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Quickstart: Visualize data using the Azure Data Explorer connector for Power BI |
In this quickstart, you learn how to use one of the three options for visualizing data in Power BI: the Power BI connector for Azure Data Explorer. |
data-explorer |
orspod |
v-orspod |
mblythe |
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quickstart |
11/14/2018 |
Azure Data Explorer is a fast and highly scalable data exploration service for log and telemetry data. Power BI is a business analytics solution that lets you visualize your data and share the results across your organization.
Azure Data Explorer provides three options for connecting to data in Power BI: use the built-in connector, import a query from Azure Data Explorer, or use a SQL query. This quickstart shows you how to use the built-in connector to get data and visualize it in a Power BI report.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free Azure account before you begin.
You need the following to complete this quickstart:
An organizational email account that is a member of Azure Active directory, so you can connect to the Azure Data Explorer help cluster.
Power BI Desktop (select DOWNLOAD FREE)
First, you connect to the Azure Data Explorer help cluster, then you bring in a subset of the data from the StormEvents table. [!INCLUDE data-explorer-storm-events]
In Power BI Desktop, on the Home tab, select Get Data then More.
Search for Azure Data Explorer, select Azure Data Explorer (Beta) then Connect.
On the Preview connector screen, select Continue.
On the next screen, fill out the form with the following information.
Setting Value Field description Cluster https://help.kusto.windows.net The URL for the help cluster. For other clusters, the URL is in the form https://<ClusterName>.<Region>.kusto.windows.net. Database Leave blank A database that is hosted on the cluster you're connecting to. We'll select this in a later step. Table name Leave blank One of the tables in the database, or a query like `StormEvents Advanced options Leave blank Options for your queries, such as result set size. Data connectivity mode DirectQuery Determines whether Power BI imports the data or connects directly to the data source. You can use either option with this connector. -
If you don't already have a connection to the help cluster, sign in. Sign in with an organizational account, then select Connect.
On the Navigator screen, expand the Samples database, select StormEvents then Edit.
The table opens in Power Query Editor, where you can edit rows and columns before importing the data.
In the Power Query Editor, select the arrow next to the DamageCrops column then Sort descending.
On the Home tab, select Keep Rows then Keep Top Rows. Enter a value of 1000 to bring in the top 1000 rows of the sorted table.
On the Home tab, select Close & Apply.
[!INCLUDE data-explorer-power-bi-visualize-basic]
If you no longer need the report you created for this quickstart, delete the Power BI Desktop (.pbix) file.
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Quickstart: Visualize data using an imported query in Power BI