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Quickstart: Run a Spark job on Azure Databricks using Azure portal |
The quickstart shows how to use the Azure portal to create an Azure Databricks workspace, an Apache Spark cluster, and run a Spark job. |
azure-databricks |
azure-databricks |
mamccrea |
mamccrea |
jasonh |
big-data |
quickstart |
07/23/2018 |
mvc |
This quickstart shows how to create an Azure Databricks workspace and an Apache Spark cluster within that workspace. Finally, you learn how to run a Spark job on the Databricks cluster. For more information on Azure Databricks, see What is Azure Databricks?
In this quickstart, as part of the Spark job, you analyze a radio channel subscription data to gain insights into free/paid usage based on demographics.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Log in to the Azure portal.
In this section, you create an Azure Databricks workspace using the Azure portal.
In the Azure portal, select Create a resource > Data + Analytics > Azure Databricks.
Under Azure Databricks Service, provide the values to create a Databricks workspace.
Provide the following values:
Property Description Workspace name Provide a name for your Databricks workspace Subscription From the drop-down, select your Azure subscription. Resource group Specify whether you want to create a new resource group or use an existing one. A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. For more information, see Azure Resource Group overview. Location Select East US 2. For other available regions, see Azure services available by region. Pricing Tier Choose between Standard or Premium. For more information on these tiers, see Databricks pricing page. Select Pin to dashboard and then click Create.
The workspace creation takes a few minutes. During workspace creation, the portal displays the Submitting deployment for Azure Databricks tile on the right side. You may need to scroll right on your dashboard to see the tile. There is also a progress bar displayed near the top of the screen. You can watch either area for progress.
To use a free account to create the Azure Databricks cluster, before creating the cluster, go to your profile and change your subscription to pay-as-you-go. For more information, see Azure free account.
In the Azure portal, go to the Databricks workspace that you created, and then click Launch Workspace.
You are redirected to the Azure Databricks portal. From the portal, click Cluster.
In the New cluster page, provide the values to create a cluster.
Accept all other default values other than the following:
- Enter a name for the cluster.
- For this article, create a cluster with 4.0 runtime.
- Make sure you select the Terminate after __ minutes of inactivity checkbox. Provide a duration (in minutes) to terminate the cluster, if the cluster is not being used.
Select Create cluster. Once the cluster is running, you can attach notebooks to the cluster and run Spark jobs.
For more information on creating clusters, see Create a Spark cluster in Azure Databricks.
Download a sample JSON data file and save it into Azure blob storage.
Download this sample JSON data file from Github onto your local computer. Right-click and save as to save the raw file locally.
If you don't already have a storage account, create one.
- In the Azure portal, select Create a resource. Select the Storage category, and select Storage Accounts
- Provide a unique name for the storage account.
- Select Account Kind: Blob Storage
- Select a Resource Group name. Use the same resource group you created the Databricks workspace.
For more information, see Create an Azure Blob storage account.
Create a storage Container in the Blob Storage account and upload the sample json file into the container. You can use the Azure portal or the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer to upload the file.
- Open the storage account in the Azure portal.
- Select Blobs.
- Select + Container to create a new empty container.
- Provide a Name for the container, such as
. - Select Private (non anonymous access) access level.
- Once the container is created, select the container name.
- Select the Upload button.
- On the Files page, select the Folder icon to browse and select the sample file
for upload. - Select Upload to upload the file.
Perform the following tasks to create a notebook in Databricks, configure the notebook to read data from an Azure Blob storage account, and then run a Spark SQL job on the data.
In the left pane, click Workspace. From the Workspace drop-down, click Create, and then click Notebook.
In the Create Notebook dialog box, enter a name, select Scala as the language, and select the Spark cluster that you created earlier.
Click Create.
In this step, associate the Azure Storage account with the Databricks Spark cluster. There are two ways to accomplish this association. You can mount the Azure Storage account to the Databricks Filesystem (DBFS), or directly access the Azure Storage account from the application you create.
[!IMPORTANT] This article uses the approach to mount the storage with DBFS. This approach ensures that the mounted storage gets associated with the cluster filesystem itself. Hence, any application accessing the cluster is able to use the associated storage as well. The direct-access approach is limited to the application from where you configure the access.
To use the mounting approach, you must create a Spark cluster with Databricks runtime version 4.0, which is what you chose in this article.
In the following snippet, replace
with the appropriate values for your Azure Storage account. Paste the snippet in an empty cell in the notebook and then press SHIFT + ENTER to run the code cell.-
Mount the storage account with DBFS (recommended). In this snippet, the Azure Storage account path is mounted to
. So, in all future occurrences where you access the Azure Storage account you don't need to give the full path. You can just use/mnt/mypath
.dbutils.fs.mount( source = "wasbs://{YOUR CONTAINER NAME}@{YOUR STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME}.blob.core.windows.net/", mountPoint = "/mnt/mypath", extraConfigs = Map("fs.azure.account.key.{YOUR STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME}.blob.core.windows.net" -> "{YOUR STORAGE ACCOUNT ACCESS KEY}"))
Directly access the storage account
spark.conf.set("fs.azure.account.key.{YOUR STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME}.blob.core.windows.net", "{YOUR STORAGE ACCOUNT ACCESS KEY}")
For instructions on how to retrieve the storage account key, see Manage your storage access keys.
[!NOTE] You can also use Azure Data Lake Store with a Spark cluster on Azure Databricks. For instructions, see Use Data Lake Store with Azure Databricks.
Run a SQL statement to create a temporary table using data from the sample JSON data file, small_radio_json.json. In the following snippet, replace the placeholder values with your container name and storage account name. Paste the snippet in a code cell in the notebook, and then press SHIFT + ENTER. In the snippet,
denotes the location of the sample JSON file that you uploaded to your Azure Storage account.%sql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS radio_sample_data; CREATE TABLE radio_sample_data USING json OPTIONS ( path "/mnt/mypath/small_radio_json.json" )
Once the command successfully completes, you have all the data from the JSON file as a table in Databricks cluster.
language magic command enables you to run a SQL code from the notebook, even if the notebook is of another type. For more information, see Mixing languages in a notebook. -
Let's look at a snapshot of the sample JSON data to better understand the query that you run. Paste the following snippet in the code cell and press SHIFT + ENTER.
%sql SELECT * from radio_sample_data
You see a tabular output like shown in the following screenshot (only some columns are shown):
Among other details, the sample data captures the gender of the audience of a radio channel (column name, gender) and whether their subscription is free or paid (column name, level).
You now create a visual representation of this data to show for each gender, how many users have free accounts and how many are paid subscribers. From the bottom of the tabular output, click the Bar chart icon, and then click Plot Options.
In Customize Plot, drag-and-drop values as shown in the screenshot.
- Set Keys to gender.
- Set Series groupings to level.
- Set Values to level.
- Set Aggregation to COUNT.
Click Apply.
The output shows the visual representation as depicted in the following screenshot:
After you have finished the article, you can terminate the cluster. To do so, from the Azure Databricks workspace, from the left pane, select Clusters. For the cluster you want to terminate, move the cursor over the ellipsis under Actions column, and select the Terminate icon.
If you do not manually terminate the cluster it will automatically stop, provided you selected the Terminate after __ minutes of inactivity checkbox while creating the cluster. In such a case, the cluster automatically stops, if it has been inactive for the specified time.
In this article, you created a Spark cluster in Azure Databricks and ran a Spark job using data in Azure storage. You can also look at Spark data sources to learn how to import data from other data sources into Azure Databricks. Advance to the next article to learn how to perform an ETL operation (extract, transform, and load data) using Azure Databricks.
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Extract, transform, and load data using Azure Databricks