subscription, resource group, or resource to prevent other users in your organization from accidentally deleting or modifying critical resources. For more information, see Lock resources with Azure Resource Manager.

Automation script

Click Automation script to build and export a template of your deployed resources for future deployments. For more information about working with templates, see Deploy resources with Azure Resource Manager templates.

Administration settings

The settings in the Administration section allow you to perform the following administrative tasks for your cache.



Import/Export is an Azure Cache for Redis data management operation, which allows you to import and export data in the cache by importing and exporting an Azure Cache for Redis Database (RDB) snapshot from a premium cache to a page blob in an Azure Storage Account. Import/Export enables you to migrate between different Azure Cache for Redis instances or populate the cache with data before use.

Import can be used to bring Redis compatible RDB files from any Redis server running in any cloud or environment, including Redis running on Linux, Windows, or any cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services and others. Importing data is an easy way to create a cache with pre-populated data. During the import process, Azure Cache for Redis loads the RDB files from Azure storage into memory, and then inserts the keys into the cache.

Export allows you to export the data stored in Azure Cache for Redis to Redis compatible RDB files. You can use this feature to move data from one Azure Cache for Redis instance to another or to another Redis server. During the export process, a temporary file is created on the VM that hosts the Azure Cache for Redis server instance, and the file is uploaded to the designated storage account. When the export operation completes with either a status of success or failure, the temporary file is deleted.


Import/Export is only available for Premium tier caches. For more information and instructions, see Import and Export data in Azure Cache for Redis.


The Reboot blade allows you to reboot the nodes of your cache. This reboot capability enables you to test your application for resiliency if there is a failure of a cache node.


If you have a premium cache with clustering enabled, you can select which shards of the cache to reboot.


To reboot one or more nodes of your cache, select the desired nodes and click Reboot. If you have a premium cache with clustering enabled, select the shard(s) to reboot and then click Reboot. After a few minutes, the selected node(s) reboot, and are back online a few minutes later.


Reboot is now available for all pricing tiers. For more information and instructions, see Azure Cache for Redis administration - Reboot.


The Monitoring section allows you to configure diagnostics and monitoring for your Azure Cache for Redis. For more information on Azure Cache for Redis monitoring and diagnostics, see How to monitor Azure Cache for Redis.


Redis metrics

Click Redis metrics to view metrics for your cache.

Alert rules

Click Alert rules to configure alerts based on Azure Cache for Redis metrics. For more information, see Alerts.


By default, cache metrics in Azure Monitor are stored for 30 days and then deleted. To persist your cache metrics for longer than 30 days, click Diagnostics to configure the storage account used to store cache diagnostics.


In addition to archiving your cache metrics to storage, you can also stream them to an Event hub or send them to Log Analytics.

Support & troubleshooting settings

The settings in the Support + troubleshooting section provide you with options for resolving issues with your cache.

Support + troubleshooting

Resource health

Resource health watches your resource and tells you if it's running as expected. For more information about the Azure Resource health service, see Azure Resource health overview.


Resource health is currently unable to report on the health of Azure Cache for Redis instances hosted in a virtual network. For more information, see Do all cache features work when hosting a cache in a VNET?

New support request

Click New support request to open a support request for your cache.

Default Redis server configuration

New Azure Cache for Redis instances are configured with the following default Redis configuration values:


The settings in this section cannot be changed using the StackExchange.Redis.IServer.ConfigSet method. If this method is called with one of the commands in this section, an exception similar to the following example is thrown:

StackExchange.Redis.RedisServerException: ERR unknown command 'CONFIG'

Any values that are configurable, such as max-memory-policy, are configurable through the Azure portal or command-line management tools such as Azure CLI or PowerShell.

Setting Default value Description
databases 16 The default number of databases is 16 but you can configure a different number based on the pricing tier.1 The default database is DB 0, you can select a different one on a per-connection basis using connection.GetDatabase(dbid) where dbid is a number between 0 and databases - 1.
maxclients Depends on the pricing tier2 This value is the maximum number of connected clients allowed at the same time. Once the limit is reached Redis closes all the new connections, returning a 'max number of clients reached' error.
maxmemory-policy volatile-lru Maxmemory policy is the setting for how Redis selects what to remove when maxmemory (the size of the cache offering you selected when you created the cache) is reached. With Azure Cache for Redis the default setting is volatile-lru, which removes the keys with an expiration set using an LRU algorithm. This setting can be configured in the Azure portal. For more information, see Memory policies.
maxmemory-samples 3 To save memory, LRU and minimal TTL algorithms are approximated algorithms instead of precise algorithms. By default Redis checks three keys and picks the one that was used less recently.
lua-time-limit 5,000 Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds. If the maximum execution time is reached, Redis logs that a script is still in execution after the maximum allowed time, and starts to reply to queries with an error.
lua-event-limit 500 Max size of script event queue.
client-output-buffer-limit normalclient-output-buffer-limit pubsub 0 0 032mb 8mb 60 The client output buffer limits can be used to force disconnection of clients that are not reading data from the server fast enough for some reason (a common reason is that a Pub/Sub client can't consume messages as fast as the publisher can produce them). For more information, see

1The limit for databases is different for each Azure Cache for Redis pricing tier and can be set at cache creation. If no databases setting is specified during cache creation, the default is 16.

  • Basic and Standard caches
    • C0 (250 MB) cache - up to 16 databases
    • C1 (1 GB) cache - up to 16 databases
    • C2 (2.5 GB) cache - up to 16 databases
    • C3 (6 GB) cache - up to 16 databases
    • C4 (13 GB) cache - up to 32 databases
    • C5 (26 GB) cache - up to 48 databases
    • C6 (53 GB) cache - up to 64 databases
  • Premium caches
    • P1 (6 GB - 60 GB) - up to 16 databases
    • P2 (13 GB - 130 GB) - up to 32 databases
    • P3 (26 GB - 260 GB) - up to 48 databases
    • P4 (53 GB - 530 GB) - up to 64 databases
    • All premium caches with Redis cluster enabled - Redis cluster only supports use of database 0 so the databases limit for any premium cache with Redis cluster enabled is effectively 1 and the Select command is not allowed. For more information, see Do I need to make any changes to my client application to use clustering?

For more information about databases, see What are Redis databases?


The databases setting can be configured only during cache creation and only using PowerShell, CLI, or other management clients. For an example of configuring databases during cache creation using PowerShell, see New-AzureRmRedisCache.

2maxclients is different for each Azure Cache for Redis pricing tier.

  • Basic and Standard caches
    • C0 (250 MB) cache - up to 256 connections
    • C1 (1 GB) cache - up to 1,000 connections
    • C2 (2.5 GB) cache - up to 2,000 connections
    • C3 (6 GB) cache - up to 5,000 connections
    • C4 (13 GB) cache - up to 10,000 connections
    • C5 (26 GB) cache - up to 15,000 connections
    • C6 (53 GB) cache - up to 20,000 connections
  • Premium caches
    • P1 (6 GB - 60 GB) - up to 7,500 connections
    • P2 (13 GB - 130 GB) - up to 15,000 connections
    • P3 (26 GB - 260 GB) - up to 30,000 connections
    • P4 (53 GB - 530 GB) - up to 40,000 connections


While each size of cache allows up to a certain number of connections, each connection to Redis has overhead associated with it. An example of such overhead would be CPU and memory usage as a result of TLS/SSL encryption. The maximum connection limit for a given cache size assumes a lightly loaded cache. If load from connection overhead plus load from client operations exceeds capacity for the system, the cache can experience capacity issues even if you have not exceeded the connection limit for the current cache size.

Redis commands not supported in Azure Cache for Redis


Because configuration and management of Azure Cache for Redis instances is managed by Microsoft, the following commands are disabled. If you try to invoke them, you receive an error message similar to "(error) ERR unknown command".

  • SAVE
  • CLUSTER - Cluster write commands are disabled, but read-only Cluster commands are permitted.

For more information about Redis commands, see

Redis console

You can securely issue commands to your Azure Cache for Redis instances using the Redis Console, which is available in the Azure portal for all cache tiers.


  • The Redis Console does not work with VNET. When your cache is part of a VNET, only clients in the VNET can access the cache. Because Redis Console runs in your local browser, which is outside the VNET, it can't connect to your cache.
  • Not all Redis commands are supported in Azure Cache for Redis. For a list of Redis commands that are disabled for Azure Cache for Redis, see the previous Redis commands not supported in Azure Cache for Redis section. For more information about Redis commands, see

To access the Redis Console, click Console from the Azure Cache for Redis blade.

Redis console

To issue commands against your cache instance, type the desired command into the console.

Redis console

Using the Redis Console with a premium clustered cache

When using the Redis Console with a premium clustered cache, you can issue commands to a single shard of the cache. To issue a command to a specific shard, first connect to the desired shard by clicking it on the shard picker.

Redis console

If you attempt to access a key that is stored in a different shard than the connected shard, you receive an error message similar to the following message:

shard1>get myKey
(error) MOVED 866 (shard 0)

In the previous example, shard 1 is the selected shard, but myKey is located in shard 0, as indicated by the (shard 0) portion of the error message. In this example, to access myKey, select shard 0 using the shard picker, and then issue the desired command.

Move your cache to a new subscription

You can move your cache to a new subscription by clicking Move.

Move Azure Cache for Redis

For information on moving resources from one resource group to another, and from one subscription to another, see Move resources to new resource group or subscription.

Next steps