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Data Factory Functions and System Variables | Microsoft Docs |
Provides a list of Azure Data Factory functions and system variables |
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This article applies to version 1 of Data Factory. If you are using the current version of the Data Factory service, see System variables in Data Factory.
This article provides information about functions and variables supported by Azure Data Factory.
Variable Name | Description | Object Scope | JSON Scope and Use Cases |
WindowStart | Start of time interval for current activity run window | activity |
WindowEnd | End of time interval for current activity run window | activity | same as WindowStart. |
SliceStart | Start of time interval for data slice being produced | activity dataset |
SliceEnd | End of time interval for current data slice. | activity dataset |
same as SliceStart. |
Currently data factory requires that the schedule specified in the activity exactly matches the schedule specified in availability of the output dataset. Therefore, WindowStart, WindowEnd, and SliceStart and SliceEnd always map to the same time period and a single output slice.
In the following example, year, month, day, and time of SliceStart are extracted into separate variables that are used by folderPath and fileName properties.
"folderPath": "wikidatagateway/wikisampledataout/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}",
"fileName": "{Hour}.csv",
{ "name": "Year", "value": { "type": "DateTime", "date": "SliceStart", "format": "yyyy" } },
{ "name": "Month", "value": { "type": "DateTime", "date": "SliceStart", "format": "MM" } },
{ "name": "Day", "value": { "type": "DateTime", "date": "SliceStart", "format": "dd" } },
{ "name": "Hour", "value": { "type": "DateTime", "date": "SliceStart", "format": "hh" } }
You can use functions in data factory along with system variables for the following purposes:
Specifying data selection queries (see connector articles referenced by the Data Movement Activities article.
The syntax to invoke a data factory function is: $$ for data selection queries and other properties in the activity and datasets.
Specifying input dependencies with data factory functions in activity inputs collection.
$$ is not needed for specifying input dependency expressions.
In the following sample, sqlReaderQuery property in a JSON file is assigned to a value returned by the Text.Format
function. This sample also uses a system variable named WindowStart, which represents the start time of the activity run window.
"Type": "SqlSource",
"sqlReaderQuery": "$$Text.Format('SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE StartTime = \\'{0:yyyyMMdd-HH}\\'', WindowStart)"
See Custom Date and Time Format Strings topic that describes different formatting options you can use (for example: ay vs. yyyy).
The following tables list all the functions in Azure Data Factory:
Category | Function | Parameters | Description |
Time | AddHours(X,Y) | X: DateTime Y: int |
Adds Y hours to the given time X. Example: 9/5/2013 12:00:00 PM + 2 hours = 9/5/2013 2:00:00 PM |
Time | AddMinutes(X,Y) | X: DateTime Y: int |
Adds Y minutes to X. Example: 9/15/2013 12: 00:00 PM + 15 minutes = 9/15/2013 12: 15:00 PM |
Time | StartOfHour(X) | X: Datetime | Gets the starting time for the hour represented by the hour component of X. Example: StartOfHour of 9/15/2013 05: 10:23 PM is 9/15/2013 05: 00:00 PM |
Date | AddDays(X,Y) | X: DateTime Y: int |
Adds Y days to X. Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM + 2 days = 9/17/2013 12:00:00 PM. You can subtract days too by specifying Y as a negative number. Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM - 2 days = 9/13/2013 12:00:00 PM . |
Date | AddMonths(X,Y) | X: DateTime Y: int |
Adds Y months to X.Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM + 1 month = 10/15/2013 12:00:00 PM .You can subtract months too by specifying Y as a negative number. Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM - 1 month = 8/15/2013 12:00:00 PM . |
Date | AddQuarters(X,Y) | X: DateTime Y: int |
Adds Y * 3 months to X. Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM + 1 quarter = 12/15/2013 12:00:00 PM |
Date | AddWeeks(X,Y) | X: DateTime Y: int |
Adds Y * 7 days to X Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM + 1 week = 9/22/2013 12:00:00 PM You can subtract weeks too by specifying Y as a negative number. Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM - 1 week = 9/7/2013 12:00:00 PM . |
Date | AddYears(X,Y) | X: DateTime Y: int |
Adds Y years to X.Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM + 1 year = 9/15/2014 12:00:00 PM You can subtract years too by specifying Y as a negative number. Example: 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM - 1 year = 9/15/2012 12:00:00 PM . |
Date | Day(X) | X: DateTime | Gets the day component of X. Example: Day of 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM is 9 . |
Date | DayOfWeek(X) | X: DateTime | Gets the day of week component of X. Example: DayOfWeek of 9/15/2013 12:00:00 PM is Sunday . |
Date | DayOfYear(X) | X: DateTime | Gets the day in the year represented by the year component of X. Examples: 12/1/2015: day 335 of 2015 12/31/2015: day 365 of 2015 12/31/2016: day 366 of 2016 (Leap Year) |
Date | DaysInMonth(X) | X: DateTime | Gets the days in the month represented by the month component of parameter X. Example: DaysInMonth of 9/15/2013 are 30 since there are 30 days in the September month . |
Date | EndOfDay(X) | X: DateTime | Gets the date-time that represents the end of the day (day component) of X. Example: EndOfDay of 9/15/2013 05:10:23 PM is 9/15/2013 11:59:59 PM . |
Date | EndOfMonth(X) | X: DateTime | Gets the end of the month represented by month component of parameter X. Example: EndOfMonth of 9/15/2013 05:10:23 PM is 9/30/2013 11:59:59 PM (date time that represents the end of September month) |
Date | StartOfDay(X) | X: DateTime | Gets the start of the day represented by the day component of parameter X. Example: StartOfDay of 9/15/2013 05:10:23 PM is 9/15/2013 12:00:00 AM . |
DateTime | From(X) | X: String | Parse string X to a date time. |
DateTime | Ticks(X) | X: DateTime | Gets the ticks property of the parameter X. One tick equals 100 nanoseconds. The value of this property represents the number of ticks that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001. |
Text | Format(X) | X: String variable | Formats the text (use \\' combination to escape ' character). |
When using a function within another function, you do not need to use $$ prefix for the inner function. For example: $$Text.Format('PartitionKey eq \'my_pkey_filter_value\' and RowKey ge \'{0: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}\'', Time.AddHours(SliceStart, -6)). In this example, notice that $$ prefix is not used for the Time.AddHours function.
In the following example, input and output parameters for the Hive activity are determined by using the Text.Format
function and SliceStart system variable.
"name": "HiveActivitySamplePipeline",
"properties": {
"activities": [
"name": "HiveActivitySample",
"type": "HDInsightHive",
"inputs": [
"name": "HiveSampleIn"
"outputs": [
"name": "HiveSampleOut"
"linkedServiceName": "HDInsightLinkedService",
"typeproperties": {
"scriptPath": "adfwalkthrough\\scripts\\samplehive.hql",
"scriptLinkedService": "StorageLinkedService",
"defines": {
"Input": "$$Text.Format('wasb://adfwalkthrough@<storageaccountname>.blob.core.windows.net/samplein/yearno={0:yyyy}/monthno={0:MM}/dayno={0:dd}/', SliceStart)",
"Output": "$$Text.Format('wasb://adfwalkthrough@<storageaccountname>.blob.core.windows.net/sampleout/yearno={0:yyyy}/monthno={0:MM}/dayno={0:dd}/', SliceStart)"
"scheduler": {
"frequency": "Hour",
"interval": 1
In the following example, the DateTime parameter for the Stored Procedure Activity is determined by using the Text. Format function and the SliceStart variable.
"name": "SprocActivitySamplePipeline",
"properties": {
"activities": [
"type": "SqlServerStoredProcedure",
"typeProperties": {
"storedProcedureName": "sp_sample",
"storedProcedureParameters": {
"DateTime": "$$Text.Format('{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}', SliceStart)"
"outputs": [
"name": "sprocsampleout"
"scheduler": {
"frequency": "Hour",
"interval": 1
"name": "SprocActivitySample"
"start": "2016-08-02T00:00:00Z",
"end": "2016-08-02T05:00:00Z",
"isPaused": false
To read data from previous day instead of day represented by the SliceStart, use the AddDays function as shown in the following example:
"name": "SamplePipeline",
"properties": {
"start": "2016-01-01T08:00:00",
"end": "2017-01-01T11:00:00",
"description": "hive activity",
"activities": [
"name": "SampleHiveActivity",
"inputs": [
"name": "MyAzureBlobInput",
"startTime": "Date.AddDays(SliceStart, -1)",
"endTime": "Date.AddDays(SliceEnd, -1)"
"outputs": [
"name": "MyAzureBlobOutput"
"linkedServiceName": "HDInsightLinkedService",
"type": "HDInsightHive",
"typeProperties": {
"scriptPath": "adftutorial\\hivequery.hql",
"scriptLinkedService": "StorageLinkedService",
"defines": {
"Year": "$$Text.Format('{0:yyyy}',WindowsStart)",
"Month": "$$Text.Format('{0:MM}',WindowStart)",
"Day": "$$Text.Format('{0:dd}',WindowStart)"
"scheduler": {
"frequency": "Day",
"interval": 1
"policy": {
"concurrency": 1,
"executionPriorityOrder": "OldestFirst",
"retry": 2,
"timeout": "01:00:00"
See Custom Date and Time Format Strings topic that describes different formatting options you can use (for example: yy vs. yyyy).