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Work with Azure Functions Core Tools | Microsoft Docs |
Learn how to code and test Azure functions from the command prompt or terminal on your local computer before you run them on Azure Functions. |
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Azure Functions Core Tools lets you develop and test your functions on your local computer from the command prompt or terminal. Your local functions can connect to live Azure services, and you can debug your functions on your local computer using the full Functions runtime. You can even deploy a function app to your Azure subscription.
[!INCLUDE Don't mix development environments]
There are two versions of Azure Functions Core Tools. The version you use depends on your local development environment, choice of language, and level of support required:
Version 1.x: supports version 1.x of the runtime. This version of the tools is only supported on Windows computers and is installed from an npm package. With this version, you can create functions in experimental languages that are not officially supported. For more information, see Supported languages in Azure Functions
Version 2.x: supports version 2.x of the runtime. This version supports Windows, macOS, and Linux. Uses platform-specific package managers or npm for installation.
Unless otherwise noted, the examples in this article are for version 2.x.
Azure Functions Core Tools includes a version of the same runtime that powers Azure Functions runtime that you can run on your local development computer. It also provides commands to create functions, connect to Azure, and deploy function projects.
Version 2.x of the tools uses the Azure Functions runtime 2.x that is built on .NET Core. This version is supported on all platforms .NET Core 2.x supports, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
The following steps use npm to install Core Tools on Windows. You can also use Chocolatey. For more information, see the Core Tools readme.
Install .NET Core 2.1 for Windows.
Install Node.js, which includes npm. For version 2.x of the tools, only Node.js 8.5 and later versions are supported.
Install the Core Tools package:
npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools
The following steps use Homebrew to install the Core Tools on macOS.
Install .NET Core 2.1 for macOS.
Install Homebrew, if it's not already installed.
Install the Core Tools package:
brew tap azure/functions brew install azure-functions-core-tools
The following steps use APT to install Core Tools on your Ubuntu/Debian Linux distribution. For other Linux distributions, see the Core Tools readme.
Install .NET Core 2.1 for Linux.
Register the Microsoft product key as trusted:
curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.gpg sudo mv microsoft.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.gpg
Verify your Ubuntu server is running one of the appropriate versions from the table below. To add the apt source, run:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/microsoft-ubuntu-$(lsb_release -cs)-prod $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dotnetdev.list' sudo apt-get update
Linux distribution Version Ubuntu 18.04 bionic
Ubuntu 17.10 artful
Ubuntu 17.04 zesty
Ubuntu 16.04/Linux Mint 18 xenial
Install the Core Tools package:
sudo apt-get install azure-functions-core-tools
A functions project directory contains the files host.json and local.settings.json, along with subfolders that contain the code for individual functions. This directory is the equivalent of a function app in Azure. To learn more about the Functions folder structure, see the Azure Functions developers guide.
Version 2.x requires you to select a default language for your project when it is initialized, and all functions added use default language templates. In version 1.x, you specify the language each time you create a function.
In the terminal window or from a command prompt, run the following command to create the project and local Git repository:
func init MyFunctionProj
When you provide a project name, a new folder with that name is created and initialized. Otherwise, the current folder is initialized.
In version 2.x, when you run the command you must choose a runtime for your project. If you plan to develop JavaScript functions, choose node:
Select a worker runtime:
Use the up/down arrow keys to choose a language, then press Enter. The output looks like the following example for a JavaScript project:
Select a worker runtime: node
Writing .gitignore
Writing host.json
Writing local.settings.json
Writing C:\myfunctions\myMyFunctionProj\.vscode\extensions.json
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/myfunctions/myMyFunctionProj/.git/
func init
supports the following options, which are version 2.x-only, unless otherwise noted:
Option | Description |
--csx |
Initializes a C# script (.csx) project. You must specify --csx in subsequent commands. |
--docker |
Create a Dockerfile for a container using a base image that is based on the chosen --worker-runtime . Use this option when you plan to publish to a custom Linux container. |
--force |
Initialize the project even when there are existing files in the project. This setting overwrites existing files with the same name. Other files in the project folder aren't affected. |
--no-source-control -n |
Prevents the default creation of a Git repository in version 1.x. In version 2.x, the git repository isn't created by default. |
--source-control |
Controls whether a git repository is created. By default, a repository isn't created. When true , a repository is created. |
--worker-runtime |
Sets the language runtime for the project. Supported values are dotnet , node (JavaScript), java , and python . When not set, you are prompted to choose your runtime during initialization. |
By default, version 2.x of the Core Tools creates function app projects for the .NET runtime as C# class projects (.csproj). These C# projects, which can be used with Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, are compiled during testing and when publishing to Azure. If you instead want to create and work with the same C# script (.csx) files created in version 1.x and in the portal, you must include the --csx
parameter when you create and deploy functions.
In version 2.x of the Azure Functions runtime, you have to explicitly register the binding extensions (binding types) that you use in your function app.
[!INCLUDE Register extensions]
For more information, see Azure Functions triggers and bindings concepts.
The file local.settings.json stores app settings, connection strings, and settings for Azure Functions Core Tools. Settings in the local.settings.json file are only used by Functions tools when running locally. By default, these settings are not migrated automatically when the project is published to Azure. Use the --publish-local-settings
switch when you publish to make sure these settings are added to the function app in Azure. Note that values in ConnectionStrings are never published. The file has the following structure:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "<language worker>",
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "<connection-string>",
"AzureWebJobsDashboard": "<connection-string>",
"MyBindingConnection": "<binding-connection-string>"
"Host": {
"LocalHttpPort": 7071,
"CORS": "*"
"ConnectionStrings": {
"SQLConnectionString": "<sqlclient-connection-string>"
Setting | Description |
IsEncrypted | When set to true, all values are encrypted using a local machine key. Used with func settings commands. Default value is false. |
Values | Collection of application settings and connection strings used when running locally. These values correspond to app settings in your function app in Azure, such as AzureWebJobsStorage and AzureWebJobsDashboard. Many triggers and bindings have a property that refers to a connection string app setting, such as Connection for the Blob storage trigger. For such properties, you need an application setting defined in the Values array. AzureWebJobsStorage is a required app setting for triggers other than HTTP. When you have the Azure storage emulator installed locally, you can set AzureWebJobsStorage to UseDevelopmentStorage=true and Core Tools uses the emulator. This is useful during development, but you should test with an actual storage connection before deployment. |
Host | Settings in this section customize the Functions host process when running locally. |
LocalHttpPort | Sets the default port used when running the local Functions host (func host start and func run ). The --port command-line option takes precedence over this value. |
CORS | Defines the origins allowed for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). Origins are supplied as a comma-separated list with no spaces. The wildcard value (*) is supported, which allows requests from any origin. |
ConnectionStrings | Do not use this collection for the connection strings used by your function bindings. This collection is only used by frameworks that typically get connection strings from the ConnectionStrings section of a configuration file, such as Entity Framework. Connection strings in this object are added to the environment with the provider type of System.Data.SqlClient. Items in this collection are not published to Azure with other app settings. You must explicitly add these values to the Connection strings collection of your function app settings. If you are creating a SqlConnection in your function code, you should store the connection string value in Application settings with your other connections. |
The function app settings values can also be read in your code as environment variables. For more information, see the Environment variables section of these language-specific reference topics:
When no valid storage connection string is set for AzureWebJobsStorage and the emulator isn't being used, the following error message is shown:
Missing value for AzureWebJobsStorage in local.settings.json. This is required for all triggers other than HTTP. You can run 'func azure functionapp fetch-app-settings ' or specify a connection string in local.settings.json.
Even when using the storage emulator for development, you may want to test with an actual storage connection. Assuming you have already created a storage account, you can get a valid storage connection string in one of the following ways:
From the Azure portal. Navigate to your storage account, select Access keys in Settings, then copy one of the Connection string values.
Use Azure Storage Explorer to connect to your Azure account. In the Explorer, expand your subscription, select your storage account, and copy the primary or secondary connection string.
Use Core Tools to download the connection string from Azure with one of the following commands:
- Download all settings from an existing function app:
func azure functionapp fetch-app-settings <FunctionAppName>
- Get the Connection string for a specific storage account:
func azure storage fetch-connection-string <StorageAccountName>
When you are not already signed in to Azure, you are prompted to do so.
To create a function, run the following command:
func new
In version 2.x, when you run func new
you are prompted to choose a template in the default language of your function app, then you are also prompted to choose a name for your function. In version 1.x, you are also prompted to choose the language.
Select a language: Select a template:
Blob trigger
Cosmos DB trigger
Event Grid trigger
HTTP trigger
Queue trigger
Service Bus Queue trigger
Service Bus Topic trigger
Timer trigger
Function code is generated in a subfolder with the provided function name, as you can see in the following queue trigger output:
Select a language: Select a template: Queue trigger
Function name: [QueueTriggerJS] MyQueueTrigger
Writing C:\myfunctions\myMyFunctionProj\MyQueueTrigger\index.js
Writing C:\myfunctions\myMyFunctionProj\MyQueueTrigger\readme.md
Writing C:\myfunctions\myMyFunctionProj\MyQueueTrigger\sample.dat
Writing C:\myfunctions\myMyFunctionProj\MyQueueTrigger\function.json
You can also specify these options in the command using the following arguments:
Argument | Description |
--csx |
(Version 2.x) Generates the same C# script (.csx) templates used in version 1.x and in the portal. |
--language -l |
The template programming language, such as C#, F#, or JavaScript. This option is required in version 1.x. In version 2.x, do not use this option or choose a language that matches the worker runtime. |
--name -n |
The function name. |
--template -t |
Use the func templates list command to see the complete list of available templates for each supported language. |
For example, to create a JavaScript HTTP trigger in a single command, run:
func new --template "Http Trigger" --name MyHttpTrigger
To create a queue-triggered function in a single command, run:
func new --template "Queue Trigger" --name QueueTriggerJS
To run a Functions project, run the Functions host. The host enables triggers for all functions in the project:
func host start
The host
command is only required in version 1.x.
func host start
supports the following options:
Option | Description |
--build |
Build current project before running. Version 2.x and C# projects only. |
--cert |
The path to a .pfx file that contains a private key. Only used with --useHttps . Version 2.x only. |
--cors |
A comma-separated list of CORS origins, with no spaces. |
--debug |
Starts the host with the debug port open so that you can attach to the func.exe process from Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio 2017. Valid values are VSCode and VS . |
--language-worker |
Arguments to configure the language worker. Version 2.x only. |
--nodeDebugPort -n |
The port for the node debugger to use. Default: A value from launch.json or 5858. Version 1.x only. |
--password |
Either the password or a file that contains the password for a .pfx file. Only used with --cert . Version 2.x only. |
--port -p |
The local port to listen on. Default value: 7071. |
--pause-on-error |
Pause for additional input before exiting the process. Used only when launching Core Tools from an integrated development environment (IDE). |
--script-root --prefix |
Used to specify the path to the root of the function app that is to be run or deployed. This is used for compiled projects that generate project files into a subfolder. For example, when you build a C# class library project, the host.json, local.settings.json, and function.json files are generated in a root subfolder with a path like MyProject/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0 . In this case, set the prefix as --script-root MyProject/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0 . This is the root of the function app when running in Azure. |
--timeout -t |
The timeout for the Functions host to start, in seconds. Default: 20 seconds. |
--useHttps |
Bind to https://localhost:{port} rather than to http://localhost:{port} . By default, this option creates a trusted certificate on your computer. |
For a C# class library project (.csproj), you must include the --build
option to generate the library .dll.
When the Functions host starts, it outputs the URL of HTTP-triggered functions:
Found the following functions:
Job host started
Http Function MyHttpTrigger: http://localhost:7071/api/MyHttpTrigger
When running locally, authentication isn't enforced for HTTP endpoints. This means that all local HTTP requests are handled as authLevel = "anonymous"
. For more information, see the HTTP binding article.
To test your functions locally, you start the Functions host and call endpoints on the local server using HTTP requests. The endpoint you call depends on the type of function.
Examples in this topic use the cURL tool to send HTTP requests from the terminal or a command prompt. You can use a tool of your choice to send HTTP requests to the local server. The cURL tool is available by default on Linux-based systems. On Windows, you must first download and install the cURL tool.
For more general information on testing functions, see Strategies for testing your code in Azure Functions.
You call the following endpoint to locally run HTTP and webhook triggered functions:
Make sure to use the same server name and port that the Functions host is listening on. You see this in the output generated when starting the Function host. You can call this URL using any HTTP method supported by the trigger.
The following cURL command triggers the MyHttpTrigger
quickstart function from a GET request with the name parameter passed in the query string.
curl --get http://localhost:7071/api/MyHttpTrigger?name=Azure%20Rocks
The following example is the same function called from a POST request passing name in the request body:
curl --request POST http://localhost:7071/api/MyHttpTrigger --data '{"name":"Azure Rocks"}'
You can make GET requests from a browser passing data in the query string. For all other HTTP methods, you must use cURL, Fiddler, Postman, or a similar HTTP testing tool.
For all kinds of functions other than HTTP triggers and webhooks, you can test your functions locally by calling an administration endpoint. Calling this endpoint with an HTTP POST request on the local server triggers the function. You can optionally pass test data to the execution in the body of the POST request. This functionality is similar to the Test tab in the Azure portal.
You call the following administrator endpoint to trigger non-HTTP functions:
To pass test data to the administrator endpoint of a function, you must supply the data in the body of a POST request message. The message body is required to have the following JSON format:
"input": "<trigger_input>"
The <trigger_input>
value contains data in a format expected by the function. The following cURL example is a POST to a QueueTriggerJS
function. In this case, the input is a string that is equivalent to the message expected to be found in the queue.
curl --request POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{"input":"sample queue data"}' http://localhost:7071/admin/functions/QueueTriggerJS
The func run
command is not supported in version 2.x of the tools. For more information, see the topic How to target Azure Functions runtime versions.
You can also invoke a function directly by using func run <FunctionName>
and provide input data for the function. This command is similar to running a function using the Test tab in the Azure portal.
func run
supports the following options:
Option | Description |
--content -c |
Inline content. |
--debug -d |
Attach a debugger to the host process before running the function. |
--timeout -t |
Time to wait (in seconds) until the local Functions host is ready. |
--file -f |
The file name to use as content. |
--no-interactive |
Does not prompt for input. Useful for automation scenarios. |
For example, to call an HTTP-triggered function and pass content body, run the following command:
func run MyHttpTrigger -c '{\"name\": \"Azure\"}'
[!INCLUDE functions-local-logs-location]
Core Tools supports two types of deployment, deploying function project files directly to your function app and deploying a custom Linux container, which is supported only in version 2.x. You must have already created a function app in your Azure subscription.
In version 2.x, you must have registered your extensions in your project before publishing. Projects that require compilation should be built so that the binaries can be deployed.
The most common deployment method involves using Core Tools to package your function app project, binaries, and dependencies and deploy the package to your function app. You can optionally run your functions directly from the deployment package.
To publish a Functions project to a function app in Azure, use the publish
func azure functionapp publish <FunctionAppName>
This command publishes to an existing function app in Azure. An error occurs when the <FunctionAppName>
doesn't exist in your subscription. To learn how to create a function app from the command prompt or terminal window using the Azure CLI, see Create a Function App for serverless execution.
The publish
command uploads the contents of the Functions project directory. If you delete files locally, the publish
command does not delete them from Azure. You can delete files in Azure by using the Kudu tool in the Azure portal.
When you create a function app in the Azure portal, it uses version 2.x of the Function runtime by default. To make the function app use version 1.x of the runtime, follow the instructions in Run on version 1.x.
You can't change the runtime version for a function app that has existing functions.
The following project publish options apply for both versions, 1.x and 2.x:
Option | Description |
--publish-local-settings -i |
Publish settings in local.settings.json to Azure, prompting to overwrite if the setting already exists. If you are using the storage emulator, you change the app setting to an actual storage connection. |
--overwrite-settings -y |
Suppress the prompt to overwrite app settings when --publish-local-settings -i is used. |
The following project publish options are only supported in version 2.x:
Option | Description |
--publish-settings-only -o |
Only publish settings and skip the content. Default is prompt. |
--list-ignored-files |
Displays a list of files that are ignored during publishing, which is based on the .funcignore file. |
--list-included-files |
Displays a list of files that are published, which is based on the .funcignore file. |
--zip |
Publish in Run-From-Zip package. Requires the app to have AzureWebJobsStorage setting defined. |
--build-native-deps |
Skips generating .wheels folder when publishing python function apps. |
--additional-packages |
List of packages to install when building native dependencies. For example: python3-dev libevent-dev . |
--force |
Ignore pre-publishing verification in certain scenarios. |
--csx |
Publish a C# script (.csx) project. |
--no-build |
Skip building dotnet functions. |
--dotnet-cli-params |
When publishing compiled C# (.csproj) functions, the core tools calls 'dotnet build --output bin/publish'. Any parameters passed to this will be appended to the command line. |
Functions lets you deploy your function project in a custom Linux container. For more information, see Create a function on Linux using a custom image. Version 2.x of Core Tools supports deploying a custom container. Custom containers must have a Dockerfile. Use the --dockerfile option on func init
func deploy
The following custom container deployment options are available:
Option | Description |
--registry |
The name of a Docker Registry the current user signed-in to. |
--platform |
Hosting platform for the function app. Valid options are kubernetes |
--name |
Function app name. |
--max |
Optionally, sets the maximum number of function app instances to deploy to. |
--min |
Optionally, sets the minimum number of function app instances to deploy to. |
--config |
Sets an optional deployment configuration file. |
Azure Functions Core Tools is open source and hosted on GitHub.
To file a bug or feature request, open a GitHub issue.